In high school no one gives the downtrodden nerd a second glance. Nerds are despised and looked down upon as the most socially incapable and miserable members of high school society. Nerds form the lowest rung on the social ladder. Everyone either hates nerds or feels really sorry for them...or do they?
Let's get one thing straight. This goes out to all the jocks, cheerleaders, emo kids, cool Asians, and possibly any other clique to whom may apply: we nerds don't want your sympathy. We don't want you to show interest in us or try to make friends with us, simply because we are better off alone, talking amongst each other about Richard Feynman and AP Calculus.
You know what, we know your secret. You guys are just jealous of us nerds, plain and simple jealous. While you guys spend your free time going to parties and getting drunk, us nerds work our asses off doing homework. While you guys ridicule us and humiliate us, we know deep down that you're doing it because you guys want to be just like us, and we try to hide our smiles even as we're being ostracized by the "cool kids". While you guys will go to community college and work at McDonalds for the rest of your pathetic lives, us nerds will graduate from the Ivy League schools and land the biggest jobs out there. So, for anyone who isn't a nerd, I hope you enjoy prom, because it will be the last night your parents pamper and support you until you all get crude reality checks.
On May 01 2010 05:28 zeratultassadar wrote: In high school no one gives the downtrodden nerd a second glance. Nerds are despised and looked down upon as the most socially incapable and miserable members of high school society. Nerds form the lowest rung on the social ladder. Everyone either hates nerds or feels really sorry for them...or do they?
Let's get one thing straight. This goes out to all the jocks, cheerleaders, emo kids, cool Asians, and possibly any other clique to whom may apply: we nerds don't want your sympathy. We don't want you to show interest in us or try to make friends with us, simply because we are better off alone, talking amongst each other about Richard Feynman and AP Calculus.
You know what, we know your secret. You guys are just jealous of us nerds, plain and simple jealous. While you guys spend your free time going to parties and getting drunk, us nerds work our asses off doing homework. While you guys ridicule us and humiliate us, we know deep down that you're doing it because you guys want to be just like us, and we try to hide our smiles even as we're being ostracized by the seniors. While you guys will go to community college and work at McDonalds for the rest of your pathetic lives, us nerds will graduate from the Ivy League schools and land the biggest jobs out there. So, for anyone who isn't a nerd, I hope you enjoy prom, because it will be the last night your parents pamper and support you until you all get crude reality checks. this is a load of bullshit
also, come to my school you'll love it here
I guess this a venting blog.
i think the guy working at burgerking near my work is a nerd...and he is in mid 20s i think
Calgary25955 Posts
I don't get why you can't be a nerd and be part of society too. You paint yourself as some hooded figure hiding in the shadows.
On May 01 2010 05:34 Chill wrote: I don't get why you can't be a nerd and be part of society too. You paint yourself as some hooded figure hiding in the shadows.
Some nerds have no social skills yo lol. Maybe hes one of them?
On May 01 2010 05:28 zeratultassadar wrote:we are better off alone, talking amongst each other about Richard Feynman and AP Calculus
Alone and talking about Richard Feynman and AP Calculus? Good troll...
I doubt too many people in high school would care about Richard Feynman, nor do they know much about him besides being a Nobel prize winner. I am sure most high school students who talk about Richard Feynman can hardly explain the multiple quantum well coupling effects or prove why the effective mass of electron is zero in graphene. There is no such thing as AP Calculus. It's just high school sugar coated way of saying basic calculus.
Enjoying life is a good things. There are things more important than just closing out society and concentrating only on school.
1/5. This is bad even by blog standards.
Do you realize that by calling yourself a nerd and acknowledging cliques with very specialized interests/pathways you've fallen under the same spell that you so ardently disapprove of?
You'll learn it's not so simple as this and even most nerds won't land "the biggest jobs" as you put it. Additionally, you can be a "nerd" and still immerse yourself in fun, outgoing situations. Don't limit yourself; that's the quickest way to succeed.
go to college, everything will become clearer then (and by clearer I mean, that social status doesn't mean shit)
If your way of thinking is this you won't accomplish anything major.
It's the connection you make while in high school or college. You can be brilliant, but if you don't know how to interact with the world around you no one will put up with your social ineptness and help you land that big job you spent 4 years of your life preparing for.
And you're going to need help because you'll be competing with the top nerds from your school. Also fuck you I went to community college.
You know there are people out there who are amazing at academics, land sweet jobs after college, and still have insanely fun social lives filled with loving friends and wonderful, exciting experiences right? I know because I'm one of them. Instead of walling yourself off perhaps you should be the first to extend a hand and get to know some of your peers because no matter how much more superior you believe yourself to be due to your greater intellectual prowess (which in and of itself is debatable), they are still just that - your peers.
If the partying and "cool kids" really don't mean shit to you, why are you even bothering to write this post? If you are truly that secure and confident about your personal lifestyle and the choices/friends you've made, you shouldn't feel the need to spew this kind of bitterness at all.
And trust me, they're not jealous of you... lol.
OP doesn't want other people that aren't nerds to approach him, yet is pissed that non-nerds don't approach him. Haters gonna hate I guess Also, I am a nerd that plays sports. I don't think OP thinks I exist.
drunk nerds are hilarious
God I'm glad I'm out of school and I don't have to file people under certain categories/cliques any more. If you want to label yourself a nerd and portray yourself like you're on the outside looking in then all you're doing is setting yourself up for more depression and anger and angst.
hey man, if this is about not being able to go to prom with a date, then dont worry about it. I know a lot of cool people from my school who aren't going to my jprom for the same reason =\
feel better i guess?
Someone got scarred in High School...
On May 01 2010 05:28 zeratultassadar wrote: cool Asians huh
OP is living in a dream world