The Problem: (proposed by Joseph)
Imagine nine boxes equally spaced along the perimeter of a circle. We'll call the top-most position position #1. The next position clockwise is position #2, etc. through to #9. The goal is to place the numbers 1-9 in the boxes such that they obey the following:
If you place the number 3 in position one, then you have to count 3 boxes clockwise and place the next number in position 4. Then, if you put a '2' in that box your next number would have to go in position 6, etc. Essentially, if you place a number n in a box, then your next number goes n places clockwise from that position. You need to place 1-8 such that they don't overlap and previous numbers, and then 9 goes in the final position.
How many, if any, possible sequences of numbers can you use in order to solve this? Is there a mathematical way to solve it without using a computer program? If not, how would you construct a program to do this?
Disclaimer: this problem is for pure intellectual curiosity and is not assigned work