Basically, Zenio beat Idra, and for his ceremony he did a swipe with his hand, gesturing "Stop Acting up/Stop being a punk"
There was a few comments that criticized Zenio for being a bit extreme, but they were pretty soon overrun with comments either 1) cheering Zenio, 2) mocking the people who criticized Zenio.
까불지맛 grack
Stop acting up grack
개멋지다 ㅅ.ㅂ 그레기 개매너새.끼 진짜 나도 한번 당했는데 면상 앞에 있었음 이미 날렸다
Zenio is super stylish. That fucking Greggy with manner suited for dogs, that bastard. I've been victimized once and if he was next to me I would have already thrown a punch.
Zenio so cool1!
잘했어요 앞으로도 그레기 혼내줘요 ㅋ_ㅋ
You did well! Please punish Greggy in the future too lol
저번에 스샷보니 욕좀 처먹어야 할놈은 맞음 ㅋㅋㅋ 흥행을 위해 이런것도 나쁘지 않지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I saw a screenshot before, and Idra is definitely a punk who needs to be drowned in some negative comments lol This isn't so bad for promotion though lololololol
잘했음 ㅋㅋㅋ 과하지도 않고 적당히 그렉 열받게 한듯
He did well lol. It wasn't extreme and I think he made Greg angry just appropriately
제니오 잘했어 ㅋㅋ 조금더 수위를 조절했었으면 좋았겠지만.. 이드라는 욕한번 먹어야해...
Good job Zenio lol... it would have been nice if he controlled it a bit more... Idra is someone who definitely who needs to cursed out once...
굳 !!
퍽킹 김치맨 입에 달고사는놈 꺽어서 진짜 통쾌했다. 퍽킹 치즈맨이라고 햇으면 더 좋았을텐데.. 아주 잘했음
I was really satisfied because he beat this bastard who continually spews out "fucking Kimchi man" ... if he said "Fucking Cheeseman" it would have been even better... He did really well though
잘했다~ 그렉이 배넷에서 하는거 생각하면 과한것도 아니지
Good job~ If you think about the things Greg does in it's not extreme at all
플레이도 아주 독창적이었고. 진짜 그렉필즈 비매너로 소문났는데 속이 다 시원하드라
His play was really innovative. And seriously, Greg Fields is known for being BM, so I was really satisfied with this
신난다 그렉 망할놈
This is exciting! Greg, you're going to fail
북미싸이트선 제니오 응원하네요 이드라 더때려패라고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ북미서도 안좋아함 이드라 허세는 제니오 응원해야할판에 ㅉㅉㅉㅉ
North American Sites are cheering for Zenio, saying to hit and beat up Idra more lololol no one likes him in NA too [T/N: Couldn't really translate the rest since it flows weirdly]
내가 북미사는데, 이 리그 애들도 아이드라 하면 존나 입더러운 새끼라고 그렇게 안좋아한다. 전에 누가 아이드라가 영웅이니 뭐니하는거 보고 지나가던 개가 다 웃겠다싶었음. 까여도 싼놈임. 계속 까라
I live in the NA, and people in the NA Leagues don't like Idra either saying that he's a bastard with a dirty mouth. When people were going around like Idra was some sort of hero, even all the dogs in the neighborhoods read it and laughed at him. He deserves everything he gets. I hope people keep BMing him
아이드라는 스1시절부터 비호감이었지 윤용태보고 발전투한다고 하던 놈인데
Idra was seriously worthless even since the SC1 days, he's some retard who claimed that Free couldn't fight with his units
그렉필즈는 당해도 쌈
Because it's Greg Fields, he deserves it.
ㅋㅋ 평소에 어떤식으로 했길래 방송에서 대놓고 복수까지 당함? ㅋㅋ
rofl how the hell is he normally for someone to get revenge on him during broadcast? lol
아.. 제니오 호감이야.. 아이드라 이놈 진짜 제대로된 외국인 아니다.. 외국인도 좋은놈 나쁜놈 있다는거 확실히 깨달았다.
Ah... Zenio... I love you. Idra this bastard is seriously a foreigner that has something wrong with him. I fully realized that there were bad and good foreigners because of him.
그랙 찌끄레기새끼 욕먹어도싸다솔직히 지가한짓을생각하면
Greg this piece of trash bastard, he deserves everything he gets honestly if you think about the shit he's done
인성을 갖춰야 할 인간은 그렉 필즈임~~~~넘의 나라에 와서 활동하면서 머하는 짓인지,,,,,,,ㅉㅉ
The person who needs to start growing is Greg Fields~~~ What the hell is he doing, acting like that in someone else's country tsk tsk tsk
그랙새키 욕먹을 짓만 하고다니다 털리는꼴 보니 시원하네 ㅋㅋ 저놈은 좀털려야됨 개매너새키 ㅋ
I'm quite satisfied after watching that bastard Greg after going around doing shit that would get him called out on finally get what he deserves lol that bastard needs to get roughed up a bit, that dog manner bastard lol
빌어먹을 양키 개/새끼 통쾌하다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이드라 씹/매너 새/끼한텐 이런 세레머니가 제맛 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
That fucking Yankee son of a bitch I'm so happy he got what he deserves lololol This ceremony is best for bastards like Idra with shit manner
grack go home
grack go home (yeah the person wrote in english)