On February 18 2011 17:11 Abductedonut wrote: Also, another big factor is how attached to grow to a girl once you lose your virginity to her. I'm sure you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, but anyone here who lost their virginity consciously ( and not a drunken encounter) knows that once you lose your virginity to a girl you want to have sex with her every hour of the day for like 2 months.
And since she's not going to be around that's going to upset you even more and you'll be thinking even less rationally.
This is good advice. sex is evil and will consume you.
Have you webcammed with her or anything of the like?
If not i recommend you watch Sex Drive
EDIT : So you got some pictures, did it cross your mind that these could be some random bitch off fb?
Or anything of the like, and when you go there you wont find a pantheon of pussy waiting for you.
But instead a lifetime of torture as some fully grown pedofile rams his member into your tight virgin anus making you scream and wish you hadnt went
Are you joking?
I'm with arb. 16 yr old boy who thinks he's going to get his dick wet driving all the way out to Las Vegas for an unknown encounter sounds like a lot of retardation to me. Rape is highly possible. Death is possible. Being sold into prostitution is possible. All for the sake of humping a supposed 16 yr old girl of very questionable hygiene and cleanliness if she's willing to fuck online encounters. A big thumbs down from me.
Let me revise my former statement.
DO call her and/or webcam with her beforehand if you haven't. It's much easier to do these days than say 8 years ago. Also have an escape plan in case things go south (i.e. pedophiles or whatever).
On February 18 2011 18:57 jon arbuckle wrote:Show nested quote +[B]On February 18 2011 17:06 YoureFired wrote:[/
Glad to hear all of the different opinions, because I am definitely not going to be thinking rationally about this for a while. Simply, if she likes you and you her, if she is physically attracted to you and you her, and if she is serious about her intentions with you and you her, then go for it. There are infinitely worse ways to lose your virginity. Many posts in this thread address the "true love" aspect of what you're saying, and if you are one of the few who actually find whatever it is that people call "true love" when they say "true love" at sixteen, you are exceedingly lucky. However, a substantial portion of sixteen-year-olds who have sex do so because they believe they are in love. This is not a contestable point. If the money and time can be spent, go for it. If nothing else, you will learn something about Internet dating now, which will keep you from making rash and irresponsible decisions when you are older. In Italy, for his own good, A wolf must wear a Riding HoodJust replace "Italy" with "Las Vegas." I never said it was "true love" or anything, I'm just frankly saying that there is a good chance I could get to home base with her. If something crops out of that, then sure... for now though, I'm trying to be pragmatic haha
I've left many key details left. We have webcammed numerous times, ive added her on facebook, etc etc. It is 100% not a pedo haha
Here's a story I read a few months ago, it's epic and you will never want to deal with an online relationship again. + Show Spoiler + WARNING LONG STORY
A little back story first. This story takes place in spring of 1998. I was playing UO hot and heavy at the time and was getting ready for my 21st birthday. I had been married for almost 2 years but I was separated from my wife at the time.
I had been talking to a girl in my guild, who was from Florida, for a few months but she was engaged to a guy in Missouri. He had moved up there about 6 months before to get a house set up and a job so he could move her there. What she didn't know was that her husband was actually shacked up with another girl in Missouri and was just stringing her along until he got around to leaving her. And because I knew this I felt it was alright to try and get some action from her cause hell he was getting some on the side so she might as well too.
I listened to all her problems and she would tell me how lonely she was and all that. After a while I got tired of the whole thing with the guy in Missouri was doing so I showed her some of the ICQs he had sent me talking about his new GF and how much he enjoyed not having her around. She went through the roof and called him up and ended their relationship. She became closer to me because of what I had shown her and we set up for me to come to FL to met. A week before I was to come met her she calls me up crying saying that she doesn't have any money and they are about to cut off her power. She asks me if I can loan her S500 until I come down and then she can repay me. I say sure and I wire her the cash. This is a foreshadowing of things to come btw.
