Alright team 14! My bad for the late feedback. I was swamped with school work today, but tomorrow I'll be free to get things rolling. As it stands, our team currently consists of myself and Noobboy as coaches and the following as players:
Shotcoder - D+ - Joined modestXAF - D- Kurai - D - Joined DaBears57 - D - Joined ketomai - D+ - Joined Roffles - D - Joined
Please PM me or post here your contact info (preferably email) and iccup handles that you'll be using during our practice sessions. Also, I'd like to know what days/times you all are free during the week to practice. Currently, I don't have a mic, but I will have one once I return home over winter break. Obviously it's not required, but it would be loads easier if we can all chat while practicing.
Lastly, it seems as though our team (and perhaps team 5) have the lowest ranked coaches. But don't worry! That's all the more reason I'll work harder to help you guys improve. I look forward to gaming with you guys and we'll start practices tomorrow once I get everyone's contact info.
GL n HF!!
Woo go 14! I tried to play some games today, but I also realized it'd be a late night if I didn't study today. After the 2 finals tomorrow, I've got a reasonable amount of freetime until after saturday, where I'll be almost completely free.
Contact already gave you AIM/MSN, pm me if anyone wants it. PM on TL is more reliable than email in terms of communication.
Times For this break, basically anytime all day from maybe noon until 3 AM if necessary. Later on when the next semester starts, maybe 6PM-However late you want (3AM)
edit: Central (US) time which 3AM is 18KST
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Well, our team's gonna own simply cause I'm awesome.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
You guys need to get the fuck on some day.
We got some games in yesterday and the day before =/. But most of us today have got a lot of exams. Actually you're the only one of us I haven't met and added on skype/msn/aim.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Solid. Had finals the past couple of days, so couldn't get on. Understandable, just thought there'd be slightly more activity on TL, but it seems as if you guys have been hitting up ICCup.