This is "engine", the Koean GSL code-s commentator.
I came here to give you good news.
TheMarine(Ongamenet commentator)'s gonna open a tournament in HotS,
and he let me join in the game as a spectator and cast that tournament in English.
My channel is
Details are following.
Official name of the tournament : HSL ( 'HaebyunKim' Star League )
Members :
Terran : SuperNova, Maru, Hack
Zerg : Monster, Hyun, Lucky
Protoss : San, Oz
Rule and maps :
Ro8 : Bo3 in
[ Daybreak, Bel'shir Vestige, Cloud Kingdom ]
Semi Final, Final : Bo5 in
[ Neo Planet S, Daybreak, Akilon Wastes, Cloud Kingdom, Bel'shir Vestige ]
Time and Date :
Ro8 : 2013 / 3 / 14
7:00 PM (KST)
Match 1. Azubu San vs Maru Prime
Match 2. Azubu SuperNova vs FXO Lucky
Match 3. Oz vs MVP Monster
Match 4. Quantic Hyun vs StarTale Hack
Semi Final, and Final : 2013 / 3 / 15
7:00 PM (KST)
1. Match 1 winner vs Match 2 winner
2. Match 3 winner vs Match 4 winner
3. Final
If you want to watch this with TheMarine's Korean casting,
please come to
or If you want to watch this with Engine's English casting,
please come to
Let's enjoy the games of HotS !
can't wait.
see you tomorrow :D