I didn't have the chance to watch the asusrog tournament live so I decided to download the replays (thanks to them for the quick upload, always a pleasure) to take notes. I decided to watch all the TvZ of taeja because : he has a very solid TvZ versus foreigner zerg and because I have some problem on ladder in this match-up. I thought that his safe and solid play could help me.
The note includes 17 games out of 4 bo5. But before I copy/paste the whole thing let me do some more general precisions:
-Teja didn't played mech once, he switched through the different games between bio/mine,bio/tank, and in smaller amount of game, full bio.
-He always based his openers (exept for the only 11/11 that he did) on space control units; reaper/ hellion, hellion, hellion/banshee or reaper/hellion/banshee. He used medivac with small bio forces later.
-He always kept ALL his space units alive (to boost his later timing push for ex.)
-The openers that he used for his 17 games can be divided in 3 categories:
I. Reaper expand:
II. Comander Center first
III. Others
-I think it is also really important to note that taeja always build exactly 6 hellions even vsLivezerg who managed to kill a few of them each game with a heavy speedling defence, he didn't build more of them.
-Vs Hyun (arguably the best the zerg of the 4), taeja went 4 times on 5 for the cc 1 st opener.
-The replays and vods can be found here.
-Sorry for my english and if the note are not very clear.
The Notes:
[A]Taeja-Goswer//Asusrog tournament summer 2013// Playoffs -Ro8
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I. Newkirk
This build is a full map control build beacause space units are greats [reaper/hellion/banshee]
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) ) [u don't need a depot before it finished (i think) but Taeja doesn't care and build it anyway]
asap factory then reactor for swap
2nd gaz
starport + 2 hellions + techlab on the rax for the swap
banshee + cloak+ marine x 2 then tech for stim
2 ebay and the 3rd (3rd cc at 8 min 30)
1/1= 3/4 gaz and when u have enough hellions and 2 mines, build some reactors* because we like marines and medivacs.
*You need one reactor for the the 3rd rax (the 2nd rax goes on the naked one) and the other one for the starport, then another one for mines
NOTE: Goswer did a cheesy build this game (proxy hatch into roach push), the mines and the marines before the tech lab are made in consequence.
II. Derelict Watcher
This build is the poky push in your face
12/12 => 2 reaper
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) // note: 3 min 50 if your name is taeja (renaming don't work, u need to be in the teamliquid team)
asap factory then reactor for swap
2nd gaz
depot, 2 rax , swap for hellions, one marine to kill the overlord, time to build a bunker
tech lab/ 2 reators
starport 7 min 10 for the swap
2 medic ,3 rd gaz
3 rd cc at 9 min (just build 2 medic, continue the prod after the 1/1 is started)
benchmark: 9 min you will not have 2medic,2 reapers, 6 hellions, 12 marines, 1 marauder
follow up (while pushing): 4 th gaz then 2 ebay then 2 rax and reator for mine.
III. USA win on whirlwind
IV. Belshir
The build: reaper expand into 1 none cloak banshee and a delayed 3 rd cc (strange build)
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion)
2nd gaz
depot, 2 rax , swap for helions, one marine to kill the overlord, time to build a bunker
starport + 2 hellions + techlab on the rax for the swap
build one banshee then a viking, one marine then tech lab for stim and a reactor with the factory (you have a naked tech and a naked reactor)
2 rax at 7 min 20 (swap on the 2 reactor and put the facto on the tech lab)
1 ebay and the 3rd gaz, 4th when the 3rd one finshes. CC after +1 starts
build tank after medic
11 min: add 2 rax, 1 armory, 1 ebay and do a little push with your forces (16 marines 2 medi with one tank one the way and two other medic)
This build is a full map control build beacause space units are greats [reaper/hellion/banshee]
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) ) [u don't need a depot before it finished (i think) but Taeja doesn't care and build it anyway]
asap factory then reactor for swap
2nd gaz
starport + 2 hellions + techlab on the rax for the swap
banshee + cloak+ marine x 2 then tech for stim
2 ebay and the 3rd (3rd cc at 8 min 30)
1/1= 3/4 gaz and when u have enough hellions and 2 mines, build some reactors* because we like marines and medivacs.
