Take a deep breath this is going to get deep - Page 2
Blogs > Reborn8u |
United States361 Posts
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United States1761 Posts
The movies "pay it forward" and "signs" and the zeitgiestmovie where it talks about the origins of religions. and yoda "luminescent beings are we, not this crude matter" | ||
Canada1681 Posts
On September 02 2010 13:02 Reborn8u wrote: Let me clarify, I wasn't asking why we can't perceive energy waves such as radio. I was asking for a proper explanation of how energy waves like this are able to pass through solid objects. For example if I was in a sealed wooden cube, wrapped in plastic, how do radio waves pass directly through the matter. I know there was something I learned about that could pass right through matter because of it's size. (perhaps neutrinos or gamma waves) Sorry, my memory is failing me. Photons can pass through matter because they have no mass. And this quote: Where did life come from? The man who discovered DNA said once (not a perfect quote) "DNA is so incredibly complex that the likely hood of it forming chemically, by accident, in the amount of time it did on earth, is equivalent to a tornado hitting a junkyard and building a fully functional 747" Was not by Watson or Crick, please fix it. | ||
France3460 Posts
On September 02 2010 11:37 Monokeros wrote: Witty one-liners with a smidgen of troll for taste, so exquisite. I thought we were discusing beliefs. Maybe the line is a touch too witty for your taste but I can assure you this is not a troll. I just did not felt the need of developing it since it would take too much time an probably not help the discutio alot. | ||
United States1774 Posts
I'm not particularly interested in going through everything you've said, however it would likely be fairly unfounded of me to simply end here. Have you read the works by the leading evolutionary biologists on their theories of the formation of DNA or life? I find it interesting that you say you believe in evolution, and then argue some sort of irreducible complexity about DNA... Now your points about charity also sort of point out the bigger problems in your reasoning. Neither of us are qualified to debate about such fine nuances in theory and philosophy, (and if we were, this wouldn't be the medium) and so we shouldn't use these arguments to support our point of view.... This is like arguing that since 99% of the universe is theorized to be dark matter, that there must be countless other universe we can't see because of how spacial dimensions limit our perspective. (maybe valid arguments, but I don't get a college degree from my gas station attendent, and if he said he could get me one, i wouldn't believe him, so I hope he doesn't waste my time) I have plenty more to say, but I don't want to come across as a militant atheist. I'm not an athiest, I refuse to jump to such conclusions and our views aren't very different in the end, however, I don't agree with your reasoning even slightly. EDIT: Meh, analogy fail, but I just mean that ethics and morality in evolution/sociology/philosphy/ect is still widly debated and it's not hard to make the argument for either side. | ||
United States347 Posts
On September 02 2010 10:57 Reborn8u wrote: I've experienced things in my life that have removed all doubt in me. I know god is. On September 02 2010 12:44 Reborn8u wrote: I'm open to the possibility of reincarnation, polytheism, or that god isn't really a god and reality is merely an illusion and what we call god is just another form of life capable of creating this illusion. Troll? Or maybe you need to take the time to really figure out how you feel? Dunno...OP needs to separate his belief system and his feelings and take the time to actually sharpen his thoughts before he gets into more trouble in this thread. Edit: I mean sharpen thoughts as in take the time to introspect and really study whether or not what you believe is supported by a thoughtful analysis or just some ethereal "faith." | ||
Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
I liked your post though. Except for the bit about charity. How is charity in complete contrast with something evolution would produce? What are you even trying to say by that, you said you believe in evolution. | ||
United States270 Posts
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Canada400 Posts
1. Do you think of yourself as a Deist? One who believes a god created our reality but then left it to our devices? 2. Watson and Crick did not make the quote on the 747 made out of a tornado. I wiki'd it and it's called Hoyle's fallacy. 3. Einstein believed in a god because he reasoned that there must be one. I don't think he believed in the god of the Bible or any other specific deity. 4. You said that DNA is so complex, and that its spontaneous generation is impossible/near impossible. How about the eye? It's rather complex, taking in a specific wavelength of radiation and transmitting visual information to the brain. If you think so I'd like to refer you to this video http://www.wimp.com/evolutioneye/ It's been a while since I watched it but it shows it can be done because of evolution. | ||
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