so me and my roommate usually get along pretty well. we don't hang out often but he's always kept the room clean and even brought his ps2 when he moved in so ive never had a problem with him. we play modern warfare a lot and he usually beats me which is ok since he plays that game 24/7 lol. He doesnt really play computer games so whenever I play starcraft he always goes wtf how do you click so fast and im just like "cuz my apm is high ". Last night we were 1v1ing on modern warfare and he beat me pretty bad so i got kinda frustrated and told him he plays this game way too much and needs to get a life. He laughed and was like i can probably beat you at starcraft too even though its the only game youre good at. For some reason I got reaaaaaally pissed but just said ok, since you insist on being such a faggot i'll show you how to play and we can 1v1 once u learn the basics.
keep in mind im a pretty good player like last season i hit C- in my second season on iccup. My roommate on the other hand has never played the game before so he has no idea how hard bw is. I "taught" him the game by showing him the blizzard strategy guide and convincing him thats all u need to get good (lol). He was like give me a week then we will 1v1. I said ok but inside i couldnt wait to crush that pathetic pos.
A week passed and one night he was like i'm ready let's play a bo5. He picked terran vs my protoss which i was rofling inside at since pvt is my best matchup. I lost the first game when he 2 raxed vs my double nexus. I knew he was gonna gay me since he had no idea how to play but i still couldnt stop it, didn't matter anyway since it was only the first game. I opened standard second game and got my arbiter out really quick, but just when I was about to recall his third he fuckin drops two tanks on my cliff and kills my natural (we were playing outsider). He defends my recall and it was gg again. At this point I was seriously pissed. I have to deal with this shit almost everyday on iccup but now i get gayed by my roommate irl. Terran is such a fucking lame race even my noob ass roommate can successfully gay a protoss.
Now 2-0 down I decided I'm the whos gonna cheese this time so I can show my roommate what getting gayed feels like. I proxy dual gate on destination and managed to get two zealots in but then he sealed so the rest my units were stuck outside. I was still pretty ahead though after killing some scvs and I was about to expand when suddenly fucking vultures start killing my probes. Yes, my roommate pulled his gay shit AGAIN and built a factory in my base. I immediately quit and was about to punch him when he was like let me show you something. He logged onto iccup (wtf?) and goes this is my account. I look over to see an asian sounding name with a previous rank of B- high.
fucking unbelievable. not only did my roommate cheese the shit out of me, he fucking SMURFED me too. I could tell he was asian but i never bothered asking where he was from and now apparently hes korean american and had been playing starcraft all his goddamn life. I'm sitting here wishing theres some real life admin i can report him to because this is the most pathetic shit ive ever seen. I fucking hate smurfs. They were the reason I couldn't get C last season. And now fuck me, i'm LIVING WITH ONE. How how hard is it to have some common decency when playing a COMPUTER game? How is it fair to ANYONE to play someone 3 ranks below you?
my roommate is away for the night but I'm still fuming. I still haven't decided but i'm probably gonna request a roommate change for spring semester. Someone who has such a fucked up moral compass should not be living in my room. Can't believe how my luck turned out.
fuck my roommate, fuck starcraft. I'm sorry teamliquid but i had to vent somewhere. To those of you who stuck with me till the end, merry christmas.
Eh, you're going a little overboard if you ask me.
I lol'd when you revealed that he was B-
On December 22 2009 13:22 screamadelica wrote: whenever I play starcraft he always goes wtf how do you click so fast Roommate gets an A+
This all sounds very silly - it sounds like you take a lot of pride in computer game skill, and he took advantage of this to have some fun.
Are you seriously calling his behavior a lack of common decency? Haha "fucked up moral compass" - even if smurfing a ladder is a terrible thing, what he did to you is not equivalent to it.
You will probably get flamed pretty badly for this blog (just a warning) so prepare to moderate your responses to these flames so you don't get banned!
I would be so pissed too. But hes Korean, what do you expect  First of all, it seems that you don't know him in person very well, and you've been living with him for a whole semester now? Or is he just an anti-social asian person who plays too much. :edit: Who cares about smurfs?
thanks for the story, quite entertaining.
I suppose it is kind of faggy of him to do that, but then you were just planning on noob stomping you anyways. So its all good. Merry Christmas to you too.
sounds like your being a little bitch. How's he even smurfing? You called him out to play starcraft, he lawled inside and took you to school.
edit: your changing rooms cause he has a messed up moral compass? LOL. Nevermind what I said above, you don't sound like a little bitch, you just are a little bitch. Grow the fuck up pansy.
so immature. so he beat you at a game he plays all the time (modern warefare), and you get frustrated and start bming him? you deserved getting owned.
So you think its okay to lie to him about how to get good, but not okay for him to neglect to tell you he's played the game before?
rofl? Not sure if I believe this, how come you didn't get suspicious how he "practiced" did you never watch him? After the first game you played how come you didn't get surprised?
And room mate change? omg you have the luck to get another Starcraft player and you wanna change XD Well I agree he should have told you he's good at bw from the start (this is why I don't quite believe this) but aren't you friends anyway so....?
is he a tl member and you don't kno it too? lol
On December 22 2009 13:30 tec27 wrote: So you think its okay to lie to him about how to get good, but not okay for him to neglect to tell you he's played the game before? Game over. This blog just got owned.
you have got to be trolling... if not then this is pretty funny
On December 22 2009 13:30 ieatkids5 wrote: so immature. so he beat you at a game he plays all the time (modern warefare), and you get frustrated and start bming him? you deserved getting owned.
Also - the fact that he is able to take your behavior in stride and have some fun with it means you should probably hang onto him as a roommate for dear life.
Other people might not be so pleased!
personally i wish i had your roommate he seems to be quite a baller
lol you should go outside more often perhaps
On December 22 2009 13:30 tec27 wrote: So you think its okay to lie to him about how to get good, but not okay for him to neglect to tell you he's played the game before?
This, and the fact that you lied to him so that you could roflstomp him all the better just makes it worse.
He did what you wanted to do: crush a noob. Does that make him a morally inferior person to you? Not really, especially seeing as how you started it (him beating you at MW2 doesn't count, cause he's apparently gosu at that too).
EDIT: him saying that he can "probably beat you at sc even tho it's the only game you're good at" was kind of an ass move, so its understandable how you challenged him. Still, above applies regardless.
On December 22 2009 13:35 Caller wrote: personally i wish i had your roommate he seems to be quite a baller