Nah, I'm not saying I like running in front of large crowds naked for amusement. I mean all i ever do in SC2 Laddering is go on STREAKS.
I mean my mindset must play a HUGE role in how I play or something. Let me illustrate my sc2 laddering career.
I've gone on all kinds of streaks, I mean I've had winning streaks that lasted for 19 games or so if i played them in the same day. I'd be macroin just like the 'dong. and I dont mean Dong Rae Gu I mean JAEDONG. Altho I'm sure Dong Rae Gu is also pretty good ^_^
Then i'll just lose a game, and the next, and the next. I think my current longest lose streak is like...14 games straight, maybe throw in a win every now and then if I really feel miserable and cheese my opponent, but yeah......my match history is pretty funny to look at. I'd be macroin like Pokju...yeah I said it.
Maybe I just belong at my current MMR range, and once i get out of where I should be it makes sure I stay where it's at.
Anyone else find that they're extremely streaky, non-consistent or consistently streaky??
Yesterday: 11-15 (quite ok after weekend pause) Today: 9-3 ( I'm so proud :D)
I often find myself in streaks but maybe it's only becuase ONLY THEN you notice it. When you have something like win-loss-loss-win-win-win it's "normal" and you don't care.
I don't think you play actually better when you are on a winning streak, but when you lose a lot you become frustrated and lose even more.
A lot has to do with moods. If you are in a good mood, you play a lot better. If you are in even half as bad a mood as i usually am, you lose a lot... which makes your mood worse, so you play even worse and lose more.
So when your mood changes heavily, for example between boring weekdays and fun weekends, you lose a lot on the "bad mood" days, which lowers your MMR and puts you against worse opponents on the "good mood" days where your MMR climbs far above that of the "bad mood" days, so you lose a lot on your bad days again.
And if you are like me and only have bad days... well, you just keep losing :p
Might also be how you respond to games. I know a lot of times, especially when I have other things going on outside the game, a loss can really frustrate me and I'll start playing even worse, lose again, and it snowballs. Conversely, a win can be a "FUCK YEA" moment and boost your confidence
maybe that depends on what you call a streak. i would call 4 wins in a row a streak, but i probably don't play as much as some others.... definitely hard to do 20 games a day for me, what with pvp being at least 6 or 7 of those, i will probably start cursing the rest of the day after the third pvp, so....
I used to find myself in the same scenario.
Usually whenever I lost 2-3 in a row I get in a really bad mood, and just want a few wins.
Sometimes it can be about warmup too, usually I'll do anywhere from 2 to 5 4v4 games before I start laddering, just to get comfortable and into the game.
Winning can play a big role on your mindset. I'd recommend getting 1 or 2 wins in 4v4, then hopping into the 1v1 ladder for the day. If you find yourself on a losing streak, maybe play another 4v4 and get back into the groove.
i think it is because how mmr works in combination with your mindset. When you lose a lot you start hating the game and lose even more. However at a certain point your playing really bad players and start to win easily. Then you start streaking upwards, feelling you are king of the world, and win even more till you hit the ceiling. And then you start losing again...
It's pretty much the same for me..
One day I'll play like 10games, win 8-9of them. Then the day after I'll play like 10 more games, and lose 8-9 of them.
IDK if it's because the first streak increases my MMR so much that after that I'm against lot better opponents, but it kinda freaks me out sometimes...
Like, I wan't to play, but I'll get tired of playing after 10ish games that I keep losing... When I win I'll play for a long period of time, but when I'm in my losing streak, it gets quite irritating...
Why not, whenever you lose a few games just stop playing, and always have winning streaks :D
(may not ideally work like that)
idk you guys.
Sometimes being tired pays off for me. I'm usually pretty jittery and have a lot of useless apm and can't concentrate, so when i'm tired I sometimes just play mechanically and everything clicks and makes sense. BUt it also affects my micro then and abiility to make fast movements and deciisions.
I actually have this exact problem... =/ Huge winning streaks and huge losing streaks. easily 7-9 at a time, lol. Dunno if it's just my MMR shooting up too high or what from the winning streaks... Maybe I just have inconsistent play? I dunno, I notice some of my winning streak games I wonder "how did I win that?" and some of my losign streak games I'm thinking "how do I lose this?!".. I'm high masters so I don't have a huge swing in my level of play, usually.
I'm not even a "tilt" type of person, really, either, lol. I'm generally pretty even keel, too. If I really start to get upset I just quit.
Idk! Someday I'll figure it out and learn how to stop these big dumb losing streaks ;p
Depends on how often you play. the less consistently you play, the more vulnerable you are to streaks.
If you play 5 games a day every day, you'll be far more consistent and improve much faster than someone who plays 35 games but only on one day out of the whole week.
If you play more often you can achieve more consistency. Even tho i think the ladder system might give you a big winning streak after you lose a lot cuz your MMR drops.