My parents were going on a cruise the same week I was going to fly down so we decided to leave on the same day and I would come back on the same day they returned from their trip. (this will be important later) So we all go to the airport and I fly to FT. Lauderdale. I was going to get a rental car but she had said that I wouldn't need one because she could come get me and take me back when I needed to leave. For any of you ever thinking of meeting an internet person take it from me when I say.. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR OWN WAY OF GOING! Again foreshadowing here.
So I get off the plane and get my luggage. I see no one around that looks like her so I go to the front of the airport. An older man, around 55 with greasy hair and old ratty clothes, approaches me and calls out my name. I'm like "Who the fuck is this?" He introduces himself as her step father. Her car is tore up and he had to drive her to the airport but because she didn't want to leave her kids with him he had to come in and get me. I'm like ok that's fine w/e. He grabs my luggage and starts off with it. We go out into the parking lot and he leads me to a early 1960s station wagon, you know the ones I'm talking about! It has wood panel siding and shit brown interiors and it smells like someone just puked all over the floor board? I'm like ok this is not how I pictured things going but hey I'm here so might as well make the most of it.
He sits my stuff in the back of the car as go around and hug her. Yeap still as hot as the pictures she sent me for sure. She's wearing a white and pink trimmed sun dress that shows off everything. I grin from ear to ear as she opens the door for me and waits till I am in d closes the door for me. I am already getting a weird vibe from the 2 of them but dismiss it.. they are just being friendly is all.
As we drive back to her house her stepfather says that they need gas and so he stops in at a gas station. He asks me if I want anything to drink. I say nay and turn around and start talking to her as he pumps gas. When the tank is full he opens the door and says.."Ok it is 35 bucks." then stares at me. I stare back at him and then she leans up and whispers in my ear "Can you pay for it? I can give it back to you when we get home." I look at her but shrug and pull out my money and give him 40 bucks. They both stare at the cash in my hand and I hastily stuff it back into my pocket.
When he comes back out to the car he has a gallon of milk and some bread. I hold out my hand for my change but he just smiles and hands me the milk and bread. I don't say a word I just take the stuff and sit there and stare out the window.
We ride for a good hour into the middle of fucking no where. I haven't seen a store in 20 mins and no houses in the past 10. I'm getting a little nervous when we finally cut onto a dirt road. It's a trailer park. I just sit and watch as the run down destitute homes go by. I have a sick gnawing feeling in my gut but I don't say anything. It is then that I realize that no one actually knows where I am. Only thing my parents know is I went to some where in Ft. Lauderdale. They are on a cruise and even if I wanted to call them I have no idea how to actually get a hold of them.
We pull up in front of this dingy white and tan trailer. The front porch consists of some old lumber that appears to have washed up on a beach and some old plywood that has rotten through in some places. The grass around the place is so high that I can't even tell if it's underpinned or not and there are pieces of broken shit laying every where. The front door opens and this behemoth sized woman looks out and smiles and waves at us.
I turn to the girl and say... "I thought we were going to your place?" She smiles and says.."We are here. I live with my parents now. After Tim (that's the ex's name btw) left I couldn't afford my own place any more so I had to move back in with my mother and her husband." I don't say another word as I get out of the car. I have officially stepped into the twilight zone.
Her mom maneuvers her great bulk across the porch, which groans and shakes, and makes her way down the steps. I am just stunned silent as she approaches me. "Hello there young man. It's so good of you to come and stay with us for a while. I am sure we will make you feel right at home for as long as you are here." And she gives me this ugly smile. I smile weakly and shake her clammy rotund hands and say "Thanks for having me ma'am." She turns around and leads me into the house.
Nothing could have prepared me for this scene. When you walk in the front door you come into the kitchen/living room. There is a hall way to the left and a door to a bedroom to the right. What was once brown shag carpet is a faded distant memory. What has taken it's place is a stained torn mess of holes and what appears to be dried shit in piles every where. The furniture is broken down old stuff that is so dirty you can't really tell the over all color of it. There are dozens of ash trays every where piled full of cigarette butts and ashes. The ceiling is also dirty from the years of smoke that had built up on it. The kitchen sink is over flowing with dishes that look like they haven't been washed in months. There is a crock pot on the counter that has mold growing out of it and down the sides. There appears to be a pile of trash in on corner that has been there so long that it has actually rotted a hole through the floor and fell through and they have just piled the hole full. Cockroaches the size of small rats scurry around and over everything in the kitchen.
