Just some anecdote/general blog shenanigans. Hopefully I'll get off my lazy ass and compile some replays of my friends and I to start up the "Tales of a Newbie" idea that's been burning in my brain.
I really love Starcraft. I do not think there is a single game that I have a stronger emotional attachment to. No game has affected me in the same way. It's helped me through depression.
I had lived in a shitty place for two years in Northeastern Ohio called Coshocton, and I wasn't very accepted there. Every day I'd come home, hop on Starcraft and play on Battle.net with some friends. Some I knew from the previous place I'd lived, some I'd met just playing the game. There was only one person who'd even seemed to heard of online gaming, much less Starcraft, in Coshocton. It wasn't until later when I got into progaming that I realized the irony that the one friend I had there was from Korea, and our friendship was based around Starcraft; however, I digress.
During my time in Coshocton, I was depressed. I mean REALLY low. I had a habit of breaking into tears during conversations online about how much I hated everything. I truly belief Starcraft saved my life. If I hadn't have found it and linked to other people with it, there's little doubt I would've done... something. What exactly that is I'm not sure; all I know is that back then I didn't want to live anymore. Now I look ahead to the future, getting into college with hopes to become a video game programmer.
My whole inspiration for this blog was me listening to the Starcraft soundtrack, and today's been a pretty emotional day. Every time I listen to any music from Starcraft, it has a very evocative effect. The power of my Starcraft nostalgia is extremely great. I remember all the times I played a melee against one of my older brother's friends nine years ago. One day, one GLORIOUS day, I managed to get a Dark Templar rush and beat him. Granted, this was after losing about 200 times in a row, but I was nine years old, this was huge.
He then refused to play against me anymore and bitched constantly to my brother. It's quite humorous when you think of it.
Anyway, I wish to dedicate this blog entry to Starcraft, memories, and all my old Starcraft buddies, most of whom I've completely lost contact with, sadly: Marino, Amir, Eric, Toku, David, Dc-Wizard (Never did catch his name), and most of all, Jeremy.
Anyone else have some fond or not-so-fond memories of Starcraft feel free to post them. Got a funny/angry/saddening/glorious Starcraft moment? Post it, I'd like to hear what other people have to say about the past decade.
P.S. Holy cow I can ramble! I originally meant to post about three sentences.
United States41662 Posts
Playing Nazgul and just being wowed by his metagame. I mean as players go I feel I'm unusually in touch with the metagame but Naz is just ridiculous. Guess that explains why he rose to the top when he did. I've never loved bw more than I did that game.
I remember the first time I played online on battle.net, someone attacked me with cloaked wraiths and I thought it was a hack.
funny moment about starcraft:
i play terran, and one time i was playing my noobie friend (like 50 apm) and i switched to zerg before the game started. he did not notice. he didn't even scout. he was really freaked out when i came into his base with like 36 speedlings (rofl i got that many and he didn't know i was zerg)
and, of course, the infamous spider-mine-in-minerals-trick. killed ~25 workers with one spider mine. gotta love those mines
I think it says a lot that even a nine year old noob can win with a DT rush
I had so much fun making friends on bnet and playing in 4v4 bgh games as a 10 year old newbie. Good times.
I remember when I first started playing sc...it was freshman year of college at ucsd, fall of 2000. I remember a couple friends in my dorm introduced me, and I was hooked from the start. The first map I learned on was yellow (like fmp but without the minerals), I picked terran and I would always lose to my zerg friends and never understand why. I used to play from 9pm to 10am, go to sleep (skipping class... ) set my alarm for 7pm to wake up for dinner before the cafeteria closed, and do it all over again.
One point in time I will never forget was when me and my friend were talking shit on this guy dongshin7, he had like 10k games on regular sc (which was before winbot and totally insane), and we would always try to get him to play us and he never would. Then finally he played us on bgh with his friend 7girl, and we raped them 3 times in a row...it was the greatest feeling ever.
I also remember when replays were first implemented (2002...2003?), and I thought it was absolutely the most amazing thing ever. Me and my friends were so excited to game all night then check out our replays the next day and try to study how we could improve...so many memories...
Sc is also amazing because every now and then I can catch one of my old school friends from toyland or mix after like 3 or 4 years, and we can game just like it was back in the day.
I truly love this game.
I used to love this game so much. I dropped out of highschool because i played so much and skipped too many classes. But, after a long time of not playing, even now i cant get into the game anymore. Some people i knew that quit the game i would never understand why they would quit such an awesome game. But i really think it has alot to do with your friends (online and irl). It's becomes slightly boring when you play all day with a bunch of random people and not having any fun watching reps with them and joking. just generally enjoying the game together. Not having that is something i miss alot about BW. But i really love the game still, best game ever! ^_^