Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
I am pleased to welcome you to the very first Team Liquid Blood Bowl League!
Over the next several weeks our competitors will vie to take out one another and ultimately be deemed champion.. Through any means necessary. There will be bloodshed. There will be chaos. There will be a healthy amount of death. However only one team will reign supreme.
Who will it be? ..a nimble elf team? ..the cunning skaven? Perhaps the brute force of the orcs? Time will tell, and it will be glorious.
Without further ado, I present to you our fledgling coaches:
1. Skaven - Catyoul (0-0-0) 2. Orcs - Cloudica (0-0-0) 3. Lizardmen - Jaug (0-0-0) 4. Wood Elves - iamonaboat (0-0-0) 5. Norse - Skirn (0-0-0) 6. Dark Elves - Brownjesus (0-0-0) 7. Nurgle - kingjames01 (0-0-0) 8. Elves - Nokarot (0-0-0) 9. Human - InToTheWannaB (0-0-0) 10. Necromantic - Fallen (0-0-0) 11. Amazons - potatoedoughnut (0-0-0) 12. Dwarves - Tuln (0-0-0) 13. Halflings - Megelrov (0-0-0) 14. Khemri - MiaBoA38 (0-0-0) 15. Ogre - Believer (0-0-0) 16. Undead - lorgoth (0-0-0) 17. High Elves - Jaycee (0-0-0) 18. Chaos - Lyter (0-0-0) 19. Goblins - Zanzabar Haberdasher (0-0-0) 20. Vampire - TargetPractice (0-0-0)
The league has been created.
Name: Team Liquid Blood Bowl Thunderdome PW: 6pool
Some basic information: We are going to have a nineteen game season. You are expected to coordinate two games a week. Otherwise, the rules are basically the same.
At the end of the season, the top 8 teams will have a playoff bracket. But we have some time for that.
Come CHAT with us at #tlbb on quakenet! If utilized it may serve as a good method of arranging games. Thanks to Jaug for getting it up and running.
See you folks out on the field and don't hesitate to either post here or PM me if you have any inquiries!
Bravemule (Norse/Skirn) vs Wellfare Wizards (Halflings/Megelrov)
France2377 Posts
How tu use BBmanager : 1. Install BB manager : 2. Make an account with the same name as your BB account (different password obviously) 3. To upload replays, the easiest is having BBmanager open before playing your match. After playing it, BBmanager will pop a little bubble offering you to submit the game. Select the league, confirm the players names and input the match day and that's it.
Team hall of fame : + Show Spoiler +
Player hall of fame : + Show Spoiler +
Results day 1 : + Show Spoiler +
I will post the info as soon as I can. Since Steam hasn't patched yet, I can't log in and create it.
France2377 Posts
Rooting for Halflings and Dark Elves!
Oh god yes, this thread is more epic with that youtube running in the background.
My elves will [dis]gracefully destroy you all. May we have [dis]honorable confrontations.
Anyone know where i can obtain the main theme music. I MUST have it. The video on youtube made me want to play it in audiosurf lol
Chaos Baby Baby, time for some wrecking :D
When will the first matches be?
Whenever Steam decides to patch LE and let us online.
lets go!!! I want to beat some elfs to death
Set up some streams for me. I want to watch you guys this season and hopefully join in on the next one.
Can I please reserve a spot for season 2? Add me to play some friendly games! Satisfaktion.
Hahaha! Very cool. The banner and the song is a nice touch to the thread.
The OP has been updated!
And for anyone interested in playing: Season 2 will be open to all comers! It will not have a player or race limit.
Awesome, I've applied, my name is Infernokoi on there
Edit: nm i got it and i signed up.
Application for the league sent! Name is Skirn.
The Bravemule vikings need to go fill up a few thousand tankards of beer now. We'll get back to you when the runners are able to stand again.
Will there be team continuance between seasons, or new teams each season?