I normally play zerg, however i much prefer the style of terran, so i want to get good with terran. The only problem with this, is my macro really badly sucks, like seriously. Around the 10min mark i cannot keep my minerals below 1000, maybe its because i'm not use to production building as i dont need them as zerg, so im not putting enough barracks down?
Is there any guide on how many barracks per base etc? Also how to use Mech, i cannot use Mech to save my life, i normally end up just going bio.
Thanks very much.
EDIT : Ive used search, however i cant find anything that just does the basic macro. So im posting here.
Wow. Looking at replay again, god i suck at terran... shame i like them so much ^^
Also ignore the zerg he sucked hard ^^
I believe its 3 rax per base WITH addons otherwise its 6 naked rax per base.As for factories i believe when your on 2 base you can get up 2 factories and a starport and a bunch or raxes.
This is my raw understanding.
Since if you look at the 3 rax push which is 2x tech and 1x reactor you can keep your money very low and keep pumping out from all 3 raxes and keep making scvs and supply.
Well I see that you had your hotkeys set, yet things weren't always getting made from Fact, Rax, Star.
Same later. Your fact stays inactive for a very long time, though you have money. Also you spam through hotkeys (to check if they are making) but never make things from them
Your rax production was meh, and your Fact production and starport production was near inexistent by the end.
Also if you find yourself with a lot of money/gas THROW DOWN MORE PRODUCTION FACILITIES!!! It will help you spend your money AND get a bigger army AND help you replenish your army faster
Edit: Not sure if this is right replay?? Its against a terran who all-ins early with ghost marines and SCVS not a zerg
Yeah sorry guys wrong replay.
Thanks very much for the tips tho, i guess im not use to the always making stuff as a terran. going to practise hard tho! :D
Thanks a bunch guys.