KTF stands triumphant!
Smiles from the winners - cute!
Hoejja, "I thought I must win today at all costs"
"I want to thank the coaching staff who believed in me and sent me out"
"I want to thank the coaching staff who believed in me and sent me out"
On the 23rd in the rival match between SK Telecom and KTF, HoeJJa defeated BeSt (SK T1) and contributed to breaking the team's losing streak.
The following is HoeJJa's interview.
How do you feel on breaking the team's losing streak?
- That fact that I won alone makes me very happy. Up till now, the coaching staff has been believing in me and sending me out but I kept losing. So I was incredibly sorry but because I won today, I believe I’ve redeemed myself a bit. I’m extremely thankful to the coaching staff who believed in me to the end.
You used an interesting strategy in the early game.
- I felt that I must win today. I thought I must win at all costs so I prepared that strategy and also, the map is difficult to play against protoss. In the past, Stork would use simcity to defend with just 1 cannon, and once he got his tech going, you couldn’t beat him. So I utilized the fact that my opponent wouldn’t make many cannons and used that strategy.
Your opponent’s defense was good.
- Usually in practice, in that situation the game ended but BeSt defended very well. I hadn’t had much practice for the later game so I was a bit taken aback but thankfully, the game played out well.
Were you prepared for management in the later game?
- I tend to lean towards management games so in a management fight, if my defilers just came out, I was confident I could win. So I just played as I usually practiced.
Once Luxury started slumping, your performance has become more important.
- Because Luxury has the amount of skill needed to win at any time, I believe if he just practices hard, things will work out for him. I hope that Luxury can produce the same miracle he created at Hite and generate it at KTF as well.
Your view on the playoffs to come.
- Because our team’s performance was so good today, if we can just play like we did today in the future, I believe we can create an undefeated road to the playoffs.
Last words you want to say?
- I want to say thank you to the fans who came to cheer today, and I also want to thank the coaching staff who always believed in me and gave me great advice.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 연패를 끊은 소감
▲ 이긴 것 자체가 너무 기쁘다. 그동안 코칭스태프께서 믿고 내보내 주셨는데 계속 졌다. 그래서 많이 미안했는데 이렇게 승리해서 조금은 보답한 것 같다. 끝까지 믿어주신 코칭스태프께 정말 감사 드린다.
- 초반 전략을 사용했는데
▲ 오늘은 꼭 이겨야겠다고 생각했다. 어떻게든 이기자는 마음으로 초반 전략을 준비한 것도 있고 맵이 프로토스 상대로 너무 어려웠다. 예전에 송병구 선수가 심시티를 통해 1캐논 상태에서 테크트리를 타면 따라갈 수가 없더라. 그래서 상대가 캐논을 적게 짓는 것을 노려서 전략을 사용한 것이다.
- 상대의 방어가 좋았다.
▲ 원래 연습 때는 그 상황에서 다 끝났는데 (도)재욱이가 잘 막았다. 그 뒤 운영은 연습이 안되어 있어서 당황했는데 다행히도 경기가 잘 풀린 것 같다.
- 후반 운영은 준비되어 있던 것인지
▲ 후반 운영을 지향하는 스타일이라서 운영 싸움으로 가서 디파일러가 나오면 승리할 자신 있었다. 그래서 평소 연습실에서 하는 대로 경기한 것이다.
- 박찬수의 부진으로 본인의 활약이 중요한 변수로 작용했다.
▲ (박)찬수형은 언제라도 승리할 수 있는 실력을 가지고 있기 때문에 열심히 연습한다면 잘 될 수 있을 것 같다. 찬수형이 하이트에서 일으켰던 미라클을 KTF에서도 일으켜줬으면 좋겠다.
- 포스트시즌 진출을 전망한다면
▲ 오늘 우리 팀 선수들 경기력이 좋았기 때문에 오늘 같은 경기력만 나와준다면 전승으로 포스트시즌에 갈 수 있을 것 같다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 오늘 응원 와주신 팬들께 감사 드리고 항상 믿고 조언해주시는 코칭스태프께 감사 인사를 드리고 싶다.
