I've been putting to waste my comp, only playing BW, LoL and maple :/ (now that beta is dead). I've been thinking of what games I should play, specs-wise most games shouldn't be a problem.
I'm looking for games that are thrilling and not super huge scale game like Civilizations. Not too scary too, I can't handle it Most genres should be fine :D (a bit interested in FPSes too)
looking for games that will utilise my specs lol (8800 GT, E8400, 4GB RAM - should run most games okay-ly)
recommend away~
games i've played (pc and ps3) bw (lol obv) sc2 beta (durr) diablo 2/LoD (best rpg ever) LoL (decently fun) Torchlight (quite okay, but lost interest after a while, too comical) maplestory (on and off) Dead Space (scary as fuck but fun lol) L4D/L4D2 (same, scary but fun lol) assassin's creed (1 was boring as hell D: ) CNC4 (rofl what is this i don't even) Mirror's Edge (holy crap good game) CoD4:MW (fun game) CoD: WaW (also fun) bayonetta (sexy as hell) RE5 (awesome but scary too ;; ) Little Big Planet (a bit boring for me) resistance: fall of man (fucking awesome game) osu drummania
Stalker; it's not scary but has it's moments. It's a great game and I suggest you try it out. Playing this game made me want to learn russian for some reason lol
it would help if you listed some of the games you liked and played so people dont recommend you things you already played. Half life 2 is a must if you haven't played it yet, Oblivion kept me entertained for some time also, dont mess with morrowind unless you want to lose a month of your life. Play fallout 2 before fallout 3 !
And for something newer, i dont know much about new games because my crappy computer cant run anything, but if it could i would play this.
But I guess that's not what you want, I second TF2 and Alien Swarm, just great multiplayer fun More FPSs then CoDMW2 (even though I'm not a fan of it), BF Bad Company 2?
Crysis is more of a computer spec check rather than a 'game'
The game received a good review from magazines and websites, but most gamers hate it because it's just another way for PC gamers to flex their e-penis about how they can run the game on max quality
On July 25 2010 21:13 MrHoon wrote: have you tried Fall Out 3 yet?
Dragon Age is somewhat hit or miss compared to ME (haters consider it a 'watered down' version of ME)
Really? I hadn't heard that argument yet. I'd rather say that it's a watered down version of Baldurs Gate. It's actually a lot more RPG and less Action compared to ME.
Yes you should play ME1 before 2. I havent played 2 yet myself but some actions you did in ME1 have an effect on how people treat you in ME2.
Mass Effect 1/2 FEAR 1 (only the original, not the expansions which are total BS) Crysis Batman: Arkham asylum or smth like that Fallout 3 (although I didn't like it personally) SW: Republic Commando (maybe KotOR if you still haven't played them yet) Jedi Academy (fun in skirmishes vs other AIs) Bioshock 1 HL 2 + Portal The Witcher (never played myself, but people say it's good)