Yeah so just a small thought, didn't think it warranted it's own thread in the sc2 forum; detection. I got a beta key from a friend recently and have been playing lots of games as Terran. And I noticed, whatever happened, I was never without detection. In fact, being a less than awesome player, I was even more blessed with detection because I forgot the occasional mule. Seeing as how you're gonna get orbital command right after barracks, you will, you always will, you will always have it. Not like in sc1 when you could potentially be owned by DTs/Wraiths/Lurkers if you delayed your academy due to your mech build or just plain forgot to make an academy. Of course you have to share energy with Mule, but then you're still gonna HAVE scan, just not right that second. I mean you're never gonna be completely up shit creek because you forgot to make an academy. I think this is important.
Terran were spoiled even in sc1 with an abundance of scans wherever on the map you needed detection, and I think that needs to be changed. What's the point of the opponent getting stealth at all if its never gonna be a factor. Zerg and Protoss, you can potentially snipe their overlords and observers, but what can you really do against a Terran?
I think there needs to be more of a choice between getting mules or getting scan. Say, a more expensive scan or a separate upgrade required, like launching a sattelite from the ghost academy. As it is now you're always gonna get an orbital command early game and mid to late game you're always gonna have instant detection wherever you need it.
Basically I thought of this during a series of games yesterday. Whenever I had the option to nuke an opponent, I'd never do it against a Terran, because he'd scan a second later and kill my ghost, the end. I might be able to dodge overlords or observers, and in any case they would have to GET TO THE GHOST in time and not just press a key and scan. Stealth just isn't viable versus Terran. SC2 is better than SC1 in that regard, but I still think they have it a bit too easy.
a) scans cost u 270 minerals b) the very few scans u'd be using is to check out his base and such. c) if you have a lot of energy left over due to forgetting mules, you're not macroing effectively, which could cost you the game
I think its a small price to pay for never getting DT rushed.
Besides the scanning of his base you would HAVE the ability to get free detection anywhere on the map at any time.
As it is now, you don't have to macro efficiently, you can do nothing while the orbital command goes up to 200 energy and then release 4 mules. Lowering max energy to 50 would totally solve this issue, both macro and detection-wise.
Sweden33719 Posts
Well, you don't need scan. EMP de-cloaks units, and you'll get a ghost with most TvP builds anyway.
Plus, it's so damn obvious when someone is going DT >_<
wtf? emp decloaks..? that's just bs >.>
Basically Terrans have it way too easy in the detection department
I disagree.
It's really easy to just outlast the scan as a protoss player by just running away. That plus warp gates makes DT's deadly if you don't take them seriously.
Plus the fact that you really don't want to waste your energy on scans when you can make mules.
On March 20 2010 01:05 Osmoses wrote:Basically Terrans have it way too easy in the detection department 
Amen. Please tell your fellow T players who whine about observers when they have maphack scan that can see anything anywhere anytime unlike obs.
Sorry to bump up an old thread, but with more players onboard now, I thought this could use a revisit.
I found this when I was trying to find out what cost the scan is to Terrans- Energy? Minerals? Both?
It sounds like it's both.
I totally agree with this thread though. Think about it from a Protoss player's perspective.
We make an observer, one off cost of 50min/100gas. We need to go to a robotics facility, which basically forces us down the robo-tech tree. If we want to go DTs, we either build a building we don't really need yet (setting us back) to get the observer, or we skip that and go straight to Twilight Council/Dark Shrine, get a few DTs, and HOPE that we haven't been MM or Reaper rushed yet.
If somehow we survive to the point of getting DTs to their base or army, they've already scanned us and KNOW it's coming, plus also will be saving a scan or two with appropriate defensive troops waiting to annihilate them in an instant. This is of course assuming they do not have a sensor-tower as well... does that just do minimap detection? Then there's the argument that you can easily use it against an army- except you can pump out a ton of marines/marauders in the time it takes to get a DT build up- and a scan takes 1 second to reveal them all and cost you 250 total gas/min per lost unit.
Either way, if they look at the minimap and scan your build then save their scans, a DT build is virtually useless against anyone who's not really bad at Terran.
So with such a small chance of success in pulling it off, where's the incentive to expend 250mins, 350gas, and build-time, PLUS another 125min/125gas per unit? Just getting 4 DTs (minimum worth making if you're going this route) is going to cost you 750min/850gas and if you have two gateways, it'll take about 5mins build time (after cybercore and gateways are already done).
Very few people take the DT route as a result, and with the observer being a very weak unit, and any battles we take it to (to detect enemy stealth) usually result in a scan.
DT build is useless because it is both slow, and it's dead end tech imo. In SC1 if you dt'd, you'd have tech set down for both Arbiters and High Templar, but now it just gets you DTs :/