39489 Posts
so badly that sry, I dont even want to talk about it, but it's bad enough that I have to vent it in some way shape or form, even if it's not really even venting about it since I'm not even writing what it's about, or else I'm going to fucking implode from the stress of this fucking fuckup fuck me fuck.
God I could be so fucked for handing in my thesis now, that's about the furthest I can say about it fuck jesus christ I can't believe I let this happen never fucking do delicate labwork when you're (a) fucking tired (b) in a hurry, b/c baaadddd shit will happen to you fucking equipment fuck god fucking damn shit. Fuck the more I rant/write the more I'm slowly revealing what the fuck my fuckup is about but fuck I am so pissed no I am so disappointed at myself for even allowing this to happen fuck I hate this shit fuck seriously god fucking damn I dont even know what to do I called my supervisor (postdoc) about it but shit it's not like he can do anythign about it esp with the deadline for our thesis submission about .... it's due on the 24th, so what, like 2 weeks away or something? fucking christ jesus emmanualor lord mercy give me a penny kind sir.
What the fuck shit was going smoothly for once then BAM! fucking biggest fuckup I could have possibly done, aside from blowing up the entire department or something like that. I am definitely not cutout to be a researcher, glad I'm not pursuing that as a profession fuck god damn seriously I am so fucked I'm not even sure if I should be doing analysis on the data I have right now, cry in a corner of a dark room, or just fucking go to sleep.
I might go play Iccup fuck.
United States24514 Posts
Is this worse than when I deleted all the grades for an entire college class?
I felt like that after STEP III :/
is this worse then when i killed my wife and unborn child?
The main alternative is to literally crawl into a hole and die.
39489 Posts
this is definitely worse than when I opened a bottle of pyridine outside the fume hood. At least in that case it probably did harm to be long term health but didn't interfere with my work progress.
Fuck acg, I dunno man, fuck yours might be worse I guess, but fucklfaksjdfoaisdjflkasndflkandsflkasjdf god damn.
I lied about getting tested (you know, testeddddd) and came clean a year later.
Jesus christ talk about fucking up bad. (I'm clean though)
Germany2896 Posts
forgot to include your lab in versioncontrol? *g*
Korea (South)11568 Posts
if its not due until the 24th, you have some time to get it done?
You broke your chromatograph/laser cutter/photomultiplier tubes/something?
I've seen PI's tear holes through multiple rooms because they forgot a single step while teaching a new lab tech how to operate a bulk ultracentrifuge.
Shit happens, don't give up. Just redo whatever it is you need to redo, even if it takes you 6 months.
Yeah man don't be too hard on yourself.
Calm, collected, and you're a badass no matter what's happened
Calgary25955 Posts
On July 08 2008 03:21 L wrote: You broke your chromatograph/laser cutter/photomultiplier tubes/something?
I've seen PI's tear holes through multiple rooms because they forgot a single step while teaching a new lab tech how to operate a bulk ultracentrifuge.
Shit happens, don't give up. Just redo whatever it is you need to redo, even if it takes you 6 months.until the 24th
I count 28 fucks in the opening post.
I don't get it.
I mean, you fucked up something in a lab at your university? Like, did you destroy equipment or something? Was it really expensive or what?
I mean don't get me wrong, but I did lab work at universities here too, and I don't think that was too much damage I could do even if I tried to fuck up.
So please, let me know, how much damage could I do?