Violet, "I prepared extremely hard"
"I prepared a management battle for a learning experience, but because I won I'm incredibly happy"
"I prepared a management battle for a learning experience, but because I won I'm incredibly happy"
On the 23rd in the rival match between SK Telecom and KTF, Violet (KTF) defeated Bisu (SK T1) and completed a 6 game win streak.
The following is Violet's interview.
- You finished the 4th round with an undefeated 6 game win record.
▲ I’m extremely happy. I usually watch Bisu’s games and learn a lot, and the sheer fact that I had to play a player of that magnitude made me incredibly happy and nervous at the same time. But because I won as well, I’m incredibly happy.
- All of a sudden you became a representative for KTF’s protoss line.
▲ I still think I have a long way to go. Though I played well this round, I will work harder so that I will play even better in the next round.
- At the end of a management battle, you came out victorious.
▲ At first, I wanted to play mind games and use an all-in strategy, but if I won that way, though my team would be happy, I knew it wouldn’t mean much to me. So whether I won or lost, with the mindset that I would just learn from this experience, I prepared a management game. I knew I would be the inferior in sheer strength, so I mixed up my strategy. I made sure my nat was faster, and getting triple nexus would be faster as well. Though I wasn’t able to defend my opponent’s attacks as well as I did in practice, still, the game afterwards played out very well.
- In the early game, you defended against your opponent’s attack very well and started out with an advantage.
▲ I didn’t think that he would attack. But at that timing, if my opponent attacks, it’s only better for me. However, I wasn’t able to defend as well as I had in practice. Usually I’m supposed to have more units left over and have my nat running more smoothly, but I wasn’t able to do that. Thankfully enough, my opponent retreated his units all at once so I was able to continue the game at an advantage. Even though I killed his shuttle, because my control wasn’t very good I wasn’t able to fight very well in battle later.
- In the large fight at the center, because of a mistake you were almost in great danger.
▲ I was just too nervous. As I fought, I was supposed to attack but I kept moving instead. So though I was supposed to easily win, I lost. I didn’t know my opponent would advance like that so once the battle began, my heart shook a bit.
- It seemed you weren’t harassed much by your opponent’s shuttles.
▲ I calculated where to place all my dragoons and prepared… but because my reaction speed was a bit late, I suffered a little. When I was trying to capture my opponent’s second shuttle, I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it with dragoons alone so I used my high templar and luckily enough, I was able to do so.
- Are you confident you can be undefeated in the 5th round as well?
▲ In the 4th round, once I won one game, I prepared even harder for the next one. I especially worked hard for this game, and I believe if I just work hard in the same way in the 5th round, good results will come out.
- How do you plan on spending the week you have before the 5th round starts?
▲ Because I was preparing for matches, I didn’t get much sleep. Since today’s match has wrapped up, I will go home and see my parents, and catch up on sleep. By resting and rejuvenating my body and mind, I will look forward to the 5th round.
- Last words you want to say?
▲ I want to congratulate Flash on 100 days since his gallery opened, and TheMarine is going to enlist in the army soon so I want to say thank you for all he’s done, and I hope that once he is out he can return and show us a great side to him once more.
Original Korean Interview:
+ Show Spoiler +
- 4라운드를 6전 전승으로 마무리했는데
▲ 기분 정말 좋다. 평소에 김택용 선수의 경기를 보면서 많이 배우고 있는데 그런 선수와 방송에서 경기하게 된 것도 기쁘고 설레였다. 그런데 이렇게 승리까지 하니까 정말 기쁘다.
- 어느새 KTF 프로토스를 대표하는 선수로 자리매김했는데
▲ 아직 멀었다고 생각하고 있다. 이번 라운드는 잘 풀렸는데 다음 라운드에서도 더 잘하기 위해 노력하겠다.
- 운영 싸움 끝에 승리했는데
▲ 처음에는 심리전을 써서 올인 전략을 하려고 했는데 그렇게 이기면 팀에게는 좋겠지만 나에게는 큰 의미가 없을 것 같았다. 그래서 이기든 지든 상대에게 배우자는 생각으로 운영을 준비했다. 서로 무난한 운영 싸움을 하면 내가 열세일 거라는 생각으로 전략을 조금 섞었다. 상대보다 앞마당 멀티도 빠르고 트리플 넥서스도 빨랐다. 상대의 공격을 연습 때보다 잘 못 막았지만 그래도 그 뒤부터 경기가 잘 됐다.
