Almost a year later and I finally broke into Diamond!
I’m using A for attack.. which has drastically improved my “micro” Control grouping my buildings (never my units though) Using ctrl to grab all like units (most of the time I find it easier to double click though) Using shift que religiously Hitting ctrl+f1 to grab idle workers
But that’s all I’m using the keyboard for… still selecting which buildings to build and which units to produce by clicking the display on the bottom right. And still click the display to use casters’ abilities. Which makes fungals/forcefields and EMP very hard..Injects also suffer quite a bit for it
Getting yelled at a lot by my peers to use more hotkeys.. but the fact I started using “A” for attack is a big deal for me. I’m trying real hard to incorporate “F” for forcefield.. but struggling with it.
I don’t think I can bridge the gap to Masters w/o using more hotkeys.. army management will become a big issue… macro especially for zerg will be a big hurdle with my current inject style. My APM isn’t terrible… I’m around 89 EAPM according to sc2gears. Higher when I play zerg for some reason.. Protoss being the lowest.
Since I was promoted I thought I’d update my blog!
I didn't know about A-move for like 5 years of BW and Wc3.
I found this story really interesting because I'm probably the complete opposite in terms of keyboard use. I loved DOS and resisted Win 95 for as long as possible. I think I only started to use a Mouse in FPS games once Quake came out. But Microsoft pretty much design all their applications to be able to be used entirely without the mouse. So I learned to use hotkeys for just about everything I could. You're probably super accurate with the mouse, right? Best of luck picking those hotkeys up!
So my first post was Feb 11th 2011. I know that’s old and I shouldn’t be upping old posts… but On Apr 11th 2013 I made Master! Woo hoo.
Over 2 full years of playing random on Ladder and I managed to get into Masters with using very few hotkeys. I very rarely cheese on ladder… but the reputation of random players is to cheese so I often get cheesed myself. I’ve become ok at holding cheese… and some of my builds are outside the norm.. for example I open 2 gates before core into expand in PvZ… I do rely a bit on people not knowing the correct reaction to the unique builds I won’t lie.
Whatever the race I tend to play turtle into massive armies.. mostly because harassment taxes my slow play a bit too much and my macro slips.. also I shy away from spell casters for the most part.. Raven/ HT and Siege tanks really are about all the units I use which require more than just ‘A move’
I average 90-120 APM according to SC2gears. Zerg is much higher.. but considering I literally click each unit I want to build..when I build 40 lings that’s 20 clicks right there! lol
I rely HEAVILY on shift que. Without shift que I don’t think I could get out of Gold. My hot keys consist of “A” for attack and “CNTRL F1” in rare circumstances to grab idle workers. In early game if I’m protoss I will occasionally look down at my keyboard and press the F key to use forcefield.. but this is rare.
My control groups are: Terran: 2 = Command centers; 1 = Production based on strat.. i.e. Barracks for Bio, Factories for Mech, Starports for Sky Protoss: 2 = Nexuses; 1 = Warp gates Zerg: 1 = Hatcheries
That’s about it. I use “Q” for push to talk if you wanna make that count lol
Maybe when Legacy of the Void comes out I will make a stronger push to use more hotkeys. Maybe.