Over a year ago, TeamLiquid sent out an open call to StarCraft II fans everywhere for their help in writing quality news on the professional scene. Unfortunately, this hapless editor had no idea what he was in for, and was immediately overwhelmed by the flood of attention from the international StarCraft II community. While all the applications were reviewed and writers were found, the process was all but smooth. Now that we've recovered and learned our lesson, it's time to open up the gates again.
Positions and Application Process
StarCraft II Writer: General
Description: Writers will be responsible for writing previews, recaps, features, and other written content for TeamLiquid's StarCraft II coverage. In the case of previews and recaps, it is crucial that they are written in a timely manner. Writers must be able to write both concisely and at length as required. The ability to recognize and develop narratives is also a must. Though the workload will vary depending on the tournament, writers will be expected to write at least the equivalent of three short recaps/previews each week. Tournaments with priority at present time are DreamHack, GSTL, IEM, Proleague and WCS with other tournaments being covered as manpower allows. Positions are not paid and are on a strictly voluntary basis. Passes for leagues covered will be provided.
Application Process: Send an application containing the following information to k.woo@teamliquid.net (Waxangel)
- Your TeamLiquid.net ID and Google Talk or Skype information. For coordination purposes, we require writers to use some form of instant messenger.
- Short introduction and relevant background information as it pertains to this position. Please do not send resumes unless they contain work experience relevant to this position.
- Preferred league or tournament to cover.
- Availability and desired workload.
- Applications are continuously open.
Two test writing assignments must also be completed.
- Tournament Recap (around 800 words) - Example 1 - Example 2 - Example 3
Write a concise recap on the events of a single day in a major tournament. This is NOT a battle report assignment. Try to tell an interesting story about the tournament and players as a whole, rather than listing the details of several matches. The above examples should be used as references, but the specific styles do not have be strictly adhered to. Any major tournament after July 1st, 2012 may be chosen as the subject. - Tournament Preview/"Hype" (around 800 words) - Example 1 - Example 2 - Example 3
Write a preview for an upcoming event or a specific match-up in an upcoming event. A variety of approaches are acceptable, ranging from purely narrative based "hype" to a very technical analysis based on the play styles of the players involved. The above examples should be used as references, but the specific styles do not have be strictly adhered to. Any upcoming tournament may be chosen as the subject.
StarCraft II Writer: Strategy
Description: Writers will focus on analyzing interesting or noteworthy StarCraft II games. A sound knowledge of high-level strategy and the ability to effectively convey that knowledge in writing are required. Writers must also be familiar with the professional metagame and watch a large body of matches as to be able to detect strategic patterns between games and over time. Writers must be able to produce content within a timely manner. The ability to recognize and develop narratives is also preferred. Writers will be expected to write one comprehensive analysis article every one to to two weeks. Positions are not paid and are on a strictly voluntary basis. Passes for leagues covered will be provided.
Application Process: Send an application containing the following information to 2forge1win@gmail.com (monk.)
- Your TeamLiquid.net ID and Google Talk or Skype information. For coordination purposes, we require writers to use some form of instant messenger.
- Short introduction and relevant background information as it pertains to this position. Include your race, gaming history, and level of skill. Though the primary criteria for selection will be writing ability, level of StarCraft II play will also be taken into consideration. Please do not send resumes unless they contain work experience relevant to this position.
- Availability and desired workload.
- Applications are open until January 31st.
Test writing assignments must also be completed. Please submit up to two articles analyzing games played in a major, professional league within the last three months. Take the following guidelines into consideration:
- Pick an "interesting" game: Choose a game that the general StarCraft II audience would find interesting, not just to someone with a high level understanding of the game. While it is possible to choose a technically intriguing but otherwise dull game, you must be able to clearly demonstrate why the game was interesting.
- Write in the perspective of your race: Write from the perspective of your race of expertise. Explain what decisions a player made to secure victory, or what mistakes were made that led to a loss.
- Do not write straight up battle report: A strategic analysis is not a long list of events in a game. While all write-ups will resemble battle reports in some ways, strategic articles must provide insight that is deeper than the immediately visible events of the game.
- Explain to your audience why your game is interesting: This is self explanatory. Even articles containing the most profound knowledge must be able to convince readers to read them.
Example articles:
- Morrow's analysis of MC vs Leenock is an ideal example of a strategic article. The Zerg player Leenock executes an unusual strategy while his opponent MC responds with excellent play. Morrow writes in a compelling and logical manner to explain why the game was noteworthy, and highlights excellent play that might be difficult to notice at first glance.
- Ver's God of the Battlefield Part 1 is a comprehensive analysis of the tactics used by Savior over large number of games. Ver identifies trends in Savior's play, carefully picking example games while clearly explaining why Savior's plays were significant at that time.
- monk.'s analysis of Rain vs. Parting shows the ability to develop a narrative in a technical, strategy-oriented piece.
- Geiko's analysis of HerO vs. Rain is able to highlight several small details in Rain's play, demonstrating why a seemingly one-sided game was a masterclass in contemporary Protoss vs. Protoss.