- 초반 상대의 공격을 막고 유리하게 시작했는데
▲ 공격을 안 올 줄 알았다. 그 타이밍에 공격을 와주면 내게 좋다. 그런데 연습 때보다 잘 못 막았다. 원래 병력도 더 남기고 앞마당도 더 안정적으로 돌려야 하는데 그러지 못했다. 다행히도 상대가 병력을 한 차례 뒤로 물려서 유리하게 풀어갈 수 있었다. 셔틀을 잡고도 컨트롤을 잘 못해서 전투가 좋지 않았다.
- 중앙 대규모 전투에서 실수를 하며 위기를 맞을 뻔 했다.
▲ 긴장을 너무 많이 했다. 싸울 때 어택을 해야 하는데 계속 무빙을 했다. 그래서 쉽게 이겨야 하는데 지더라. 상대 병력이 그렇게 전진해 있을 줄 예상하지 못해서 전투가 벌어지는 순간 가슴이 철렁했다.
- 상대의 셔틀 견제에 당하지 않는 모습이었는데
▲ 드라군 위치까지 모두 계산해서 준비했는데. 반응 속도가 늦어서 조금 힘들었다. 상대의 두 번째 셔틀을 잡을 때 드라군으로 안될 것 같아서 하이템플러를 사용했는데 운이 좋아서 잡은 것 같다.
- 5라운드에서도 전승 자신 있는지
▲ 4라운드에서는 한 경기 이기고 나서 다음 경기를 더 열심히 준비했다. 특히 이번 경기는 정말 열심히 했는데 5라운드에서도 지금처럼 열심히 한다면 좋은 성적 나올 것 같다.
- 5라운드 전까지 남은 일주일 어떻게 보낼 생각인가
▲ 경기 준비하느라 잠을 많이 못 잤다. 오늘 경기가 끝났으니 집에 가서 부모님 만나 뵙고 잠을 보충하겠다. 그리고 기본기 보충을 통해 5라운드를 대비하겠다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 이영호 갤러리 탄생 100일 축하 드리고 (김)정민이형이 곧 군대 가시는데 그동안 감사했고 군 제대 후 다시 좋은 모습 돌아와주셨으면 하는 바람이다.
Flash, "I'm glad I secured the team's victory"
"I will work hard so that we can get to the playoffs"
Why would fomos choose this picture......
"I will work hard so that we can get to the playoffs"
Why would fomos choose this picture......
On the 23rd in the rival match between SK Telecom and KTF, 'Ultimate Weapon' Flash (KTF) defeated fantasy (SK T1) to successfuly break KTF's losing streak.
The following is Flash's interview.
- Your win secured your team’s victory.
▲ I wasn’t interested in 2 losses in a day again. Because I’ve been in many ace matches, I think this was better than losing in those matches. I was just upset I wasn’t able to properly display the strategy I had prepared.
- The shock of losing twice in a day properly hit you hard.
▲ It did hit me hard, but because I personally like forgetting matches I lose quickly, I was able to devote myself to practice the next day. Though it was really hard for me the day it happened, the next day I was fine.
- How did you prepare for today’s game?
▲ Not only was I playing SK Telecom – my opponent was terran’s ace player fantasy. Because we recently lost 4 times and our morale was so low, I knew I must win. Since today was the 100th day since my gallery opened, many fans came with gifts so I felt like my win today was a way to repay them, so I’m very happy.
- Today your fan’s signs were quite impressive.
▲ I briefly looked over them. Because they were created by my fans, no matter what other people think of the signs, I’m incredibly thankful to them all.
- Your strategy today was good.
▲ Everyone seemed to use double cc against me lately so I prepared 2 factory for today and it worked out well. I feel like I showed everyone what happens when they go double command against me so I’m happy.
