After my first few placement matches (all 5), I'd found that I really had no mechanics down yet. Playing as Zerg, I'd miss most of my spawn larva and would end games with upwards of 2k minerals and no army.
Quickly, I decided that I should play some bots before returning to the ladder. Loading up vs a Terran bot, I killed him in minutes. Not knowing that the bots had NO idea how to play; it was apparent that I would be only practicing my mechanics.
I played game after game vs the bots, learning when to build my hatch, when to use inject larva, and when to tech up to lair. I continued to not be able to spend all my minerals, but I thought that was just due to being vs a bot and being able to macro my heart out... although thinking back on it, this made little sense as well if I can macro as much as I want, I should be using my resources not just getting ways to get more.
Now after getting a few practice games in, i was lucky to have the patch 10 come out and wipe my original placement. This gave me a chance to test out my new found mechanics.
Jumping into my ladder games, I won my first 3 quickly and easily, simply teching to speed lings and winning the game. After this, I start to get cocky and really just start to try out new builds that I had not practiced.
Bad idea, try out mutas for the first time, and turtling with spine crawlers to tech both turned out horribly. Playing ladder games with a non practiced build is a terrible idea.
So after my placement games, going 3-2 I was placed in silver. Really, I should of placed higher, but at least here I can still learn to play the game, without being dominated.
I really did not feel confident with my play after my placement matches, still seeing many many holes, especially with my inability to spend resources.
Luckily for me, a buddy of mine was in the beta and was willing to play a few practice games with me. games vs real people really help you improve, and coaching after wards is awesome.
Only played a two games, but the helped immensely, I went 3-1 my next 4 games.
Haven't played again yet, this being my 4th day of owning the beta, only having played on two occasions. But being 6-3 right now I am happy. Cannot wait to practice more, ladder more and work my way up to gold and then platnium.
#1 here I come.