As I turn towards the bedroom I can see through the door and see an old cast iron bed that is wired to the wall. Clothes are pile ceiling high on the far wall and on the side closest to the door there is a night stand with ashes and cigarette butts beside it at least 2 ft high. The night stand is covered with what appears to be old food bowls and glasses.
I turn and look down the hall way. I can see 3 doors down the hall way and all three are closed. The walls are all dirty and cob webs are every where. There is no flooring of any kind down the hall way.. just bare gypsum board.
I stand there at least 5 mins just turning my head back and forth before I feel a nudge at my back. I turn around and Jamie(that's the girl's name) is motioning me in. I take a deep breath and walk on into hell. As I walk on in the door the smell hits me like a punch to the stomach. Stale air, cigarette smoke, old food, shit, mold, and what can only be cat piss attack my nose. I almost retch as I walk on in but manage to hold every thing down and not make a sound. Jamie grabs my arm and leads me down the hall. We go all the way to the very last door and she opens it and leads me into her bed room.
A water bed takes up almost all the floor space, a huge dresser takes up what's left. The closest is piled full of clothes and they are strewn all over. On one end of the dresser is a computer.. the keyboard looks like someone dipped it in coke and then kicked it around out side for a couple days. The screen is so sticky with stuff I can't even see what is being displayed on the screen. The mouse appears to have a film at least a quarter of an inch thick all over it. On the other end of the dresser is a nice brand new looking stereo system that doesn't even appear to have dust on it. It is so out of place with the surroundings I can't stop staring at it. The bed it's self appears to be clean as a whistle and is made up very neatly. As I stare I begin to think maybe I died in a plane crash and this is hell and I have been sent here to live for eternity.
See one thing about me is.. I can't stand filth. Sure my house get s little dirty sometimes but I never let it go more than 3 days before i have to start cleaning. I couldn't even guesstimate how many years it had been since this little pig sty had been even straightened up much less cleaned.
"So what do you think? I know it's not much but it's all my mom can afford on her disability check. My step dad fishes a lot but doesn't make much money either." "I'm. speechless." I say cringing as I brush a pile of clothes. "yeah I know it's bad but it'll be ok." She then proceeds to make me forget all about the house and anyone else in it. She starts getting louder and louder and I just know any minute her parents are gonna come busting in but they never come back there. Never in all the times I had sex in that room did they ever come back there.
I should have figured it out then but I didn't. I was thinking with the wrong head.
When we are done I ask to use the bathroom. She tells me it in the next room. I go in there and take a piss. I go to flush and nothing happens. I call her in there and she informs me I must now go out side to the well and draw a bucket of water from the well to flush with. That's right they have no running water either. So out I go and draw the water like I had to do when I was a kid and go back and flush the commode. As I walk through the house her step dad just stares at me and grins while her mother gives me the evil eye. I was so uncomfortable and hurried through both times.
When it was time for supper I was informed that unless I wanted fish they had caught that morning and other stuff they could rustle up I would have to buy them all dinner some place. So I bought us dinner from a KFC on down the road cause there was NO WAY IN HELL I was gonna eat ANYTHING fixed in that shit hole.
As I sat on her bed and waited for her step dad to come back with food I noticed something. I had taken my shoes off when I had sex with her but had left my socks on. They were BLACK. That's right walking from the bed room to the living room and back again in my white socks had turned the bottoms of them black and sticky. I almost retched again as I yanked them off and put my shoes back on. I went in search of my suitcase and found it on the couch. When I went to pick it up a flea jumped on my arm! They also were infested with fleas!
I went back to the bedroom and just laid down and closed my eyes. How in the hell had I gotten myself into this I wondered. All in the pursuit of a piece of ass.
