first off he calls everything a very awesome name =D
zerglings are little dinosaurs
dragoons are spider thingys
mutas are dragons
hyralisks are.. "shooty long thingys"
lol yeah but the best part is, he was doing some crafts with a bunch of stuff, and i managed to get him to make some sc themed stuff : )
+ Show Spoiler [and its... a...] +
ps, its something suger... so you can eat it!
ps, its something suger... so you can eat it!
But this is the best ever! everything!!!
: p he said he was going to hang it up on his wall,
oh yeah and as for the actually starcraft gameplay, he is on the second zerg mission in the original vanilla sc, he managed to give me the most... detail explanation to why he wasn't able to win, it was quite intense, for reals. an example would be... the protoss having 3 quarters of the map lol, he managed to beat it kind of, but he didn't know how to transport the crystalis D=