Warning: The following program contains coarse language, mild violence, and contains content not suitable for all audiences. Viewer descresion is advised.
Link: http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/57 Corvette
I'm HiiCantPK (AKA 57 corvette). I will be streaming me playing various computer games. The games you are most likely to see are Minecraft, Runescape and Starcraft. You may also see Armadillo Run, N, or others.
Runescape: RSN - Rune Returnz (i had a main, but i retired him and am working on my pure)
Minecraft: Username - Hiicantpk. You will usually find me on the TL minecraft server.
Starcraft: Username - Hiicantpk.345 I am a 1300 pt diamond protoss working through the ladder and custom games.
Kingdom of Loathing: Name - Hiicantpk. A level 32 accordion thief, mostly farming at the PUFA or adventuring in the slime tube.
Need for speed World: PKCRUE
Edited in link.