On February 05 2015 03:58 Quateras wrote: Oh sick, looking forward to the Swarmhost showmatches, i hope blizzard fixed the rallyepoint /locusts bug that we saw @ Nathanias showmatches with TLO and Mana last week. Sadly it made them impossible to really trying them out.
Incase we can ask questions here as well :
Would you guys enjoy an overall +25-35% HP increase across the whole game to all units/buildings to allow for longer fights/make micro more important? - maybe readjust some splash dmg to make Bio not too effective (similar to one of the showmatches from imbaleague that husky did a while ago , where they halfed all damage)
The No Rally + Locust is intended, you can read it in the patch notes.
No i meant the glitch where they dont attack after they landed near a building. And the glitch where they didnt land where the rallye point was set, but to the closest unit possible attack even tho you rallied behind. (TLO and Mana tested this with Probes in the game on Catallena)
On February 05 2015 03:58 Quateras wrote: Oh sick, looking forward to the Swarmhost showmatches, i hope blizzard fixed the rallyepoint /locusts bug that we saw @ Nathanias showmatches with TLO and Mana last week. Sadly it made them impossible to really trying them out.
Incase we can ask questions here as well :
Would you guys enjoy an overall +25-35% HP increase across the whole game to all units/buildings to allow for longer fights/make micro more important? - maybe readjust some splash dmg to make Bio not too effective (similar to one of the showmatches from imbaleague that husky did a while ago , where they halfed all damage)
The No Rally + Locust is intended, you can read it in the patch notes.
No i meant the glitch where they dont attack after they landed near a building. And the glitch where they didnt land where the rallye point was set, but to the closest unit possible attack even tho you rallied behind. (TLO and Mana tested this with Probes in the game on Catallena)
Oh, sorry, then I don't know what I'm talking about ^_^
I wanted to give you all an update on things from my end.
First and most importantly, a thank you. To all of you who have tuned in, be it once, twice, or every week. I will do this show for as long as I have guests willing to appear and a few people willing to watch. Also, thank you for your patience with the technical issues. I know we have them far too often and I appreciate those who stick around to still watch beyond my X-Split issues.
Let's talk about the state of the show.
When I began brainstorming The Late Game last June, I envisioned a well oiled eSports machine. Rapid fire commentary, deep analysis, fun banter, and a solid production. If you've watched any of the recent episodes, you would know the product is a few light years off from my goal.
I haven't lost sight of this dream. My hosting has greatly improved from episode 1 and the production is unarguably better, but that doesn't say much when you compare it to the travesty of the episodes leading up to the holiday break.
I'm working on making the production evolve in the direction I originally envisioned. To do this, I am trying to book guests well in advance. If I know who my guests are more than a few days before we go live, I can actually script the show and prep discussion points that will bring the best content out of all involved.
If you know a pro or personality that you would like to see on the show, please reach out and let them know that I am looking to book for the following dates. This will be a huge step in improving the production.
March: 4, 11, 18, 25 | April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Paying Guests
Since the first episode last year, I have had two guests that required payment to appear. However, when I had spare income, I made it a point to tip as many guests as possible. As of now, I'm resolving to pay every guest that appears on the show. The rate will be determined on a case by case basis by how much money I have at the time.
Real talk. I have always sucked at uploading VODs. However, the past few episodes have had some major hiccups in content and production and I don't have the time or skill to video edit and make the VOD somewhat pleasurable for the viewer to watch. Until I can hire someone to do this for me, I would rather not post a bad VOD and waste your time with the shitty recording. This is where getting my shit together production wise will help. When I don't have 5 minutes of X-Split dickery at the beginning or mid-show implosions, I can go back to posting the VODs, and I'll do it right after the show.
Growth and Future Goals
The Late Game and Lycan League have both shown a lot of growth. The content is nearing 25K monthly viewers between the two productions (obviously, a major thanks to BaseTrade casting the Lycan League for that number). Since I fund the prize pool and production myself, I believe it may be time to put together a portfolio and approach sponsors. The crux is fixing The Late Game's production. Once I have 5 straight episodes with flawless production, I'll feel comfortable enough to ask a company to sponsor my content.
Beyond growing content production, I want to grow myself. eSports is part time for me. Not that I don't want to be full time, but I couldn't do what I do if I didn't have a full time career. I want to work as a creative director or producer at some point in the future. That would be an "end game" stage when transitioning to a full time career in eSports. Until then, my short term goals are to grow my hosting skills and game knowledge. I want to host a DreamHack panel, WCS group, maybe do something at HSC, and one day cast a game. I'm quite far from the latter, but I'll get there. So between running Lycan League and making The Late Game a production you can depend on and love, I'll be working to grow as an analyst and host to achieve those goals.
Final Thoughts
I know I said my thanks at the beginning, but I really wanted to reiterate the sentiment. I feel blessed to have the success I do. I'm not an "old boy" or eSports corporate big wig. I haven't done anything incredible. I'm just a dude who started a tournament that gave away free pizza and went from there, and your support has made it worth everything. It's because of Starcraft's community that I have been driven to keep producing content and I love you all for giving me that gift.
On February 28 2015 07:54 Lycangrope wrote: flawless production
You might want to consider the production around the show as well. On the Youtube channel the episodes are all out of order and there doesn't even seem to be a playlist with just the TLG episodes.
Also, the first post of this thread should have a list/table structured like this: <Episode #> - <guests> - <topics> - <Youtube link> - <Twitch link> - <audio link>
From my own point of view I am not massively fussed about production as long as the content is good, often I listen audio-only anyway and watch for the replay analysis section (which is a great addition)
I think people are a bit spoiled in terms of production and what to expect and place it on a pedestal almost above actual informative discussion and other content.
Not to say that things can't be improved but I've loved this show. Also one thing I don't believe gets enough credit is that it brings in a lot of guests and is less subject to the kind of exclusive/insider vibe that permeated latter-day SoTG
the show is what it is man, dont worry too much about the production, its as good as anything else and really (no offense at all) ur pretty new, people know ur platinum so that whole feeling u get from the sc2 community as lerss than masters has no idea, so people may not want to show up or come forward when you have desrow to contend with as well, someone people know and have been around since thr start really. There arent that many people and covering the same content as the other show, the pro players or personalities may think their time too important to go over what theyve already said twice.
For me, personally i like the show, it seems to have less goof, and awkwardness, ur presentation is better, stature seems better, other shows as likable as a lot of these personalities are there are have too many moments to me where i have my head in my hands thinking, do these people actually go out and talk to people who are non fully committed to gaming . . urs doesnt suffer this as much. Destiny is an asset. The recent rant over the people coming back to the scene and the way he perceived that tweet from day9 as a foot in the door for the LOTV show parties was spot on. I agree completely.
I don't know if Destiny reads this, but man, I so much agree on the return and "not complaining when they could" topic. So much thanks for people like him. Thumbs up, man!