I made a FPVod of a TvZ game I played against Mondragon yesterday. It's the first one I did in about 5 years. I try to give some strategic insight into TvZ and explain the stuff I do in the game but there wasn't always enough time to go in-depth =)
regardless, I hope you guys enjoy it, not the best game, but the first decent one since I had the idea to record some FPVods again.
here it is:
some game info, map : destination matchup : TvZ apm : 250
feedback is welcome, and also stuff u guys would like to see in future (if you liked this one). I already plan on doing a couple of ZvP's and ZvT's as well as some more TvZ.
p.s i apologise if my english isn't perfect
and thanks to zatic and tl.net for uploading this to their youtube channel! also thanks to psyonic_reaver for showing me how to do it!
wow, cool, its been said that rets TvZ is the best outside of korea, im sure we can all only benefit from this, thanks.
Considering the amount of top foreign terrans that are willing to do things like this, this is a HUGE contribution, thanks a lot, now if you could only write up a tvz guide...
Good lord ret you are so fucking good!!! your english is amazing and I like the insight you give, I learnt quite a lot from this video:D keep these vods coming!
No thanks to the guy that gave you a free version of HyperCam? ^^
This is very good Ret. I hope you keep doing more! Gogogo Ret!
Just don't ever start out saying this though: HiGuysThisisToTRetwithanotherFirstPersonVodandtodayi'mgoingtotalkabouthowtototally rapenewbsoniccupattheDlevelwithadtrushlolololol.
On January 24 2009 09:11 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: No thanks to the guy that gave you a free version of HyperCam? ^^
This is very good Ret. I hope you keep doing more! Gogogo Ret!
Just don't ever start out saying this though: HiGuysThisisToTRetwithanotherFirstPersonVodandtoday i'mgoingtotalkabouthowtototallyrapenewbsoniccupattheDlevelwithadtrughlolololol.
Did you really have to do that? I hate when the layout gets stretched -_-
edit: Just finished watching the entire thing, entertaining game