Now for why I'm feeling awesome. I'm actually starting to get good at math, so good infact that people are asking to look at my answers, damn thats never happend before. I had this presentation i had to do today for the mock trial team I'm on, in short it was incredible. Last year when i had to do this the team I got put with sucked a big one. However this time was different. I had people who understood what the hell they were doing, they worked efficiently and produced some great results, they're new so I thought I'd have to hold their hands but I told them what to do and they did it... I feel like a fucking boss.
Next reason why I feel awesome. I got accused of hacking tonight in Starcraft. Me little silver me really got called the H word. If I wasn't on my phone (it's a hard habit to break Mani), I'd upload the replay. It was a 3v3, dig site, I'm in the 9oclocl position, I'm getting terrible fps (as usual) so I give control to my allies so they can micro my troops. They decide to make a push and right as my troops leave my base BAM four void rays hit my rear, I call for help and my ally clears them out with his muta force, he then proceeds up to find a destroy an enemy expo while Me ad another ally commence a main attack on their base. I have MMM and my ally has stalker sentry immortal. The enemy army is crushed so one of them says "fcking hack" "reported". My ally says "it's called counters bro". Our opponents proceed to rage quit. This leads me to another reason im feeling awesome.
I have a positive record! Even if it's in 3v3 I'll take what I can get, I believe in my original (boring) blog post I said getting a winning record was a goal of mine, well guess what it happend... oh yeah that shit got real. Another Starcraft note, I've been losing horribly on ICCup (no change since last time) and loving it, I'd love to eventually lose to a TL member so if you're interested in a free win just let me know.
I have this random suggestion for TL noobs, go look pokebunny up and read his threads about TL, you'll no longer be stuck wondering who the hell Rekrul and why He's important or you can read Chill's quote in it's original context. Pokebunny I salute you because you made me understand TL at a whole new level.
TL;DR: I've been doing what my Math instructor said and "making math my bitch", I got called a hacker, read pokebunny, I forgot what else I wrote and I can't scroll up because I'm on my phone so go back and read You lazy person who only reads tldrs