First about the game Starfighter General that I desperately need even just a little crowdfunding to meet a Christmas 2021 launch:
I have been trying to make MMOs on and off since 1992(yes before they were a thing). It feels like we're just 60-120 hours away from a basic launch here that will lead to updates once or twice a week as we fill it with content. I think I scare off interested people because our techs are so outlandish that people do not believe me, but this is true:
Upcoming Action MMORPG Starfighter General has lots of interesting never before seen techs:
1) One of the first games in Human History to unlock all CPU CORES: 10-1000x performance of traditional video games.
2) Networking that breaks all the rules: Lower lag, more players per zone.
3) Based on an original successful but never published RPG: Friends played it hundreds of hours and liked it more than D&D.
4) First MMO designed for late game.
5) Easter eggs: Literally Virtual. You find em, hide em anywhere in the universe. Each will give different daily reward as you log on... Better rewards the longer they are hidden. If someone sees it, they can grab it and get a up front reward right there, but it resets your daily. Pick good places to hide!
6) Space dungeons: Competitive zones with different rule sets, rewards winner... Once every 30 min - 1 hr, a zone is super charged with rewards, but you need to find clues to find it.
7) Resource trading like elite: Player vs player trading, no bind one equip, nothing off table unless abuses start happening. Frankly I don't care if you buy stuff offline either. I'm for player's freedom of exchange.
8) PVP: If attacked while peace flagged, they pay you to repair your ship or get a bounty on their head. If the bounty gets high enough, their character gets put in jail for a few days. When they log on, they're in jail. People can visit em tho.
9) Grand Space Opera: 4x emperors around you trying to conquer the galaxy like Master of Orion on a 500 billionish system scale! This drives dynamic questing and galactic landscape changes.
10) Live Game Masters: This will be Omnipotent Role Play. Your characters can do anything within reason of their character's skills, and change anything in the universe permanently. The most entertaining role play sessions will be sent to a medium-high budget animation studio and their characters will be on a Netflix/US.Theatre/online Anime movie.
I'm having health conditions and being resource limited isn't helping. Even just a couple hundred bucks would go a long way towards rushing out a pre-Christmas release.
Be a part of the future and a apocalyptic cyberpunk movie star.. Play now and please fund me.
,CrazyJim of faded Starcraft/Warcraft3/etc fame.
Catching up with the Jim:
Despite internet old sites rotting away, I found some proof of my being #1 at Starcraft/Broodwar/Diablo2HC/Warcraft3 & top 50 C&C3/SC2 2v2 (could have gotten #1 in both, but I found out I didn't enjoy playing em anymore):
My League Experience: Top 10 Senna Mastery now. Made two builds pros used with Senna alone. People begged me for builds on /r/sennamains until they banned me from nearly every league of legends forum on reddit because some people caught the mods trying to cover up my scientific data which proves Loser Q is real:
We beat master teams now, but inconsistent. We need to grind to high diamond and iron out the mistakes to get to perfect play.
I've been streaming some League of Legends at If my humor isn't insane enough. Ask me to insaneify it more. If my dancing isn't good enough, that's my problem. If my singing isn't good enough, I'll be practicing every day. Any remember me? Maybe The-Feared Team, X17 Team, or Even ~LiZarD crew, stop on reminisce, we have some fun again! It's nice to be able to fit more than 20 people in a twitch room. I remember overflow lobbies in 1998 battlenet cuz we poppin at 20 max.
Despite internet old sites rotting away, I found some proof of my being #1 at Starcraft/Broodwar/Diablo2HC/Warcraft3 & top 50 C&C3/SC2 2v2 (could have gotten #1 in both, but I found out I didn't enjoy playing em anymore)
Lmao were you also part of Korean clans alongside Telecom?
Jim was a very good brood war player back in 98-99, but he was never the best. And winning pvz dire straits isn't particularly impressive lol. Furthermore, saying that 'I went 72-0 but one time some guy beat me so if you count that one I'm 72-1' is just laughable.
For the record, while I don't think we ever played, I do remember you. You were never really mentioned in 'best player' conversations, outside from people in the ~Lizard clan who were impressed by your stats on But doing well on the old blizzard ladder, playing only dire straits on fast mode, isn't really all that noteworthy. The best players were the ones who won tournaments. From all the big tourneys in the first two years, to my knowledge/recollection, you have one semi-final appearance and one quarter final appearance. (Also, according to the records, you actually lost on dire straits in both of these tournaments, meaning you're at best 72-2).
