I should start this blog off by saying that I'm very bad at SC2, which comes as no surprise as I was very bad at SC1. I think of myself as the epitome of a silver player, It was us that stopped playing on iccup when we realized that if we lost another game we would be been dropped to D-, we understand that building stuff is key to winning, we know we should probably expand when we think we have an advantage but in all areas, we lack, fundamentally.
I know some people would suggest playing more (as we certainly don't play enough) or that we watch a lot of pro replays (because we don't have original ideas or concrete build-orders) or maybe even that we sign up to one of the SC2 coaching services (which I hear are quite good) and those are all excellent ideas and if you follow them, you WILL get better. But me, I'm actually quite okay with being terrible, I'm at peace with it. I can beat my scrub IRL friends without even trying, I can watch high level SC2 and understand most of the decision making that happens and if I were to go to a LAN, I could drag a game against someone better than me into the midgame before being crushed by superior macro.
I wanted to post this, not as some slight at the players who are actually trying hard to get out of silver, in fact, I really support you, I'll be your biggest fan when you turn pro. But I know the fight you have ahead of you, I can always tell when I'm playing a gold player (even if I didn't see the favoured icon underneath his name), he has more stuff, better composition, he scouted my army movement, he picked off my overlords, he defended his expansion, he's ahead in upgrades, he's secured the gold and he's crashing my "hidden" expansion.
In all areas, he is a better player and, most likely, he knows when he's playing an okay platinum player and that same gold player who can absolutely destroy me is absolutely destroyed himself. There are even levels after that, many higher level players complain that platinum is full of scrubs and that it takes no skill to be in platinum. I see this mountain I must climb and I do not accept, I'm happy where I am, besides, the silver rank kinda looks like platinum from a distance, I'm sure I can fake it if someone ever asks >.<
TLDR version: I'm bad at a video game, but that's okay with me
sadly, this is a philosophy i can't hold. if i had the time, i would totally spend shitloads more time, and raise my paltry 1300 up to 2000+. but i dont have the time, as my winrate suggests. but i cannot content myself with being lower than where i coudl be.
As long as you are having fun, its all good amirite?
Honestly, SC2 right now is a lot more about understanding overarching strategies and what unit to build in what situation -strategy, macro- than about unit control and micro. It's definitely still a core part of the game (watch ZvZ with banelings vs zerglings on creep... Crazy shit) but macro is a much bigger factor. So just work on that and you should be climbing the ranks in no time
I totally agree with you, but... the couple of games I squeeze in every day have made me better. I don't even really get to play that much either and I still know I'm improving.
I'm currently Bronze and okay with it, but every time I lose, I pick up something that I immediately find myself doing in the next game.
Hehe, yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a high copper player myself, and not too upset about it. I'd like to be silver or at least bronze for my ego, and because I know I have the raw theoretical knowledge, but it's not really that big of a deal. I don't have the time or temperament to ever be gold or platinum, and I'd think it would be depressing in a "s/he wept, for their were no more worlds to conquer" sort of way to be at the top.
Really, I view the ladder not as something to be conquered, but a tool to find the right opponent for us, as we are now.