Call me late to the viewing train, but I just saw Harry Potter 7: Part 1 today and it was awesome.
First off, I want to clear up a few things, I'm not a good Harry Potter fan, I only read books 1-4 and watched movies 1-3 and barely paid attention to the 4th one, and to be honest I kind of barely paid attention to the 3rd one. Primary reason being that it felt like a chore to see those two movies. However this is not a review of the series or its previous successes and failures, this is about the latest movie in this epic story that we know as Harry Potter.
With that all out of the way, I'd like to basically give a general review as it is almost 3:00 am EST and the GSL is about to be on soon, so sorry . Anyways, I really enjoyed this film, it was nicely shot and the acting was brilliant. It also managed to throw in the occasional comedic punch or two to alleviate any sort of tension. The great thing about this film, from a personal perspective was just how the story felt epic. None of the witchcraft and wizardry felt gimmicky or overused, it felt integral to the story with the occasional magic version of the OK Corral thrown in through out the movie. Seeing this film reminded me of why I love fantasy, especially when it comes in the form of in media res. That is what it felt like. As if I had been taken from my seat, as a ignorant viewer and thrown into this mystical world where gradually, I became more knowledgeable of everything that happened before.
If you have never seen Harry Potter before, or even read any of the books, I highly suggest this movie. It is very well told and does not alienate a viewer such as myself for the people who have been watching all along. It is a movie that can stand alone, and I can't wait for the second part of this movie.
Edit: People have been complaining about my not reading or watching the past movies, surprise, surprise. Why does it matter? A film is a film. Nobody complains if I love the sketches of the latter years of Leonardo di Vinci. Why? Because it is art, and you don't need context to understand the art in front of you. Will the past masterpieces help you understand the awesomeness and greatness of the art in front of you? Yes. Yes it will. There is no denying that. However, to say that I need to really watch the past movies or at least read the books, as if to slight my ability to watch a movie, is just ridiculous.
A good movie is a good movie. Just as good art is good art. It should be easy to understand what is happening and get a feeling for the emotion of the film through the films directing, which as I tried to imply in my review, is how good the film is. You don't need to see the past films to have the feeling of isolation, the feeling of tension, or the feeling of joy in this film. You don't need to see the past films to understand the plot of this film. Despite your critiques of my experience with Harry Potter, you can not deny that Harry Potter 7: Part 1 is friendly to people like me who, 1) have not read or seen all/any of the Harry Potter films/books, or 2) do not feel the need to watch/read the previous Harry Potter movies/books.
yeah it had really good cinematography. the best part of the movie were the parts with ron/hermione/harry when they were alone. / GSL gonna be sick!
I didn't get the movie on my first viewing. When I saw it a second time, though, I really connected to it. It's much darker than I expected. Relentlessly bleak.
That's the reason I liked movie 6, because it was dark, but it was still much lighter than movie 7. I've never read the books and only follow the movies, and the story seems to age like a fine wine.
I thought it was like watching Frodo and Sam walk to Mordor for 2+ hours. I was bored
Singapore66064 Posts
it turned out okay, then became Twilight, then became some horror movie, then it was back to harry potter again
Finish reading the damn books -______-
I like that there are so many deaths in the movie. I love drama.
I loved how they told the story of the Deathly Hallows. I was really engaged. Must be the stick men. Epic drawings.
Singapore66064 Posts
On December 18 2010 21:39 FataLe wrote: I loved how they told the story of the Deathly Hallows. I was really engaged. Must be the stick men. Epic drawings. oh yeah this, was really awesome. loved it, got real engaged with it as well haha.
United States24510 Posts
I felt like you needed to watch the prior movies at least to get this one. I haven't read any of the books but I'm glad I've seen them in order. Not a huge fan but since I seem to get yanked to see some of them anyway may as well see them in order so they make sense and I'm not like "who's that creepy little guy??"
I think, to really enjoy the movies, you NEED to have read the books. Or, just have a really good imagination to be able to piece together and get what's really happening.
