I just recently came back to starcraft from taking a pretty long break because of college.
What i noticed was that i actually improved from taking a real long break o_O. Has anyone experienced this? My apm went from 170-180 to 200-215. Although i've mainly played python for my games, i feel like i understand the game alot better than i did before.
Anyways, is there any players out there who are willing to help me get familiar with the new maps? My iccup ign is NrG.NokCha so if theres any players out there who are C+++ that are willing to help me familiarize myself on the new maps thatd be great.
Sweden33719 Posts
Yeah, I've had the same feeling a bunch of times. Maybe not after REALLY long breaks, but after breaks at least.
for some reason this happens to me a lot lol...
there was a thread about this. One theory was that you care more about your games, but that care goes away later.
There's a scientific term for this phenomenon, but I don't remember what it's called. I haven't experienced it with playing SC, but playing cello and piano I definitely have. I've taken a 3 month break from the cello and when I picked it up I could play certain pieces I had a lot of trouble with much easier.
It supports the idea of everything in moderation, even the things that we consider "good for us".
It's related to functions in the brain. Example:
I play fighting games, and try to practice combos and stuff when I wake up/before i go to sleep. This allows muscle memory to "settle" in and gives your brain time to process the information, so after a while it feels more natural and your faster than you originally are.
Hi nokcha! Your drawings are cute.
Yep I've experienced this before, but actually when I practice flute I prefer to just be hot hot hot.
It's only related to muscle memory? Like technique/mechanics type stuff?
That doesn't explain a whole lot.
Norway28528 Posts
ive had apm improvements after long breaks but other aspects of the game ive had to sort of, re-get, especially with new maps.
but in games where im trying my hardest now i consistently have 200 apm, back when I was at my best I usually wasnt above 160.
I think there are too many factors that come into play in SC to stick this on muscle memory. Like for example, why is it that when you try a completely different build your apm doesn't drop? Sometimes it actually goes up! Muscle memory is extremely important in SC, but when it comes to what the OP is talking about, I think that when you play a lot you start playing a bit brainlessly (and sometimes even carelessly). When you come back from a break you're fresh and more focused.
yeah i've noticed after a short break certain aspects of the game feel more simplified, i guess you've just had time to process the game more
Many times, not only do I play better, I have more fun too.
Well at first you're kinda sloppy and mess up a lot but it comes back quickly, at least for me.
That happens to me from time to time
Yeah I do this all the time. Taking a week or so break from the game, and thinking about it rather than playing it, really helps you understand matchups better, and keep your head while you're ingame. Thinking about your mechanics can improve them too.
I like to think of it as the stuff you learned has to be given time to sink into your head so that you can understnad and play faster with a more mental-esque about your moves. I sometimes convince myself that its good to have breaks and therefore I take a bit too many extended ones ^^