- Your results for the 4th round haven’t been so great.
▲ There were many matches that I should have won that I lost. Teams like Ace or WeMade I believed had weaker strategies than us but I lost to them. If I make similar mistakes in the future, we will drop out in standings so in order not to lose our hope, I will work doubly harder. Now is not the time to lose focus. I believe I’ll have to start playing like each match is our last one.
- The competition for all-time wins is getting more and more fierce.
▲ I believe the all-time wins will come down to whoever has the best stamina in the end. I’m certain that the winner will be chosen among me, Jaedong, or Bisu.
- Last words you want to say?
▲ Today is the 100th day since my gallery has opened and my fans have probably suffered a lot up ‘til now while cheering for me. I hope my win today can be a present for this 100th day. They collected money and gave me 100 manwon as a present, so in order to repay their generosity I believe I will have to show better performances in the future. TheMarine hyung is going to the army in 3 days. He was an amazing commentator and hyung, and I hope he will complete his military service well and return as a commentator afterwards.
Original Korean Interview:
+ Show Spoiler +
- 팀 승리를 확정했는데
▲ 하루 2패는 별 감흥이 없었다. 다전제를 많이 해봐서 그 때 패한 것보다는 낫더라. 다만 내가 준비해온 전략을 제대로 보여주지 못한 것 때문에 화가 났다.
- 하루 2패 충격이 컸을 것 같은데
▲ 충격은 있었지만 진 경기는 빨리 잊는 스타일이라서 다음 날은 바로 연습에 몰두할 수 있었다. 당일에는 정말 힘들었지만 다음날은 괜찮았다.
- 오늘 경기 어떻게 준비했는지
▲ 상대가 SK텔레콤 인데다가 테란 에이스 정명훈 선수와 경기를 하게 됐다. 최근 4연패를 해서 분위기도 좋지 않아서 반드시 이기고 싶었다. 오늘 이영호 갤러리 탄생 100일이라서 팬들이 선물을 많이 사오셨는데 그 보답을 해드린 것 같아서 기쁘다.
- 오늘 팬들의 응원문구도 대단했다.
▲ 대충 읽어봤다. 내 팬들이 해주신 것이기 때문에 다른 사람이 어떻게 생각하든 나에게는 정말 감사한 일이다.
- 오늘 전략이 좋았는데
▲ 오늘 다들 나 상대로 더블커맨드를 하길래 2팩토리를 준비했는데 잘 먹혔다. 나를 상대로 더블커맨드 하면 이렇게 된다는 것을 오늘 보여준 것 같아서 기쁘다.
- 4라운드 성적이 좋지 않은데
▲ 질 경기가 아닌데도 진 경우가 많다. 공군이나 위메이드와 같은 팀은 우리보다 전략이 약하다는 생각이 들었는데 져버렸다. 앞으로는 이런 실수를 하면 탈락이기 때문에 남은 희망을 놓치지 않기 위해 열심히 노력하겠다. 이제는 방심을 할 때가 아니다. 이게 마지막이라는 생각으로 경기를 해야 할 것 같다.
- 다승 경쟁이 점점 치열해지고 있다.
▲ 다승 경쟁은 이제 마지막 뒷심이 누가 쌔느냐에 의해 갈릴 것 같다. 이제동-김택용 그리고 나, 셋 중에 하나가 다승왕이 될 것이 확실하다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 오늘 이영호 갤러리가 탄생한지 100일인데 그동안 응원해주시느라 마음고생이 심하셨을 것 같다. 오늘 승리가 탄생 100일 선물이 됐으면 좋겠다. 100만원이나 모아서 선물을 해주셨는데 보답을 위해 앞으로 성적으로 보여드리겠다. (김)정민이형이 3일 후에 군대에 가신다. 정말 좋은 해설위원이자 형이었는데 군복무 잘 마치시고 다시 해설위원으로 복귀하셨으면 좋겠다.
I apologize for how late these interviews are =( I've been pretty busy lately but I hope you guys enjoy them!
Also, I'm not sure what Flash's gallery is but I'm going to assume it's some sort of fan cafe?
As always, feedback welcome and encouraged!