We know this is a crazy and sensitive issue, especially since Life is the most high profile player to be caught up in an "investigation". But please stay calm and refrain from slandering players until we have more information. Egregious posts will be dealt with accordingly.
On January 29 2016 22:17 MasterCynical wrote: Honestly if i'm allowed to be politically incorrect here...
Why are you guys so surprised? With the state that sc2 sponsorship is in korea, you'd have to be at least consistently getting high into tournament brackets just to make a decent salary...
Not surprised with the high rate of match fix and shady things going on in the scene.
Because it's not Prime this time, but motherfucking Life?
hope it's not true but history does have a tendency to repeat itself
+life is young and does seem a bit cheeky
On January 29 2016 22:17 Musicus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2016 22:15 Mikelino wrote: Do you know the source of the korean news from which everything starts? Changwon district prosecutors' office (which investigated Prime back then) and KeSPA. It's basically quoting Kespa's official statement. This is the Original statement.
+ Show Spoiler +안녕하십니까, 한국e스포츠협회 조만수 사무총장 입니다. 협회는 오늘 오후 프로게이머 이승현의 체포 사실을 확인하고 이에 대해 아래와 같이 입장을 발표합니다. 현재 이승현은 창원지검에 있으며, 아직 구체적인 체포 사유는 밝혀지지 않았습니다. 창원지검은 지난해 불법도박 / 승부조작 관련 사건 수사를 진행한 바 있습니다. 협회는 지난해 향후 어떠한 불법도박 / 승부조작 행위 및 관련 이슈에 대하여 감추거나 타협하지 않을 것임을 밝힌 바 있습니다. 이승현 체포 사안이 아직 구체적으로 어떠한 혐의 인지 밝혀지지 않았으나 본 사안이 불법도박 / 승부조작과 관련된 것일 경우, 또 다시 e스포츠 업계 전반에 큰 악재가 될 수 있음을 고려하여 관련 사실을 밝히고 이에 대한 후속 조치를 시행하고자 합니다. 협회는 먼저, 오늘부터 이승현의 무혐의가 확인되기 전까지 이승현이 출전하기로 예정된 모든 공식경기의 출전 제한을 각 리그 주최사, 주관사, 게임사에 공식적으로 요청할 것입니다. 그리고 협의 확정 시에는 상벌위를 개최하여 협회 차원의 적법한 조치를 취할 것입니다. 협회는 본 사안과 관련하여 창원지검의 협조 요청이 있을 경우 적극적으로 협조해 나갈 것이며, 앞으로도 불법도박 / 승부조작 관련한 조금의 의혹이라도 제기되는 사안들에 대해서는 무관용의 원칙으로 강력하게 대응함으로써 건전한 e스포츠 문화 조성을 위해 최선의 노력을 다할 것입니다. 더불어 협회는 이승현의 트레이드는 본인의 요청으로 이루어졌으며, KT 롤스터팀과 아프리카 프릭스팀은 트레이드 이전에 본 사안에 대해 인지 하지 못하였음을 양팀 사무국을 통해 확인하였습니다. 이번 트레이드와 관련한 확인되지 않은 사실 유포와 부적절한 추측 등을 통한 제3의 피해가 발생하지 않기를 바랍니다. 협회는 한국e스포츠 팬 여러분들과 한국e스포츠 발전을 위해 수고를 아끼지 않은 모든 e스포츠 관계자 여러분들께 우려를 끼쳐드려 송구한 말씀을 전합니다.
On January 29 2016 22:15 Clonester wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2016 22:10 Phredxor wrote:On January 29 2016 22:09 Musicus wrote:On January 29 2016 22:08 Phredxor wrote:On January 29 2016 22:06 Musicus wrote: I hope this is what's going on.
