4784 Posts
If you don't feel like reading my nostalgic rant, theres picz at the bottom!!!11
The community is fucking huge these days, but even when I joined in late 2006 (don't really consider myself a 'veteran' tbh) the quality of discussion was much, much better. Also as fans of a 10 year old game, the people who were around then were generally older than the average poster of today.
Honestly TL is losing much of it's identity in my eyes, and so many amazing people have simply... disappeared . The entire SC2 forum section is unknown to me, and not because I don't like the actual game, but because in its current state and with the current community, SC2 is not what Broodwar was in its later years, and that is a test of one's own humbleness.
As a game, Broodwar became a self reflecting mirror to each person striving for the random C rank, a lesson in humility if you will. It surely required at least a small amount of passion and intelligence/maturity in order to be attracted to such a game, and to keep trying and trying. The tight community and the fact that I could read posts by awesome players each day on TL, the fact that these people seemed so close made all my striving to improve in a video game somehow gain a great and immediate sense of purpose despite the absurdly high skill ceiling. It was like playing tennis for fun with friends, but on the field next to the one you're in Federer comes and trains every now and then. That just makes you feel a thousand times better about your hobby, doesn't it?
BW was surely not just some random time-consumer as SC2 is for a great part of the new posters.
Like most of you, I've played a lot of games and procrastinated for the better part of my conscious life... however BW is just one of those things that you're never done with. Years down the line, I still see myself getting INSTANTLY excited every rare time I meet someone who happens to know the game.
I remember how, as a newbie, I was amazed at the strategy discussions. Nowadays its full of impatient, immature and whiny kids. Sure, the attention to the game/scene and the plethora of sponsors is great, and with a bigger community there is a bigger and more diverse talent pool, but it's just not the same.
So what does the future hold? As I still see some very responsible, hard working and ambitious folks behind the curtains, TL cannot really go to waste in my opinion. This is just a phase, and I think in a few years from now, the community will regain its stability concerning the quality/quantity ratio of posters, and SC2 will slowly crawl it's way in our hearts up next to BW.
It's so strange for me to remind myself to write 'BW' when I mean Starcraft, when I wrote and said 'Starcraft' for the better part of a decade and nobody could have any doubt about what I was talking about.
All hail the mighty Fall. Scientifically proven to be the greatest season of them all. Winter is in a close second spot.
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/293/e/9/up_towards_fall_by_niifantasy-d310q8k.jpg) Make:Canon Model:Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL Shutter Speed:1/400 second Aperture:F/3.2 Focal Length:50 mm ISO Speed:100 Date Taken:Oct 17, 2010, 12:47:45 PM
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/312/6/f/lower_way_by_niifantasy-d3101u1.jpg) Make:Canon Model:Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL Shutter Speed:1/60 second Aperture:F/4.5 Focal Length:80 mm ISO Speed:200 Date Taken:Oct 17, 2010, 12:21:58 PM Software:Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/313/d/c/i__ve_heard_the_songs_again_by_niifantasy-d30ynno.jpg) Full view on this one please! Make:Canon Model:Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL Shutter Speed:1/2 second Aperture:F/7.1 Focal Length:18 mm ISO Speed:100 Date Taken:Oct 17, 2010, 1:54:51 PM
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/286/7/6/unda_veho_by_niifantasy-d30nr6h.jpg) such fearlessness!
4784 Posts
I urge you to open each image in a separate tab, as TL's resizing feature is just retarded (at least it appears so in my browser). This wasn't the case a few months back
EDIT: It think it works properly now.
Such beautiful pictures! ♥ Come take some of me >w<!!
4784 Posts
Drop me a PM if you ever swing by Transylvania
That is incredibly far! No wonder it's so much prettier than where I live. =P
Maybe i'll have to make a stop after my trip to South Korea! Haha.
Post more photos ^__________^
Sorry, skipped the text, but the first, second and third picture are absolutely amazing. Love 'em!
Skipped the text. Fucking loved the photo's.
first... ur pictures are amazing!!!!!! like amazing!! u have flickr or someting? are u pro?
second... totally agree with your words..
4784 Posts
No I don't have flickr, and I'm definitely not a pro lol
the last spoilered pic is amazing
I agree about the SC2 forum being pretty terrible but the last MLG made me really happy and proud to be part of this community, being able to root for "your" team and all.
4784 Posts
On November 09 2010 09:51 7mk wrote: the last spoilered pic is amazing
I agree about the SC2 forum being pretty terrible but the last MLG made me really happy and proud to be part of this community, being able to root for "your" team and all.
That's one of the best parts. At least now there are big events in the US and Europe to some extent, and the GSL is casted in English - all of which makes everything much more accessible.
i just happened to glance at these during the middle of class and i completely lost track of what was going on, just stared at them for a while. these are powerful pictures. I put the 4th one as my desktop background and i have a feeling its going to be there for a very, very long time.
i would sincerely like to thank you for posting these. they are amazing
Beautiful pictures!
<3 the last one
You have improved so much as photographer! These are truly great pictures (and not just a "pretty" scene). Maybe smaller apertures will bring out the best in your lens for landscapes?
minus_human threads: where I have gotten 90% of my backgrounds for the last 3 years.
I think for a new game, people believe they're amazing themselves, and can, or should, be able to beat the top players. It may be true, but in Brood War no one could even make that assumption. You played against the pros, you would get crushed. So instead of everyone banding together to achieve a C rank, everyone in Starcraft 2 is trying to be the next BoxeR. When and if a pro scene appears for Starcraft 2, the ignorance may die down. Or it may just be society and kits today. We can't be sure.
And I just read the blog post. Very thoughtful and heartfelt post. Both your pictures and words really "speaks."
Hong Kong20321 Posts
so pretty :D:D
love your photos as always
the 3rd one seems sooo ssaturated though
4784 Posts
On November 09 2010 11:35 alffla wrote:so pretty :D:D love your photos as always the 3rd one seems sooo ssaturated though  Yeah it is, That's because my monitor or something is fucked up, and somehow I don't see the colours bright enough. So when they look good to me they're oversaturated in for everyone else. I've been trying to get around this since forever, and I don't even know if the monitor is to blame, because if I open the pic in PS I can see it's oversaturated, but when I upload it it seems to lose half of it's colour intensity. I've tried switching browsers, to no avail
It does not look oversaturated on my monitor. Looks spot on to me