These types of boasts that you randomly come with - not 'I was one of the best' (which could have been a fair statement) - but 'my being #1 at Starcraft/Broodwar/Diablo2HC/Warcraft3 & top 50 C&C3/SC2 2v2 (could have gotten #1 in both, but I found out I didn't enjoy playing em anymore)' make you sound completely ridiculous. 'I could have been #1, but I didn't enjoy playing the game' - that's just a stupid, stupid statement.
Consequently - even though I actually totally buy that you are a talented gamer - and I know that you were actually a very good starcraft/brood war player during the first two years, which I absolutely respect - you have no credibility, because the statements you make about your brood war skill are basically outlandish. (Jim describing himself as #1 in the world is about equally accurate as if I were to have made the same statement. I was a very good player at my peak, but never close to being 'best'). This, sadly, also makes me very skeptical of the claims you are making about your game, and thus don't really give me any interest in supporting it, monetarily or otherwise.
So you guys want to trash an old team liquid fan who went #1 in the world in Starcraft in 1998/1999, #1 in Diablo2 hardcore, #1 1v1,2v2,3v3 (with 200-0 record),4v4, first to 1500 wins and did it as random in Warcraft3, top 50 C&C3/SC2 2v2 and gave proof:
So you guys want to trash a lifetime soul gamer from the arcade days when hate and rage game culture was not a thing and we stood up for each other and cheered each other on standing behind the machines? All I have done my entire life since pac man is play games, code games, and design games. I started gaming at 3, coding at 4, and game design at 6. And you guys hating on this?
You know I spent 2000 hours making a video game for a Make a Wish Kid just so he could tell his friends that he made a video game?
So like I don't get it. You guys are hating on one of the original soul gamers with a heart who's never quit. Hate knows no bounds. If I was a noob, you'd say,"Get gud noob.". Haters gonna hate. I just didn't expect the team liquid crowd to fall into that like the rest of social media. Remember, love is the way. Jesus ain't changed since the beginning of time and doesn't change even into the far reaches of eternity. Since the ruler of all reality is the God of Love, we should all be loving each other.
I care more about the spirit of love in my fellow gamers than making money. I care more about playing games than making money. I care more about helping people than making money. Life isn't about what you get, it is about what you give. Our bodies on this Fallen Earth have no connection to our soul. In the next life after this terse breeze passes by, our true glorious bodies will be revealed and our actions, words and motives of our hearts is what is sculpting it for eternity. The end will just be the beginning, so live the rest of your lives in love. I forgive you guys for being hard on me for telling you about my new game I'm trying to get out by Christmas. Jesus forgives all. The world needs less hate and grudges. The world needs more love and forgiveness. Amen.
How can you be #1 in StarCraft if you never won a StarCraft tournament?
How can we trust your claims if you are so ready to lie, even when the lies are pretty hilarious in their own right (being great at Brood War in 1999 is pretty irrelevant to the peaks achieved since then, for example; being #1 on D2 ladder is more about the support network you had and the sheer amount of hours invested into grinding than some measure of skill, etc.)?
No one is "hating on" you, we're just pointing out that you went about promoting your product on an unaffiliated site in possibly one of the more tonedeaf and head-scratchingly backwards ways possible.
Dude, I don't care about any of any of what you just posted. I'm just clarifying to people that yes, you were good, however, the notion that you were ever #1 in brood war is ridiculous. Considering how you're making one ridiculous claim when trying to promote your product and ask for money, I think it's good that people know about it, so they can evaluate whether to have much trust or faith in any of the other claims you are making.
>How can you be #1 in StarCraft if you never won a StarCraft tournament?
Simple. I missed all the tourneys but one. I didn't go to Korea. I was invited, but I thought it was a spam email. I was in Carnegie Mellon University trying to get a B.S. in Scientific Computing (self declared) because I wanted to help do disease cures research. No doors opened after graduating at the Dot Com Bust. My greatest regret in life is not dropping out of college.