Just an investigation, maybe he is a witness. Maybe.. They're saying he was actually arrested though, not just questioned. Seems a little more serious. I can't take this. Hoping we get more info quickly. I tend to agree with what you said though, Life is making loads of cash, he didn't have any need to fix like Prime did, so hopefully it's just some strange betting lines or something What is better then alot of cash? Even more cash! Missing cash might be a strong factor in commiting such a crime, but having cash does not prevent it from happening. Even if you "dont have any need to fix", fixing is always an option to find more money. This is nothing which makes it more unlikely or likely that he fixed games/was involved in it. We will see what KESPA and the local law enforcment will tell us about this, but all this "he has the money, he doesnt need/wouldnt fix for money!" is straight out not right. When you want more money, you use your options to aquire more money.
Of course. I'm just reaaaally don't want it to be anything because that would kill my interest in SC2 super hard, so I gotta find reasons!
On January 29 2016 22:16 Nakajin wrote: Pls tell me he was arrested from anything else then matchfixing... Shouldn't they always give a reason for an arrest?
ahahaha oh man, i love life and if this is turns out bad then that really sucks and it'll probably depress me away from sc2 a bit
but honestly, the tears will be hilarious. truly truly hilarious. i love watching people overreact to this stuff. my life is over because a teenager in korea cheated for money!
On January 29 2016 22:18 WrathSCII wrote: We literally have a sAviOr in our hands..
Please be innocent...
It's not comparable. Savior didn't matchfix. He managed and encouraged people to matchfix. He was far more in the deep that a matchfixer
On January 29 2016 22:11 sharkie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2016 22:10 Phredxor wrote:On January 29 2016 22:09 Musicus wrote:On January 29 2016 22:08 Phredxor wrote:Maybe.. They're saying he was actually arrested though, not just questioned. Seems a little more serious. I can't take this. Hoping we get more info quickly. I tend to agree with what you said though, Life is making loads of cash, he didn't have any need to fix like Prime did, so hopefully it's just some strange betting lines or something savior had no need either..
I will wait for an official announcement until i form my opinion about this.
but jumping onto the savior-train: a reason for good players to match-fix could be, that they think they´re safe, because nobody expects that kind of fraud from them...
even if life is not guilty, his name is up for debate now and i hope in case of not being guilty, life can shove this off his shoulders and perform like he did before - or better!
On January 29 2016 22:18 RiSkysc2 wrote: I don't know if the Korean scene can survive this if he is charged.
Very worrying.
Are we going to let one players shitty behavior kill something we love? I for sure wont. Now lets try to keep eachother calm until we get some more information on the subject.
Okay but what does it mean then ?
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
I guess it needs to be said at this point that we should not all go crazy in this thread. Stay calm and wait for news. Don't crucify anyone yet until we actually know they actually deserve it.
It's the same guys who busted Prime? Back then they immediately came out with an investigation report, no prior rumors or anything. This is an unfortunate course of action for Life.
Then again, where would matchfixing allegations come from all of a sudden? He's been mostly winning for the last few months.
It also could just be Life having done something stupid like driving under the influence on his birthday -.-
I doubt anything will come out of this and I'm sure life will come out of this absolutely fine, if not a bit jaded by the incident.
On January 29 2016 22:20 NEEDZMOAR wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2016 22:18 RiSkysc2 wrote: I don't know if the Korean scene can survive this if he is charged.
Very worrying. Are we going to let one players shitty behavior kill something we love? I for sure wont. Now lets try to keep eachother calm until we get some more information on the subject.
true - those playing fair are the ones who are damaged the most by those who play dirty. problem is: this is not the first case looking at what happened with prime not so long ago.
indeed, very worrying.
On January 29 2016 22:21 FFW_Rude wrote:Okay but what does it mean then ? exactly that, hes not arrested but rather in custody until investigation is done.
arrested means that there is actual meaningful evidence to support it.
On January 29 2016 22:21 lichter wrote: I guess it needs to be said at this point that we should not all go crazy in this thread. Stay calm and wait for news. Don't crucify anyone yet until we actually know they actually deserve it.
As far as I'm concerned, they will release a statement soon where they thank Life for his cooperation and award him a medal for being crucial in fighting matchfixing in korea.
On January 29 2016 22:21 FFW_Rude wrote:Okay but what does it mean then ? Just called in for questioning I guess
On January 29 2016 22:21 FFW_Rude wrote:Okay but what does it mean then ? it means wait