*You need one reactor for the the 3rd rax (the 2nd rax goes on the naked one) and the other one for the starport, then another one for mines
NOTE: Goswer did a cheesy build this game (proxy hatch into roach push), the mines and the marines before the tech lab are made in consequence.
II. Derelict Watcher
This build is the poky push in your face
12/12 => 2 reaper
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) // note: 3 min 50 if your name is taeja (renaming don't work, u need to be in the teamliquid team)
asap factory then reactor for swap
2nd gaz
depot, 2 rax , swap for hellions, one marine to kill the overlord, time to build a bunker
tech lab/ 2 reators
starport 7 min 10 for the swap
2 medic ,3 rd gaz
3 rd cc at 9 min (just build 2 medic, continue the prod after the 1/1 is started)
benchmark: 9 min you will not have 2medic,2 reapers, 6 hellions, 12 marines, 1 marauder
follow up (while pushing): 4 th gaz then 2 ebay then 2 rax and reator for mine.
III. USA win on whirlwind
IV. Belshir
The build: reaper expand into 1 none cloak banshee and a delayed 3 rd cc (strange build)
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion)
2nd gaz
depot, 2 rax , swap for helions, one marine to kill the overlord, time to build a bunker
starport + 2 hellions + techlab on the rax for the swap
build one banshee then a viking, one marine then tech lab for stim and a reactor with the factory (you have a naked tech and a naked reactor)
2 rax at 7 min 20 (swap on the 2 reactor and put the facto on the tech lab)
1 ebay and the 3rd gaz, 4th when the 3rd one finshes. CC after +1 starts
build tank after medic
11 min: add 2 rax, 1 armory, 1 ebay and do a little push with your forces (16 marines 2 medi with one tank one the way and two other medic)
(B) Taeja-TLO//Asusrog tournament summer 2013//Group stage 2 - Round B
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I. Star sation
The build is heavy reaper opening into a fast 3 rd (taeja lost, it last more than 20 min)
12/12 => 4 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) [no supply depot this time]
asap factory
3rd cc (5min 15)
Reactor on the factory for 6 hellions, build a 4th reaper and then a techlab
2nd gaz and time for bunker depending on what u scout.
@7 min 30 build 2 more rax
when the 6 hellions on done build a tech lab with the factory
@8 min 15 buiold 3/4 gaz and 2 ebays
build 4 th and 5 th rax when the 2nd and 3 rd are finished, then a tank, and then the starport on the naked starport (just after the 1/1 infantry). The tank help for the establishement of the 3rd.
After the 1 st tank, build a reactor on the factory and a new factory on the naked tech lab.
II. Newkirk
This build is a cc first 2 ebay opening, innovation style (teaje won before the 14 th minute vs a ling baneling muta macro style)
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
Stop at 18 scv for a marine
depot/bunker (wall natural)
5 min 30: 3 rd cc
tech lab on rax and start the helllion production
stim asap and 2 nd gaz just after
when the oc on the 3 rd start, build 2 ebays
when you have 6 hellion build a reactor with the factory and 2 more rax for the swap
1/1 and gaz n°3/4
starport and reactor for the swap + 2 more rax.
a new reactor for mines,
2/2 and gaz n° 5/6
benshmark: 10 min 30, poke with your 6 hellion, 20 marines with 1/1 stim and combat shield ,and your 2 first medic
III. Belshir
The build reaper hellion banshee with a very fast 3 rd.
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion)
2nd gaz
3rd cc and the 2 first hellions (up to 6)
5 min 50 starport + tech lab (cloak and banshee)
tech lab on rax (marine and stim), reactor on facotry
8 min 30: 3/4 gaz + 2 ebay
4 rax ( 2 on the naked reactors)
reactor on starport, and a tank (you can build mines by build a new reactor depending on what you scouted)
add more rax
IV. Whirlwind
1 rax expand old school hellion/banshee
rax 10 (one marine only before 2 nd depot)
oc at 16
2 nd cc at 3 min
17 depot
3 min 45: double gaz
factory and reactor on rax (you'll have 4 marine)+ bunker
starport and tech lab
banshee + tech lab for stim + cloak*
3 rd cc at 7 min 30 a,d 3/4 gaz + 2 ebay at 8min
*NOTE: taeja scan the natural of tlo, he checked: the mined gaz, the number of drone, the units and the absence of tech building and gaz units. He cancel the cloak because he knows that it is muta. All this while having 272 apm.
