I planned to make this an epic post for the ages, but I used up all my creativity in my previous two blogs (Kdrama style fanfic and a spoof on mixed eSports). With my monthly imaginary tank running low, I'll scrap together whatever remaining bits to put this together. There is no way I'm waiting another day or two for something epic to come up, I must post in all the subscribed threads!
Since Roffles did an AMA but abandoned it halfway down page 2 (scumbag Roffles right?), I'll yoink his idea and do one myself. Meh, but then I'm not exactly a mystery kind of person so at least the TLMS people know enough about me already.
But, before everything else, may I humbly suggest some background music for reading this blog?
(*gasp*, not Kpop!!)
On April 10 2012 05:00 TheToast wrote:
You know it's funny, I've heard some of the BW TL vets complaining about how SC2 has brought so many "trolls" and poor posters to TL. Yet the BW forum sure has it's fair share of terrible posters. The only difference is the bad posters in SC2 get permed after about 200 posts, poor posters in BW tend to somehow reach 5000 posts before they get permed.
Tomato, Tomaato.
You know it's funny, I've heard some of the BW TL vets complaining about how SC2 has brought so many "trolls" and poor posters to TL. Yet the BW forum sure has it's fair share of terrible posters. The only difference is the bad posters in SC2 get permed after about 200 posts, poor posters in BW tend to somehow reach 5000 posts before they get permed.
Tomato, Tomaato.
Words of wisdom from one of the ABL Discussion Thread comrades. It's true, bad posting isn't an exclusive property of the newly-joined members, older members do it too. I must confess I have a couple warnings and bans to my name too, although my last ban (via this harmless blog) was probably totally worth it!
Nowadays with a gazillion SC2 tournaments in the SC2 tournament section, lots of them being LR, lots of new joiners rack up posts in such a fast pace that would make even Torte de Lini frown in disbelief. For me though, a BW faithful, I don't have lots of places to spam "YES STORK BOSS YEAH GGGGGGGGGGGGGG" plus since I'm done university, I can't make flexible sleeping patterns to watch games live during weekdays. What I'm trying to say is, from about 3k (my last milestone blog) to 5k, I think most of my posts are from the MapleStory thread and the blog section (all the girl blogs yay).
After first joining TL (after a couple months of lurking) in 2009, I never had long-term goals to be involved in the community as much as I am right now. Okay, well, I'm not exactly super-involved, but in the past couple years I've been:
- playing MapleStory and keeping the guild together for most of mid-late 2011 (before it finally died T_T RIP TLMS)
- translating Korean articles, most of BW fans would know!
- giving out lengthy, legitimate (and sometimes half-troll...) advices on girl blogs
- writing random fanfics (the one linked in the preface is a good example, but there's this too)
- read Katawa Shoujo, my first VN... DEM FEELS (Hanabro4lyfe)
Actually, now that I think of it, it doesn't seem like a lot... I've said no to a lot of guest-writing requests for BW hype threads because I'm a huge Stork fan (bias incoming) and I really suck at making solid commitments.
Anyway, I enjoyed doing activities I listed above - I don't think I'd have came across the opportunities if it weren't for TL. It also keeps me sane during boring work days. Now, with the amount of browsing and posting I do at work, some accuse me of being a big slacker at work. Nope, nope, I am a stellar employee who meets deadlines with exceptional quality work. It's just that when I fire up the network model simulations, I have nothing else to do but watch occasionally for potential problems. Okay, I could be working on the non-analysis part of the report, or doing work in other projects, but why multitask with projects when you could be on TL?
Opinions and Ramble
I figure this is a good place to express all my opinions. Right?
- Stork is #1 progamer. Stork forever.
- Fantasy is a scrub. Booo. Screw you Fantasy.
- I will not cheer for Shine although I am a Khan fan (well probably more of just a Stork fan).
- I am no longer a SC2/LoL hater because of that recent BW Head Coaches Interview article I translated. After reading that... I have come to terms with the reality and I'll support whatever those Korean teams decide to do. Blah, fine, to be completely honest I'm still a bit of a hater. So the correct thing for me to say would be that I'm less of a hater. There.
