Not sure if there is a way to quantify seriousness, but perhaps everyone has an idea based on personal prerequisites.
For me, even though I've played since 2003, and somedays I've played 8 hours or more, I'd actually consider myself a 3 or a 4 out of a possible ten point scale-with 10 being the most serious. Here is why I rated myself pretty low:
I've never followed tournaments. I don't even know who won the last OSL or MSL (actually I think it was Jaedong but that was because there was a big controversy about the final game). I don't know how many SLs Jaedong has had, heck I don't even know who the six dragons are.
I wouldn't be able to explain to you what proleague is if you asked me or how many pro teams there are. And I only know 3 progamer names-Lim Yo Hwan, Lee Yun Yeol, and Ma Jae Yoon.
I don't think I've ever been interested in the spectator side of Starcraft as much as the game play part. I've watched a hundred of Fpvods, analyzed replays in BWchart and BWreplayinfo endlessly. But I don't know any build orders, and I don't experiment much with strategy.
This is probably why I've never improved as much as I wished I could. Starcraft has been more of a time waster than a hobby for me. I just haven't tried to improve whatsoever besides some minor endeavors to raise my APM.
What about you Liquidnetters? How serious were you at the height of starcraft? How much would you rate yourself out of 1-10 as a SC fan?
EDIT: Don't cry never_toss Took down the irrelevant text
I spend most my free time making videos and just playing the game... so I'll give myself an 8/10 on the seriousness meter. Not higher because I get bored after 3-4 hours of nonstop gaming.
I consider myself a little too serious about SC lol. Seeing as gaming for me was just to burn boring alone time a year ago, and now SC is the ONLY game I really play (don't have a console or good computer), and I play it as much as responsibly possible. I play on a team (iW- ftw) and sometimes in CWs, but I never win. I follow all the individual leagues, and I browse TL wayy to much. I'll be damned if I don't get a blue rank before SC2 (only 3000 points?!). 10/10 (or conservatively 9/10) for me.
EDIT: Grammar Nazi within strikes upon scrutiny.
On March 01 2010 03:46 gumbum8 wrote: I consider myself a little to serious about SC lol. Seeing as gaming for me was just to burn boring alone time a year ago, and now SC is the ONLY game I really play (don't have a console or good computer), and I play it as much as responsibly possible. I play on a team (iW- ftw) and sometimes in CWs, but I never win. I follow all the individual leagues, and I browse TL wayy to much. I'll be damned if I don't get a blue rank before SC2 (only 3000 points?!). 10/10 (or conservatively 9/10) for me. same for me cept i dont play CWs.
I don't take it very seriously at all, but I like watching StarCraft more than Hockey or any other sport. As far as how I play StarCraft, I treat it entirely like a game. I don't really care about getting good, because I don't want to make a career out of it. I'll just find people my own skill level to play with. I'm not really a bad player, I just don't care enough to become a great player. I feel guilty if I play too much when I could be improving a skill I do need.
On March 01 2010 03:43 lolaloc wrote:Serious games are games with purpose beyond just providing entertainment. Examples include, but are not limited to, games for learning, games for health, and games for policy and social change. Designing effective, engaging serious games requires theoretical understanding of learning, cognition, emotion, and play. Along with great game design, serious games need content and pedagogy expertise, design research, and impact research. Our graduate program can help you gain the knowledge and experience you will need to create these sorts of games. Situated within the Telecommunication, Information Studies, & Media department at Michigan State University, the Serious Game Design track aims at the heart of serious game design, that magical region where theory and content intersect with game design. Game design for entertainment already requires diverse, multidisciplinary expertise. Serious game design calls upon vastly wider range of expertise and roles. Source: http://seriousgames.msu.edu/ wtf is this shit? are u a fucking bot spamming related keywords into topics???
Wow never_toss don't flame the poor guy. I actually like the pic. :p
Hong Kong20321 Posts
lol if not know anythgin about sc and not evnek now who the most recent OSL and MSL winners are is 3-4 then im probably like 6-7 then? i watch alot but dont play that much and not really tryign to get good at the game. but fckin love watching it..
Don't cry never_toss 
I am very serious about StarCraft and eSports in general that I have been helping in starting up the scene here in the Philippines. Bless us for a successful career.
It all started in 2007 when I wanted to go back to old games. I was searching for old school titles in YouTube then came across Pimpest Plays. That's when I first heard of the serious progaming scene in Korea.
I decided to delve in a bit more and research about it's current state. Then I was intrigued by the fact that there is this one player dominating for a long time, sAviOr. This guy is the man responsible for getting me interested in eSports, for unlocking the "seriousness" on games.
Then I wanted to watch the upcoming tourney at that time and it had sAviOr vs rA in the finals. The games were decent, fans going wild, Tasteless was casting and it was confirmed in my heart that eSports is serious business.
I neither play nor do i follow at all
I'd say like an 8/10 maybe?
I'm big on playing but not as big on following progaming.
9/10... not really proud of it... i've BEEN to a progame match in korea haha
When I played alot I would only play 1v1 or 1v1 + obs, hardly any ums and i would watch alot of the late night live games (at like 3 am and shit). I was pretty serious
I used to be an ez 10.
Right now, I still know a shit-ton of progaming trivia and useless information, lots of players' names and faces, tons of shit like that, but I really don't have the time to play anymore