His reflection in the mirror vibrated softly as the shells whistled overhead. They were inconsequential however, it had already been determined that the war would end on a dual. Dressed smartly in his Commander's tunic, he looked into his own eyes and saw... what? How could he describe his eyes? The eyes that had witnessed a million deaths, and seemed destined to witness a million more. What possibly could occur tonight that he had not already seen? Nothing. There were no surprises tonight. He had never been bested on the final battlefield, and his wins often resembled victory marches rather than the epic clashes of two equals.
The first pin. Snapping smartly on his breast it recalled memories of youth, recklessness, and a feeling of immortality. He had destroyed THAT particular Overmind twice in his illustrious career.
The second pin. Much like the first, it had been against the Overmind, another aggressive Zerg who had been unable to withstand the inevitable. He had been wiser than before however, and the victory had been more controlled, more brutal.
The third pin. Gleaming, without the dullness of time characteristic of the other two, this last pin was the proof of his emergence from the dark times. There had been some who had first whispered, then proclaimed LOUDLY that his time was over. Others had risen and fallen in his absence. This third pin had silenced them all. Some of them would never speak again.
Looking scornfully at the other three pins on his shelf, he swept them aside and they went clattering into the darkness. Only the mouse remained, gleaming with its crimson richness. This, this was his alone. Turning on his heel, his cape rippling out behind him, he marched into the gloom ready to take his place on the battlefield. Above in the sky, a storm brewed.
sAviOr by Hot_Bid
Behind him, the swarm roared, as they had three times before, as they only do for royalty. This was their world, and will always be. His conquests had been decisive. His opponents, unworthy. Now, each passing victory comes and goes like the seasons: slow, but inexorable. Above the drone of his minions, he still yearned to be pushed to the limit, for the ultimate test, and thus he searched the sea and sky and for a true rival, one that roared just like he did, once, twice, thrice.
He hears the whispers of the other world, the human world, the one they called the superior world, ruled by their champion, their hope, their answer. Oh, him? He barely remembers him. Who would waste their breath and thoughts on the dead and vanquished?
But he heard the whispers, the doubts, the insolence, the disrespect. He will go to their world, he will be as he always was: decisive, and royal. He will win, and the swarm will roar behind him, and he will never hear those whispers again.
Tonight: NaDa "The Genius Terran" VS. sAviOr "The Maestro"
Best of Five Matchup for the ShinHan Bank Season 3 OSL Finals Saturday February 24th, 6pm.
Game 1: Longinus II Game 2: Neo Arkanoid Game 3: Reverse Temple Game 4: Hitchhiker Game 5: Longinus II
Is the Royal Road paved with human skulls? Will sAviOr hold both major titles and complete his domination? Or, will NaDa avenge his superfight humiliation, collect his fourth badge, break the OGN curse once and for all? Find out tonight.
Mani and Hot, I really appreciate your efforts with the introductory remarks. I was already rallied up; this being 3 hours prior to the doom of one of the titans and grace for the other. But, you guys do have a way with words. It is a really nice read. No real need to rally me more, but I accept. 3 AM cst to watch the games in Texas, but DONE. Thank you also ilovecats.
On February 23 2007 22:14 evanthebouncy~ wrote: HELP! On sc2.org I already registered and logged in. Whenever I click on OGN live my firefox closes itself. WTF IS WRONG! T_T_T_T_TT_______T
God has obviously deemed you unworthy of seeing his only son perform live =)
On February 23 2007 22:14 evanthebouncy~ wrote: HELP! On sc2.org I already registered and logged in. Whenever I click on OGN live my firefox closes itself. WTF IS WRONG! T_T_T_T_TT_______T
Yeah as stated by the previous opt, use IE tab or use internet explorer. I'm using internet explorer at the moment, because the Java chat doesn't seem to work on my FF anymore. Anyways, make sure you got the latest Java update and as well make sure you allow activex or any codec downloads. Good luck.