Okay, wait, more on that. I still think BW is the best game and it deserves its own league. I grew up watching BW. While catching up with BW VODs, I crush AI's on BGH by turtling into carrier+arbiter (lol laugh at me laugh at me XD) just because it feels good. When my best friends come over, I force them to play at least a game of BW with me - then I have to pay my part of the bargain and play LoL with them. Regarding BW, there is nostalgia, no doubt, but there is also no other game like BW that even comes close to its excitement. It's been said that BW was never intended to be so balanced and so amazing, and I believe it's the community and the dedicated professionals (progamers, teams, mapmakers alike) that made it as incredible as it was in its prime years. I know that OGN's (and MBC... RIP MBC Game) casting team plays a major part in making it exciting, so that is why I haven't abandoned all hope with OGN's transition to SC2/LoL.
- IU is still my #1 but Eunji (Apink) her high note are so good, I wouldn't say "jizz-in-my-pants" but you get what I mean. So I don't know, I'd still choose IU but Eunji is so good. Speaking of which, if you feel like you've had enough muse, here is Eunji in a sweet duet:
I don't browse the KMD (avoid it like the plague, they said). I do update myself on the recent Kpop stuff though. Not very recent, maybe, but I think my three favourite songs at the moment are Shinhwa - Venus, Shinee - Sherlock, and Sistar - Alone.
OpShot's Girl Blog
*Gasp* the dude offering all those detailed advices on girl blogs actually has girl problems? No, I don't have some heart-wrenching 7-year on-and-off mixed-signals cheating-involved drama, although I would love to read someone else's story about it because I simply feast on juicy e-drama. Let me sum up my entire university love life in one word: ENGINEERING. I'm sure you all understand.
That being said, there is this cute brunette at my office that I get to see in the cafeteria once in a while. I think she's in HR, because I never see her around my area, and she was doing the tickets at the company Christmas party last December. I know her name because I creeped her on the company employee list. She was also handing out popsicles last summer. She kind of looks like Alison Brie (yay Community!). I don't think she knows my name.
Erm, every time there is a milestone blog and shoutouts, it's corny as shit. Thanking internet people for the internet, sort of seems silly and honestly do the people read it anyway? I mean the people in it maybe feel good for two seconds then they click on another blog, and the people not in it feel like shit (I'm looking at you people who didn't include me in your shoutouts!!!).
Still, I want to say thanks to the people that make my everyday TL experiences awesome! Where else to do it except in a milestone blog, right? It's a lot better than sending an awkward PM then the recipient gets awkward too then we all do the awkward turtle dance and yeah.
+ Show Spoiler [TLMS] +
Roffles the raging troll, jaymik the mex, JonsaBoy the physicshomeworkboy, kesrith the Fuhrer, showkjh my downtown boy, Neos the ignorant, Nytefish the neoslover, Yomi.Doom the RIPBONJWA (noob), Enderbantoo the terrormic, Kamille the traplover (but also an odd intellectual), infinitestory the infinitely useless, Nunger the Aussie, naonao the tubs, xusam the old (remember I'm Gina's #1 fan), meltingcake the forevernab, Kyuukyuu my BW brother, Harem the awesome (Eunji <3), Abenson the Sens-fan (shame on you tsk tsk), Elvex the haxx0r, all you guys are awesome and please keep me entertained on TS because I am bored (even right now). Also moar girl blogs pl0x. And of course, the new symbol of TLMS TS channel:
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
[image blocked]
+ Show Spoiler [Other People] +
Kiett the #1 Bisu fan, Sawamura the defender of BW, BLinD-RawR the KT fan, Azera the teenage blogger, TheToast the oh-so-punny ABL regular, Hassybaby the fellow girl blog hunter, Sayle the BW (re)caster, TheAntZ the Pokemon Master, Konadora the lolimaster, you people keep it going strong!
With that, I now declare myself a not-terrible BW poster.
So, ask away!