3 days I stayed there and every day was the same I stayed in her room laying on the bed and when she wanted to have sex we did. When i started talking about getting ready to leave she brought her friend over and we had a couple three ways so that I would stay longer. After 2 nights of that I had decided I had had enough. I was dirty, I was tired, and I was covered in flea bits. Not even sex with 2 beautiful women could keep me there any longer. I told Jamie that on my 5th night there and she left the room.
In a few minutes her step dad came back into the room and said i wasn't going any where. I had told them I was going to stay with them for a week and he was gonna see I stayed for that long and maybe even longer. That Jamie and I had made a commitment to each other and he was going to let me just walk away from that. Furthermore I owed him $800 for the 5 nights I had stayed and I couldn't leave till that was paid anyway. He walked out of the room.
I lay on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. Jamie came back in and lay down beside me. As I stared at the ceiling an idea came to me. I would wait till tonight and I would sneak out and get a ride from someone into town and then I would go to the airport and trade me ticket in for an earlier flight and go home. With the money I had in my pocket and put up in a secret place in my suitcase I could easily stay at a hotel in Atlanta and wait for my parents to get back. I decided to have one more go at Jamie before I left.. sorta like a grudge fuck for the hell I had been through.
After we were through she left the room. As I was pulling off the condom I noticed it was leaking... I looked at the pack again and sure enough there was a pin hole through it. I checked the other's in the box and all of them had holes poked through them! These crazy fuckers were trying to trap me! I threw the condom away and pretended nothing was wrong. I bought dinner again that night and said I was tired and went to bed. I lay there until I heard her start snoring. I then opened on of the windows and crept out. I ran out to the road and flagged down a car. They just happened to be going to Ft. Lauderdale and gave me a lift.
I got to the airport and traded my ticket in for an earlier flight. The flight didn't leave for another hour so I decided to go to the bathroom and shower and change clothes and get some food. After I showered I went to take a piss and burning liquid metal flowed out my penis when I pissed. I nearly passed out in the damn stall. When i came back around I dressed and went out to get me something for my now upset stomach. when I reached into my suitcase to get out my secret stash of cash I found it all gone.. I had put back $800 in cash as a just in case fund and now it was all gone. That meant I wouldn't have the cash to stay any where when I got back to ATL.... wtf was I going to do. I had $25 and that was it. I decided not to worry about it and I would try and tough it out until my parents got there 2 days later.
When I flew in I sat in the airport for 26 hours. The pain in my gut and groin was so bad that I was delirious sometimes. I finally called my wife, whom I was separated from remember, and she came and took me home. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. The next day I went to the doctor about the burning sensation I had experienced. Come to find out she had given me a severe kidney infection and I was also dehydrated. I had to stay in the hospital a week on IV antibiotics and saline to get rid of it and recoup from the event.
The week hospital stay cost $10000, and, including plane tickets, money they stole form me, and the $500 I loaned her, the trip cost me over $2000. So $12000 for a piece of ass, a couple threesomes, and a week vacation in the hospital... No it was not worth it.
Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely (not impossible though) that it would work out. Long distance relationships are generally very hard on both partners, and could only work if you have established a very strong base years earlier. Starting and, more importantly, maintaining a long distance relationship is going to be very difficult.
Jacobine.....woah... man... Speechless
my mate is having one with a cheng du girl right now
online relationship for 8 months or so
i think its silly
ya I know, it's legit too, friend of a friend. I met him and he showed me the link on his blog. The crazy thing was he did it again like a year later, not as crazy, but he has the worst luck online dating ever.
I've heard of things that work out when people who first met on the internet eventually meet one day and THEN start a relationship, but I've never heard of it working out when you start that relationship before you've even met IMO it's really dumb not to consider proximity regarding who you want to involve yourself with, but hey, I'm just a random guy on the internet.
In your case, you want to meet her after you've started a relationship on the internet... So you're thinking to yourself 'it is a physical thing!' but I think you're wrong. Cause where are you gonna go? Right back home. You'll have known the real her for maybe 24 hours of your life, and that her is just the person she's been preparing to present to your for this really unique occasion. Then you'll go back home, and intimacy will be delayed for another 6 months or so. That's a really inefficient way to get to know someone.
