So yeah Time for another blog filled with goodies!
I had an idea that I'd write a ton of stuff about whats gone on in the army and stuff but I don't really feel like it. Everything feels lighter after youve trekked 50km with 40kg on yer back, head & hands. Sitting in salle's apartment in Stockholm (I'm glad,I actually got here, salle got lost in the port area of the city he lives in T_T) I'm currently enjoying my 9 day vacation after completing basic training, and before junior noncommissioned officer training starts. Rooms getting more cramped, training getting more intense (finally, it might actually become interesting, its been mostly boring and physical so far TT).
So onto the goodies! Finally finished this masterpiece about yet another lousy executor, this time, sending a poor DT to harass, with enemy base no where in sight D: It was in progress for months and I finally found the time and motivation to finish it \o/ Enjoy, and click on it to view it in its full 1080p glory [Deetmar originally by disciple]
This one I made in an hour, after spontaneously getting an idea (hey this seems like a cool vision if I can pull it off!), et voila! Suprisingly, the most daunting thing about it, drawing shards of glass, was easy and fun, and came out pretty okay :0 Next time you lock your car for the night, make sure its hard to blink to :3 Click image for 1920x
There might be more[1] __________________________________________________________________________
[1] - Something musical to leave you with, thanks to zere ive been listening to a lot of Secret Agent channel on ^^
Id love to, coming to murka is outrageously expensive though Especially when you dont have a job or anything :E
Oh dear last day of vacation, going back to base in a couple hours Feels like im going to be resting from resting, especially with this hefty hangover of mine @_@
New challenges though, going to be an exciting 3 months D: then it wont be pvt Fuse anymore, it might even be sgt Fuse :0