8 min 30: build 2 rax and a viking after the 2 first banshee and a reactor with the factory for medic
2 more rax
benshmark: 10 min youve: a nakef tech lab, a starport with reactor, 3 rax with the addon, 2 rax in prod, 1/1 half way done, facotry producing reactor
The build is heavy reaper opening into a fast 3 rd (taeja lost, it last more than 20 min)
12/12 => 4 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55) [no supply depot this time]
asap factory
3rd cc (5min 15)
Reactor on the factory for 6 hellions, build a 4th reaper and then a techlab
2nd gaz and time for bunker depending on what u scout.
@7 min 30 build 2 more rax
when the 6 hellions on done build a tech lab with the factory
@8 min 15 buiold 3/4 gaz and 2 ebays
build 4 th and 5 th rax when the 2nd and 3 rd are finished, then a tank, and then the starport on the naked starport (just after the 1/1 infantry). The tank help for the establishement of the 3rd.
After the 1 st tank, build a reactor on the factory and a new factory on the naked tech lab.
II. Newkirk
This build is a cc first 2 ebay opening, innovation style (teaje won before the 14 th minute vs a ling baneling muta macro style)
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
Stop at 18 scv for a marine
depot/bunker (wall natural)
5 min 30: 3 rd cc
tech lab on rax and start the helllion production
stim asap and 2 nd gaz just after
when the oc on the 3 rd start, build 2 ebays
when you have 6 hellion build a reactor with the factory and 2 more rax for the swap
1/1 and gaz n°3/4
starport and reactor for the swap + 2 more rax.
a new reactor for mines,
2/2 and gaz n° 5/6
benshmark: 10 min 30, poke with your 6 hellion, 20 marines with 1/1 stim and combat shield ,and your 2 first medic
III. Belshir
The build reaper hellion banshee with a very fast 3 rd.
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion)
2nd gaz
3rd cc and the 2 first hellions (up to 6)
5 min 50 starport + tech lab (cloak and banshee)
tech lab on rax (marine and stim), reactor on facotry
8 min 30: 3/4 gaz + 2 ebay
4 rax ( 2 on the naked reactors)
reactor on starport, and a tank (you can build mines by build a new reactor depending on what you scouted)
add more rax
IV. Whirlwind
1 rax expand old school hellion/banshee
rax 10 (one marine only before 2 nd depot)
oc at 16
2 nd cc at 3 min
17 depot
3 min 45: double gaz
factory and reactor on rax (you'll have 4 marine)+ bunker
starport and tech lab
banshee + tech lab for stim + cloak*
3 rd cc at 7 min 30 a,d 3/4 gaz + 2 ebay at 8min
*NOTE: taeja scan the natural of tlo, he checked: the mined gaz, the number of drone, the units and the absence of tech building and gaz units. He cancel the cloak because he knows that it is muta. All this while having 272 apm.
8 min 30: build 2 rax and a viking after the 2 first banshee and a reactor with the factory for medic
2 more rax
benshmark: 10 min youve: a nakef tech lab, a starport with reactor, 3 rax with the addon, 2 rax in prod, 1/1 half way done, facotry producing reactor
[C]Taeja-Hyun//Asusrog tournament summer 2013//group stage 2- winner match
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I.Neo Planet S (lost)
The build: same one that vs tlo in game 2 on newcrick but on neo planet s this time.
Hyun actually won this game not because taeja builmmd was bad, but because Hyun played so well. Taeja was ahead in upgrades and equal in bases but the multitask of hyun was too good. Every single zerg on this planet should watch this game.
II. Whirlwind (taeja lost)
The build: cc first into aggressive play
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
Stop at 18 scv for a marine
factory/reactor + tech lab on rax for stim (6 hellions)
depot/bunker (wall natural)
Same build again ? Not even close buddy.