My experience: I've met people who've done this, been decently good friends with people who've done it, and I'm half-way logical. It's always a disastrous waste of time, even if they don't turn out to be dating 5 other people behind your back (lol what happened to my friend with some guy who was her 'boyfriend' for 2 years).
9070 Posts
I've been there twice already, and its not working for me. You will always hear encouraging words that "its possible" and that someone knows a guy that lives 2000 km apart of his gf and they are together already for 5 years or smth like that, but still the way I see long distance relationships is that they are worth the experience in the sense that you genuinely expand your ability to communicate with the opposite sex.
In the long term thou, the sexual site of the relationship overwhelms the rest, so you basically spend all the time you have together fucking, which is not bad in a way but after that, when being separated thats all you are thinking about/ talking about with your partner.
The whole long distance relationship thing is just an emotional roller coaster - you will feel alive and happy every time you are with her/him and be completely empty when you are not. Eventually it will be a simple test of will, which you simply cannot win because its only natural to want to spend more time together, but you wont be able to .
DO NOT GET E-WHORED. That's all I'm gonna say.
Everyone wants to imagine that people have the best of intentions, but really, people you meet on the internet... there's no way of knowing.
I've read many-o-stories about 16 year old boys ripping off 45 year old men thousands of dollars for plane tickets that never get bought, because the men think they are paying for a beautiful, funny, charming 20something year old woman.
I've done a few online relationships that I personally didn't take seriously, but perhaps the natural troll in me causes me to do that kind of stuff =/
One girl was way more into me than I was into her. She did the annoying overly-reactive depressed life, and it got to a point where I would just kind of talk to her for her sake rather than me getting anything out of it. Once she sent me pictures, but they were of some random myspace person that a friend of mine eventually found on a website.
Another one liked to call me all the time, which was okay-ish, but then she had this weird fetish for phone sex, so I had to end that one when it got too creepy.
It's not worth it, just get with some chick at your school. No matter how much you profess to love this girl, she's sending you pictures of another person and she probably has a boyfriend aside from you. Or she could be a man.
Perhaps she is the real deal, but the chances of that are pretty slim. It isn't worth wasting your time and keeping yourself from real experiences in life with real people.
This quote puts it a lot better than I can:
On February 18 2011 22:16 arb wrote: EDIT : So you got some pictures, did it cross your mind that these could be some random bitch off fb?
Or anything of the like, and when you go there you wont find a pantheon of pussy waiting for you.
But instead a lifetime of torture as some fully grown pedofile rams his member into your tight virgin anus making you scream and wish you hadnt went
Are you joking?
Long distance blows major balls, it's cost me 2 girlfriends in the last 5 years. People stop paying as much attention, attraction drops, they lose interest, and no matter what, webcamming, phone calls, Im's, and emails just aren't the same as a 5 second hug
I could say a lot, having been in a long distance relationship for 8 months out of the year for 2 years, but I'm just going to keep it simple and say DON'T do it.
Calgary25963 Posts
This is a terrible idea, but if you've made this thread you're beyond listening to advice, so good luck.
On February 18 2011 14:54 YoureFired wrote:edit: I mean long distance relationships, sorry for the errors and if mods could change it that would be nice. Recently, this girl and I who met on a Counter Strike server (really random, I know) started talking a bit and suddenly it turned to who we liked. We'd been in touch for a while by this time, so I came up and straight up told her that she was the one who I liked. She returned the feelings. Lately, we've been talking more and more (don't worry, I won't go into detail) and I've been really eager to go out and meet her. I live in San Jose while she lives in Las Vegas, about an 8 hour drive or a $190 plane ticket. If I do go, there is a good chance I could lose my virginity to her. Is it crazy to think I could drive over for a weekend? I'm only 16 and a junior in high school right now, obviously this is different than if I was a crazy college student. I just want to know other people's experiences with things like this. Thanks, Team Liquid  edit: quite a good post to make 500, i suppose.
There are a few ways I can look at this:
1). You travel to Nevada to meet someone you've grown close to online. This isn't a HUGE deal, the biggest roadblock is money and if you're willing to spend it then I hope you have a good time.
