This site says it is Kaal vs Huk, but in fact it was game 3 of HuK vs Sheth in the LS Gamers weekend 2 tournament. This was the semifinal match 3, after Sheth winning the first one and HuK winning the second.
I would highly advise watching this game.
It starts with both fast expanding, and sheth actually taking a third while still on only a few lings and queens.
Fast forward, HuK tries to push Sheth, taking out his fourth expansion with his zealstalksentcollossus army. Sheth starts accumulating so much minerals, he is able to tech to both Ultralisks AND Broodlords (he had the corruptors, might as well)
After a few intense battles, and Shek losing two hatcheries and ~12 drones to DTs, he pushed with 7 or 8 ultralisks, along with many many hydras/roaches. After taking out HuK's expansion at the gold with almost pure broodlord, he proceeded to defeat HuK's entire army, winning the game and the Bo3.
TL;DR Version: EPIC GAME! Watch it, seriously.