5 min 20: 2 nd gaz
2 rax (with reactors)
7 min starport for the swap (build one mine on the factory before the reactor)
7 min 30: 3rd gaz
9 min 30: 3rd cc, 2 ebay
4th gaz
11 min add 3 rax
Hyun defended with tier one units and win on the counter. Swarm style at it best.
III. Newkirk (taeja need to win)
The build: cc first into agressive hellbat play-mvp style
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
go to 19 scv but build bunker asap (only one marine)
factory/2nd gaz /reactor <= epicness incoming
just before the rax/facotry swap, build a ... armory!
starport, one marine on the rax then tech lab for marauder and stim
after your first 4 hellion, start hellbats production
stim + medi asap
7 min 30: add 2 rax (lab/reactor)
8 min: 3rd gaz
9 min: 3 rd cc and 4 th gaz
2 ebay and research combat shield and convussive sheld
Benshmark at 10 minute: 3 medic, 1 viking, 9 hellbats, 5 marauder, 4 marines.
While pushing: produce mines, reactor on the starport, start 1/1, Change your techlab rax into a reactor one while building 2 other rax. Establish your 3 rd base.
Follow up: build and armory in time, and a 2nd factory on the naked tech lab. 4 th cc at 14-15 min, a then more rax. 3 gaz are enough.
IV. Derelict watcher
Similar build than the one done vs goswer (same map), but with a 3rd cc just before the 2nd gaz and the 2/3 rax. More macro orriented play. Huyn did an violet push, he did a lot of damage put the counter drop play of taeja did too much damage.
IIV. Star station
Same build that in game two of this serie. Very small change (better execution i think). The 3 rd cc is started at 8 min 30 and the ebays at 9 min 15. Hyun did the exact same response than in game 2: tier 1 units. But this time, taeja went for tanks after his single mine after scouting a solid ling/bane/roache defence.
When hyun attack him with his full tier 1 200 pop army, taeja was waiting him with 4 bunkers, 5 tanks and a good bio force. He also had 2 full medivacs attacking the 3rd of hyun and one attacking the 4 th.
The build: same one that vs tlo in game 2 on newcrick but on neo planet s this time.
Hyun actually won this game not because taeja builmmd was bad, but because Hyun played so well. Taeja was ahead in upgrades and equal in bases but the multitask of hyun was too good. Every single zerg on this planet should watch this game.
II. Whirlwind (taeja lost)
The build: cc first into aggressive play
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
Stop at 18 scv for a marine
factory/reactor + tech lab on rax for stim (6 hellions)
depot/bunker (wall natural)
Same build again ? Not even close buddy.
5 min 20: 2 nd gaz
2 rax (with reactors)
7 min starport for the swap (build one mine on the factory before the reactor)
7 min 30: 3rd gaz
9 min 30: 3rd cc, 2 ebay
4th gaz
11 min add 3 rax
Hyun defended with tier one units and win on the counter. Swarm style at it best.
III. Newkirk (taeja need to win)
The build: cc first into agressive hellbat play-mvp style
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
go to 19 scv but build bunker asap (only one marine)
factory/2nd gaz /reactor <= epicness incoming
just before the rax/facotry swap, build a ... armory!
starport, one marine on the rax then tech lab for marauder and stim
after your first 4 hellion, start hellbats production
stim + medi asap
7 min 30: add 2 rax (lab/reactor)
8 min: 3rd gaz
9 min: 3 rd cc and 4 th gaz
2 ebay and research combat shield and convussive sheld
Benshmark at 10 minute: 3 medic, 1 viking, 9 hellbats, 5 marauder, 4 marines.
While pushing: produce mines, reactor on the starport, start 1/1, Change your techlab rax into a reactor one while building 2 other rax. Establish your 3 rd base.
Follow up: build and armory in time, and a 2nd factory on the naked tech lab. 4 th cc at 14-15 min, a then more rax. 3 gaz are enough.
IV. Derelict watcher
Similar build than the one done vs goswer (same map), but with a 3rd cc just before the 2nd gaz and the 2/3 rax. More macro orriented play. Huyn did an violet push, he did a lot of damage put the counter drop play of taeja did too much damage.