2). Meeting someone is one thing, starting a relationship is another. Since you haven't had any face time there isn't a ton to build a relationship off of. Plus, do you really WANT to be with a girl who meets random guys off CS where the possibility of sex is in the picture? I wouldn't.
3). Long distance relationships work when there is 100% commitment from both parties, they have good communication, trust, and are open and honest. It's uncommon to find relationships like that in college, let alone high school. The odds are against you here, but then again, I know this because I've been in a couple long distance relationships (after moving away for college) and they both ended when the relationship became hard.
In the end, do what you want, but be prepared for any number of scenarious and please, BE CAREFUL (this is an internet person, afterall). A lot of my advice centers around my experiences and common experiences of friends. Perhpas this is a learning experience for you?
On the other hand, if this is just a $200 road trip for the possibility sex then you're better off replying to ads off craigslist until you find a real person (who is probably a prostitute anyway).
All I've read from people is that the OP is too young to be considering this, and it's not a long distance relationship, but an online one.
An online relationship with someone is strictly online. Once you meet them, start seeing them, and you've seen them a few times, it turns into a long distance relationship, because it's physical. x_X Online relationship requires no physical interactions.
Either way: I was in a similar situation(I suppose) about a year ago. I met some guy on Counterstrike, and he was all "omg lets text omg" and I honestly just thought he was incredibly irritating. And kinda creepy. But I started talking more, getting to know him, and I decided I wanted to meet him. And I did. Although, I was 19 at the time. So that's a bit older than you. But still, I met him. It was okay. I did really like him, and I did want to see him again. Things got weird though. That's the risk you're taking; You only know this person online, and you need to be sure you know them completely, otherwise you're in for a surprise. After we met, I found out a lot of different things, and actually found out from his best friend, he's a compulsive liar. It all made sense, and I found out so many things I wish I hadn't. But that's what you get when you're taking that risk. Putting your trust into someone and finding out something completely different, right? But I wouldn't take back what happened. It was a learning experience, and I got to go down to California(It was my first time going to the States too!) and make other, really good friends whom I love now. (:
Like Servius_Fulvius, you need 100% commitment from both parties, otherwise it just won't work.
I've made lots of friends on Counterstrike, and I've met a few in Vancouver, gone down to Portland and stayed a week with a few.. They were wall good experiences. One of the guys who I went to see in Portland is one of my best friends now, and I'm planning to go see him again once I have the time. But, I only went and saw these people and met people when I was 100% sure I could trust them.
So! Be careful, do as you please. If this seems like a good idea, no reason not to. Just be sure about who she is and trust her. =D Even if it doesn't work out, it was a learning experience. :3
Edit: I just read that story. WHAT THE FUCK. Seriously!
you are 16 man. Hit some hos close to home. If you want to go there go but don´t think about a relationship you are too dumb/young to be thinking about that. In some years you will know what I mean. Go have fun on a long weekend or something but dont think about long distance god thats really really dumb. Chicks have to come to you man if you start like this being obsessed by a girl thats so fucking far away then things wont go so good for you.
One of the first girls I was ever "in Love" with was a girl that lived 8 hours from where I lived. I talked to her on msn and to my surprise the second time I saw her I ended up kissing her. I was your age 16. I had her phone and I called her once. But as soon as I finished talking over the phone I realized how dumb it was to keep calling her. I thought I had to go my way and she had to go hers she could find someone where she lived and I could find someone closer to home. I cant expect her to be available every time I went there. I went 2 or 3 times a year. So thats what I did I let go. It took me a while and 4 months later she was there I went to see her. It sucked she avoided me and she most probably had a boyfriend. so I said ill leave it to fate. If I go there and I see her again and something will happen then it will happen but I wont force it. The last time I saw her I was in a disco/club and she was happy to see me we looked at each other but didn't talk. So now I have a calm mind and I think its for the best if we never have anything again it was so special then so why try to force things. If its meant to be then fate will decide. Last summer I went on vacations to that place and I made no attempt to find her. I havent heard of her in a while but I dont care now cause it WAS something special. Its gone now and there have been other and more exiting girls around.