So, I got promoted to Gold today. I played 7 games, and won 5. This means I'm now 11-5. Which isn't great, but since I think 2 of my losses were caused by me not playing the game that I know... I more count it as 11-3.
Now, what was strange about those 7 games I played today, was that there were all ZvZ. That's right, I got 7 mirror games in a row.
This has shown me that I hate ZvZ, and for a simple reason... I hate the strategy that I use. 1 base -> defend with spine crawlers + queen + lings -> 2 base -> mass speed lings. This won me 5 games, and the only reason I lose 2 was because someone else did them better than I did.
There's something that I just dislike about being able to get 55-> 70 speed lings and beating someone who has teched up way way way further than I have.
Although, normally you would lose to say someone who went mutas as long as they get them out before your lings push. But after 7 games of ZvZ I have the timing down to be able to attack just as your spire comes out, so you have to choose between mutas and defending your base / making drones to replace all the ones you've lost.
This just doesn't seem like that great of a match up, massing lings and who ever wins the first big engagement wins because their lings massively out number your opponents... I mean I basically play ZvZ like "alright, lets survive until my natural gets up, then lets pump more speedlings" putting down 2 - 3 spine crawlers at each of my bases as I go...
I really hope this is now how all ZvZ's look. I mean seriously I even beat a #4 platinum player with this. There has to be a better strategy. I'm winning with it now, so I haven't been experimenting too much, which I really should be. But if mass speedlings is the end all be all of ZvZ, the tournement scene might look at little sad, since Speedling v Speedling only lasts about 9 minutes a game.
Now, not to make my whole post all about how I hate ZvZ right now... I'm lucky and a few of my friends have gotten beta keys, which means I have practice partners now. Finally, people to play with so that I can get better. Both of them are better than I am, so I'm hoping to improve a lot.
Already, my ZvP is getting A LOT stronger since playing with them (both are P players). This is awesome, since two gate rushes used to shut me down, these two got me playing with a more spine crawler heavy opening which leads into hydras or mutas depending on how fast they are getting air.
Still need help ZvT, but I haven't seen a lot of T on the ladder so far, usually just Z and P, I hope there are still some T players left out there.
So, in just two short playing periods I have made my way from Bronze to Silver, and then Silver to Gold, just one more step up to platinum to go.
#1 here I come.