People have been trying to guess who baller is and recently popular theory has been that in fact he is Hot_Bid but it is time for me to reveal my secret information on who the mysterious awesome poster is.
Background information can be found here
In fact baller is a very mysterious fellow it was hard to track down his origins I cannot reveal my sources for their very life on TL would be forefeit so I will cut to the chase. What do we know about baller? His origins are mysterious, he might have been more than one person over the years. His identity is still in question and he's completely awesome so there is really only one conclusion to come to.
Baller is in fact... + Show Spoiler +
I think he is Chill
Hyrule18943 Posts
Some say he's illegal in 17 US states, and that he's afraid of ducks....
Of course of course.. it all makes sense! PLAY MORE POKEMON RAELCUN
Whoa. That explains a lot.
its not hotbid
my guess is brood or fana, maybe kenig
The STIG :D Some say he can swim seven lengths under water and he has webbed buttocks.
Every forum troll is Hot Bid
Because Hot_Bid was so influential in the early era of trolling, it is valid to compare baller to Hot_Bid. However, I think your conclusion might be more accurate.
8748 Posts
On October 14 2010 04:09 floor exercise wrote: Every forum troll is Hot Bid It's true... Every troll has a sliver of Hot_Bid's essence in them.
no no, we are all Hot_Bid. Our name is Hot_Bid.
I must say, I don't understand what the joke here is. =(
I seriously doubt baller is Fanatacist, since the latter has already revealed himself.
I think murderotica = fanatacist.. baller is a different entity.
haha, obviously.
who else could be so cool and so enigmatic.
On October 14 2010 04:17 Cube wrote: no no, we are all Hot_Bid. Our name is Hot_Bid.
i found a cube post
murderotica is definitely not fana, I've met him (murder) in real life I'm also 95% sure of baller's true identity, but I will not risk the integrity of baller's shroud of awesomeness
it's not hotbid. why would a person who trolls all the time regularly make a second account to troll??
it's definitely a mod who is normally nice and quiet, not prone to trolling or outbursts. that means it's probably a humble, reserved canadian. by process of elimination: chill's a jerk, kenniget is a womanizer and arm-breaker, leaving manifesto as the culprit
i fuckin owned at guess who as a kid, and this is pretty much the same thing