My thoughts; (spoilers kinda) + Show Spoiler +In any case, the first part of Deathly Hallows was so amazingly done. It was INCREDIBLY close to the book. I've never been more pleased with a Harry Potter movie. The beginning where Hermione obliviates her parents minds? Oh my god. First 10 minutes of the movie and I was already crying. I couldn't even believe how sad it was. The way Harry took Hermione's hand in the tent and starts dancing with her when Ron left? Oh my god. ;__; It was so beautiful, and really shows the kind of friendship they have, and how close they are. And the part where Hermione is being tortured by Bellatrix was very well done, just wish it would have lasted longer and we could have seen Ron struggle a bit more. And the way Bella carved "mudblood" into Hermione's arm.. very well done. ~ /harry potter nerd
Anyway, besides the first 2 movies(which were the best of them all besides the first part of DH), this one is my favorite. ♥
United States24510 Posts
On December 19 2010 05:47 Raeleigh wrote:+ Show Spoiler +The way Harry took Hermione's hand in the tent and starts dancing with her when Ron left? Oh my god. ;__; It was so beautiful, and really shows the kind of friendship they have, and how close they are. I haven't read the books which might be why this is true but... I found that very awkward and dumb.
The part you talked about at the beginning was also not as emotional for me but it was probably well done.
On December 19 2010 09:55 micronesia wrote:Show nested quote +On December 19 2010 05:47 Raeleigh wrote:+ Show Spoiler +The way Harry took Hermione's hand in the tent and starts dancing with her when Ron left? Oh my god. ;__; It was so beautiful, and really shows the kind of friendship they have, and how close they are. I haven't read the books which might be why this is true but... I found that very awkward and dumb. The part you talked about at the beginning was also not as emotional for me but it was probably well done. + Show Spoiler +Haha, I think it's meant to be somewhat awkward, because although Harry and Hermione are best friends, there isn't that best friend communication between them, except for in the 6th movie where Hermione is crying to Harry about Ron and Lavender(which also a very good scene)~ Like, you get the Ron and Harry friendship, and you see how close of friends they are with the way they act towards each other, and you see the Ron and Hermione relationship and how they are obviously in love with each other(but won't admit it), but you don't see the Harry and Hermione friendship really ever in play. In the 3rd movie there's the Harry and Hermione going back with the Time Turner, but they're so involved in their task, you don't see the friendship in play.
Harry, when it comes to anything sort of romantic or him caring about someone(parents are an exception), is awkward. Hermione openly shows that she cares for Harry, and to a degree, that she cares about Ron(obviously not as much because that would be admitting to him that she loves him *_*)~ So I think them dancing, and Harry trying to make her giggle, and then them hugging and being close, is just a perfect way to show that they are best friends, and they do love each other in every way possible that best friends could.
As for the first part, in the book Hermione says to Ron and Harry in the tent while travelling(I think, I can't remember exactly), how she's not worried about her parents spilling anything or being harmed because of Voldemort, because she put a powerful memory charm on them, told them they had different names, never had a daughter, and moved to Australia. Ron also gets mad at Harry in the movie&book about how he's so worried for his family, and how they're having such a hard time. I think at the beginning of the movie, the way they really showed the big sacrifices both were making, especially with Hermione, was a good way to portray how dangerous what they're doing is. With Hermione's too, you're getting the impression of her leaving completely. They call her down for Tea, and she performs the charm while almost teary eyed.. ;~; </3 heart breaking!
Hermione in the book vs. Hermione in the movie are a tiny bit different IMO. Hermione in the movie seems a lot more caring than the Hermione in the book, to me. /shrug
But I think, reading the books would REALLY change your opinions on the scenes that were added/taken away in all the movies. Or the scenes you found dumb. Haha. It's just because you get a deeper understanding of all the characters, and especially for the 7th movie, you're getting a better understanding of how much Ron and Hermione are giving up to go on this "adventure" with Harry, and how much they all care about each other. Plus, they're just amazing. >_>; /super harry potter nerd