I played in one main tournament(1999 Broodwar World championships, as per your liquipedia: 1999 Brood War Tournament World Championships ), but the guy 4 pooled me on Temple and "guessed" my starting position right(he was top temple, I was bot temple, not a standard scouting path), and later I found out that he had spies in my team channel to get my standard build orders. A best of 3 is not a good sample size when the guy comes prepared with a guess of your build.
Ecclesiastes9:11 I realized another thing, that in this world fast runners do not always win the races, and the brave do not always win the battles. The wise do not always earn a living, intelligent people do not always get rich, and capable people do not always rise to high positions. Bad luck happens to everyone.
On ladder tho, I got to the top in Protoss and Terran. No one could beat my Zerg either, but I never laddered to the top. A top 5 world player you guys know: Kain-The-Feared, I beat him, and he told me,"Jim, I never ever ever want to play you again. You're not human." In War3, I found him and asked him to be on my 3v3 team. He said,"Jim, remember, I never want to play vs you, you psychologically wreck people. I meant I never want to play you again in my life." I told him,"On my team." He said,"Oh yeah, sure." Then we went 200-0 3v3. And had #1 2v2 and #1 3v3 together and #1 4v4. You guys remember Crazy~Assassin? I had #1 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 with him too.
Why do you guys doubt stuff that I already gave you proof about? Love's the way. Believe the truth.
My man. you said,"you were ever #1 in brood war is ridiculous."
Well remember Xd's Grr? He was #1 in Korea for 3 years. I beat him relentlessly senseless. He got mad at me and said,"You gotta be cheating, changing numbers or something." I said,"Nah man, but here's what's cool, you #2 in the world. I can tell by your style, you know the inklings of the basics. You know when you breathe in and breathe out as macro. And that is good, because most players don't know how to do this." He refused to believe me. But my words came true when he went to Korea and won for three years straight. He was like a Jr. High player in relation to playing Michael Jordan when playing me, and he couldn't see that. All he knows is he got owned when no one else could... Of course, cuz #2 in the world will beat everyone until he meets the G.O.A.T.
Seriously guys, I've been #1 in the world at every single online laddered game I treated seriously(Starcraft Vanilla/Broodwar/War3/D2 and top 50 C&C3 and Starcraft2 2v2(rocketing to #1 but didn't like end meta design game play). Why wouldn't I have been #1 in the world at Broodwar? You know 1999 Blizzard World Championships only took the top 16 players on ladder right, and you can see that I was in it, right? So why does this bring you confusion? I've trained like an olympian since I was 3 in 1980, 10 hrs a day on average, gaming, coding, design. I started coding at 4, design at 6. Right now I'm sitting at 150,000 hours experience gaming, coding, design. Seriously guys tho, stop the hate, be cool, or like why am I hanging out here? Who wants to hang out with people who hate you and call you a liar, despite you showing them proof. You guys used to be cool and respectful.
The only proof you showed is that you competed in some tournaments that you lost in in 1999 and that you played WC3 since beta so you got to 1500 wins before anyone else because you had a head start when the game was still in its infancy, much like Brood War when you played then. Everything else is you just filling in the gaps with what sound like deluded ramblings, pathetic excuses, and obvious embellishment, with a fair share of ignorant and blatant lies (Grr did not win everything for 3 years in Korea, just to address the most recent one).
It just reads like the desperate throes of a midlife crisis that occurs when a person realizes they spent the vast majority of their life playing and surrounding themselves with videogames but receiving next to no recognition in the past 15+ years for all of the time that they invested. I'd be freaking out too.
Okay dude, now you're just being a clown. I followed the scene pretty religiously, I was around, I read discussions about who the best players were, and I played quite a number of them myself. You were never mentioned. Nobody outside ~Lizard ever spoke positively about you.
Like I said, you were a good player, and I give you credit for that. But the 'I was the best' shit is just stupid. Nobody believes you (because the only 'evidence' you have is your opinion), and considering you posted this because you wanted people to support your game, it's pretty dumb to bring up a lot of stuff that makes your character seem really untrustworthy.
Ah this convo went from nostalgic memories on our childhoods to god knows what.
Grrrr... is a legend my friend. And he didn't practice as much as he should have (one of his regrets by his own admission years later). His managers were also young, ripping him off and/or providing bad advice. Nevertheless his name holds a lot of weight in SC history and he shouldn't be talked about like that.