There were some issues with the tracker because the user streams page was changed. All is well again and I made two tiny changes to the program.
I strongly recommend that if you like using the StreamTracker that you update to the new version that can be found here:
Simply update by overwriting the old application.
- Stream title now shows the actual title of the stream instead of the name of the user who owns it. (Like with Cancella's stream actually being CellaWeRRa's stream. It now shows the right title).
- Temporarily disabled the option to view the stream on since it (obviously) didn't work for streams that don't use livestream. As soon as I find the time to implement the option for all the available stream provider's (ustream,, etc) I will enable it again.
Original post:
Seeing that lovely Retdetector gave me the idea to create a stream tracker that can monitor multiple streams and alert you when they come online.
So, last weekend I decided to waste some of my spare time on the Stream Tracker.
And here it is:
This is the full stream list ripped off the website. I've actually created a script that rips it and outputs it to here: The application then only (to minimize bandwith & cpu time) loads that list. It doesn't do any of the ripping itself.
From there you can add streams (one or multiple at a time) to your watchlist. Whatever is on the watchlist will be checked and will notify you whenever it comes online
So this is watch the watchlist looks like. The options at the bottom will allow you to enable or disable certain events. For example, if you only want the popup uncheck the tooltip checkbox and vise versa. (See last screenshot for what those things look like)
Ofcourse you can remove streams as well.
And this is what happens when a stream on your watchlist comes online. It's not intrusive at all (atleast i don't think so). If you do find the popup annoying, just disable it.
If you feel like trying it out you can download it here:
It requires .NET Framework 2.0 (or up) to be installed.
Version 2.0 can be downloaded here:
Let me know if you like it (and if it actually works properly) and if I should spend more time on it to improve it a little or call me a douche for wasting my spare time on a piece of crap like this.