Hey guys, just thought I'd vent my spleen about my day.
I woke up to the sound of kalashnikov fire outside my window...it was a bad start to the day...especially because the kalashnikovs were pointed at my house, and my granny and father were both killed. I mean, come on!!! Life is so crap sometimes!!! Anyway, I told myself I should at least be thankful for still being alive, and went about putting my relatives' lifeless corpses into a wheelbarrow to bury them. Then some douchebag comes up and knocks me out with a brick, before he and his friends rape my mother and sister! I thought 'this day can't really get any worse' but I didn't have much time to think, because I was thirsty and hadn't had a drink in 2 days. I took the wheelbarrow full of my relatives to the local water pump and got some water. Yum, that was awesome. The highlight of my day. Unfortunately, I spent the next few hours running to the bushes...the water was a bit iffy. Ah well, at least I didn't die from it like my best friend last week.
So I'm walking to the grave site in the badlands and then my fucking leg gets shot!!! Typical!!!! Must have been a stray bullet or something, but it made the rest of the 7 mile walk pretty fucking difficult. I tell you, sometimes I just think life is terrible, but then I think, well at least I still have (most of) my health. So after 8 hours of digging, and snacking on some rice I found, I was ready to head back home, and that would have been ok except when I returned my entire house was razed to the ground by pro-government thugs. Also my girlfriend was raped, but what do you expect in a country where 70% of women have been raped! Sucks!
But anyway, you guys don't want to hear my story, there are far more important people having far worse experiences in their lives, like not getting into their Uni of choice, being involved in a minor altercation with a police officer or god help them being fucked around by a girl, giving them major depression and making them think that they should take their own life as an only way out of all the sorrow and misery of living in an industrialised first-world country with excellent healthcare and virtually free TVs and an almost non-existant threat of violence and political instability! Surely they are the true heroes fighting the real battles of life.
This story is NOT real. But it is a collection of problems that many people face in developing countries. I am truly, deeply against the concept of 'FML'. As far as I am concerned, nothing in my life will ever really be bad, there are just setbacks, so I have NOTHING to complain about. I get back on my horse and continue the ride to success town. I feel that a lot of people would benefit from such a mentality. FYI I'm also not from Liberia.
Nice try but this "put your shit in perspective" stuff doesn't really work psychologically, and it's not like there's an easy solution to stop these guys from shooting each other anyway.
People would rather get an 80k/yr job when their neighbors all make 70k than a 90k/yr job when their neighbors are all making 100k. We're weird like that, the main comparisons we make are to those around us, not to those getting shot in a poor-ass country.
Don't confuse cause and effect for depression either, some of those biologically predisposed to be depressive are simply triggered by any bad event that comes their way, it's not like girl problems are actually making them depressed, more like a catalyst for other psychological issues.
And yeah some people whine, you think this poorly written blog is gonna stop em?
Shit man, sounds like you had a rough day. I had no idea things were so rough in Liberia. But seriously, it's time to get your life together. You shouldn't be making excuses like "70% of women are raped in my country" to justify your girlfriend/mother/sister's rape. It's your fault. Why weren't you there to protect them? Buy a godamn assault rifle and blow those rapists to hell next time.
Really? Infinitly nightmarish events are described in this blog, and first few replies so far are like "stop whining, by the way why the hell did you get your sister/mother/gf raped for?" . He got effin' knocked out with a brick, and had to bury his relatives. I would probably be annoyed at people complaining about their slight fever too if I lived under those circumstances. I don't believe this blog is about forcing a point of view on others. It's likely just more about venting.
Man, internet is so numb -.-
EDIT: Even if these aren't true events, chances were that they could've been
On February 22 2011 02:54 Penguinox wrote: Really? Infinitly nightmarish events are described in this blog, and first few replies so far are like "stop whining, by the way why the hell did you get your sister/mother/gf raped for?" . He got effin' knocked out with a brick, and had to bury his relatives. I would probably be annoyed at people complaining about their slight fever too if I lived under those circumstances. I don't believe this blog is about forcing a point of view on others. It's likely just more about venting.
Man, internet is so numb -.-
welcome to the internet.
as for the message of this blog .. sure, there are many people whose lives are unimaginably worse than you could ever conceive of. but it's hard to not think in relative terms, because we all] do it. it's just how we're wired. because if we weren't, it would be awfully hard to do anything at all. oh you didn't get into your university of choice, boohoo at least you still have a chance for a good education. oh you got expelled from college, at least you still have your friends and family. oh your best friend died, at least you still have your health. oh you lost your legs, boohoo at least you didn't starve to death as a baby.
I'm hoping a significant part of that was just for dramatic effect. But anyways you cannot show sumone living in a developed society the horrible situations in 3rd world countries They have to witness it for themselves. Else, people living in ivory towers will just say general nonsense about it being "put your shit in perspective" stuff!! If anypart of your story was non-allegorical and not a way to illustrate your point, my DEEPEST condolences and prayers are with you.
This is the mindset I like to have myself. I get a little ticked off when somebody in a well off country with no REAL problems starts telling me how horrible their life is and whine whine whine. All I wanna do is ask them, Hey, did you watch your parents get murdered today? how about you or a loved one raped and then killed while you watched?
This shit really does happen to people, on a daily basis. The next time something doesn't quite go right, and you think everything is so terrible in your life, take a step back, look to the sky and try to remember the little things that make life amazing, and all the wonderful things in your life that so many people could only dream of.
On February 22 2011 04:29 Scorcher2k wrote: Unless you are out fighting for the people who suffer through these things, I don't think you have the right to make such a thread.
Why the fuck not? what's wrong with compassion?
I hope the revolution in Liberia is successful and leads to a better country. If there was anything I could do to help it, I would.