IIV. Star station
Same build that in game two of this serie. Very small change (better execution i think). The 3 rd cc is started at 8 min 30 and the ebays at 9 min 15. Hyun did the exact same response than in game 2: tier 1 units. But this time, taeja went for tanks after his single mine after scouting a solid ling/bane/roache defence.
When hyun attack him with his full tier 1 200 pop army, taeja was waiting him with 4 bunkers, 5 tanks and a good bio force. He also had 2 full medivacs attacking the 3rd of hyun and one attacking the 4 th.
[D]Taeja-Livezerg//Asusrog tournament summer 2013//group stage 1- Round 1 A
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I. Derelict watcher
Build: Reaper/hellion/banshee into marco bio/tank play
Same build that the game one vs goswer. He don't build the mines and the marines before the tech lab for stim.
Here are the classic timing:
The 3 and 4 gaz start at the same time than the 2 ebay (8 min 30)
rax 4/5 start at 10 min
He decided to go tank so he switch the factory on the tech lab of the starport
II. Belshir
Did a 2 rax 11/11, killed the hatch but lost to the baneling bust counter.
III. Whirlwind
The build: cc first into hellion/cloak banshee (delayed 3rd)
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
go to 19 scv but build bunker asap (only one marine)
factory/2nd gaz /reactor [same opening than i game 3 vs hyun]
starport + tech lab (with the rax)
Cloak + banshee, tech lab + stim,
3 rd cc and stop hellion at 6 to build another reactor with the factory
8 min: 2 gaz and 2 ebay then 2 rax on the naked reactors
9 min: 2 other rax and a reactor on the factory for the starport (after the swap rebuilt a reactor on the facotry)
when the 2 first mine begin, build a factory on the remaining tech lab
IV. Derelict Watcher
The build: polt counter map control: reapers, hellions, viking into a 3 rd cc
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion then 2 mines)
starport, and one marine before tech lab
viking and stim (don't swap)
3 rd cc (7min 20)
2 ebay (8 min 20)
3 gaz at once
start reactor on starport after the 2 mines started
new reactor on factory and 2 rax
2 more rax (reactors) a new reactor on the factory for mines
armory and 2nd factory (11 min 30) [the armory should have started earlier]
Build: Reaper/hellion/banshee into marco bio/tank play
Same build that the game one vs goswer. He don't build the mines and the marines before the tech lab for stim.
Here are the classic timing:
The 3 and 4 gaz start at the same time than the 2 ebay (8 min 30)
rax 4/5 start at 10 min
He decided to go tank so he switch the factory on the tech lab of the starport
II. Belshir
Did a 2 rax 11/11, killed the hatch but lost to the baneling bust counter.
III. Whirlwind
The build: cc first into hellion/cloak banshee (delayed 3rd)
14 cc
15 rax
16 gaz
go to 19 scv but build bunker asap (only one marine)
factory/2nd gaz /reactor [same opening than i game 3 vs hyun]
starport + tech lab (with the rax)
Cloak + banshee, tech lab + stim,
3 rd cc and stop hellion at 6 to build another reactor with the factory
8 min: 2 gaz and 2 ebay then 2 rax on the naked reactors
9 min: 2 other rax and a reactor on the factory for the starport (after the swap rebuilt a reactor on the facotry)
when the 2 first mine begin, build a factory on the remaining tech lab
IV. Derelict Watcher
The build: polt counter map control: reapers, hellions, viking into a 3 rd cc
12/12 => 2 reapers
oc and the second depot
2nd cc (3min 55)
asap factory then reactor for swap (make 6 hellion then 2 mines)
starport, and one marine before tech lab
viking and stim (don't swap)
3 rd cc (7min 20)
2 ebay (8 min 20)
3 gaz at once
start reactor on starport after the 2 mines started
new reactor on factory and 2 rax
2 more rax (reactors) a new reactor on the factory for mines
armory and 2nd factory (11 min 30) [the armory should have started earlier]
EDIT: I have a huge problem of spoiler, I don't understand why (fixed)