1. Connect on logmein, select either snipealot1 or snipealot3
2. Click 방송리스트 (SCREENSHOT) to extend the broadcaster list on the right
3. Search for the streamers ID, click search and then select the room that is NOT full (SCREENSHOT)
4. Click the 방송리스트 button from step 2 again to make the list on the right disappear.
5. Wait for the stream to load, then for the ad to load at the bottom, click the X to remove it.
6. Disconnect from logmein
New exciting times ahead.
Both snipealot2 have been updated with bot systems to manage the streams. Moderators will no longer be required to use logmein to change streamers. The following commands are available on the streams for all moderators:
!online - Lists the current known players online. This is a little bit bugged at the moment when ran through the snipe2 bot so it is being handled by my main computer(snipealot)
!setplayer - Changes the streamer based on their nickname. Example: "!setplayer killer" will change the stream to h78ert and set the overlay to "Killer"
!restartafreeca - This forces afreeca to close then boots it up again
!setmanual - Sets the stream to a manual id. Requires two parameters. Ex: "!setmanual cksgmldbs Mong" - This will change the stream to cksgmldbs with Mong as the overlay. Note: It would be a lot easier to just write "!setplayer mong" for the same effect. This command is for when there are no known streamers online.
!vote - This starts a vote taking 2-4 parameters. For when there are several players online and a moderator wants to poll the viewers for what they want to watch. Ex: "!vote killer hiya mong movie" - This will start a vote lasting 1 minute for these 4 players.
!setoverlay - Manually set the overlay
!commercial180 - These three commands run commercial breaks for respectively 60 - 120 and 180 seconds.
!setsonic - This command changes the stream to sonic, waits 60 seconds, then changes the stream to 4:3 and resizes the afreeca window to fit the screen capture area.
!fixpos - As we have had issues with the stream randomly resizing in the past, this command will force the afreeca window to fit the screen capture area.
!resetbot - Resets all variables and timers on the bot. Moderators should only use this if it has completely bugged out for more than 10+ minutes
!autoads - Only letting me set this seems a bit silly as we're in the experimental stages. All mods now have access to enable and disable the autoads system. This is so they can stop it if it starts bugging out and detecting in the middle of games for some reason, or so that they can restart it after a bot reset.
!startstream - This will start up obsproject, begin streaming, start up afreeca and load up sonic - then wait 1 minute and fullscreen the stream.
!restartafreeca - This forces afreeca to close then boots it up again.
!stopstream - Closes down afreeca and obsproject, ending the stream. As a safety precaution the mods will be required to write this command twice to end the stream.
!fixres - In the event that the stream has been resized wrong, too early or for some reason is two small/big for the stream - this command will restore and maximize the afreeca window to ensure that it is properly aligned for a sonic rebroadcast.
3 million views and 10 months of non-stop(ish) broodwar
Just posted a new blog entry going over the past 6 months and talking a little bit about the future.
In other news, more mods are needed - especially in the US/EU timeslots. Send me a pm here or on twitch with your twitch ID, skype ID and timezone if you want to help out

Thank you so much!
We've reached the goal of the donation drive

I've been thinking about making a new thread for a while now, a lot of information in the last thread is frankly outdated. This OP will serve as both a way to have transparency with the scbw community and a post moderators can use when they have problems.
Now, I just brought the new streaming computer online and it has several modifications to allow for higher uptime. From youtube vods during afreeca downtimes to rebroadcasting sonics stream when no players are on, January 2013 should bring you more bw content than you have seen before.
Please keep this thread drama free - if you have any complaints please PM me here on TL.
Note to all moderators, this is the new remote desktop view:
And this is the favorites list:
I just got partnership! Moderators that have been added to the editor team now have access to run commercials. Please run -1-(ONE) after a game, no more. Income is to be given to sospa/sonic in a not-yet-determined fashion. How to run commercials has been added to the moderator help / FAQ below.
Updated moderator help / FAQ:
+ Show Spoiler +
Q: How do I run commercials?
A: If you are added to the editor list on twitch you have access to the following webpage:
Click the "30s Commercial" button there. You can both watch the stream from there and chat. Please do not edit the title or the current game being played.
Refreshing this page will let you see when a commercial was last run.
Q: The streamer went offline.
A: 1 - Go to http://gametv.afreeca.com/broad/index.html
2 - Follow the instructions here to find a streamer: http://i.imgur.com/jadBJ.jpg
3 - Connect to the streaming computer using the logmein username and password.
4 - Click the '확인' button on the disconnected messagebox in the middle of the screen if there is one.
5 - Write the players afreeca ID in the search bar in the top right.
6 - Click the 검색(search) button
7 - Click the players stream in the search results
8 - Write the players name in the Player Name program and click "Save"
Q: The afreeca client has crashed, what do I do?
1 - Connect to the streaming computer using the logmein username and password.
2 - Click the taskmanager icon on the start bar and end the afreeca player process.
3 - Click the google chrome button on the start bar.
4 - On the right side of the main afreeca webpage(right above the login info on the right) there are three buttons. Blue1 - Blue2 - Green. Click the far LEFT blue button. It says '설치형 시청하기'.
5 - Afreeca should now be loading up - if only the left side(stream window) shows up, click the top button on afreeca that says '방송리스트' to get the stream list back.
Q: Obsproject crashed / The stream is not up at all.
A: Close down obsproject using the task manager - then start it up again and click start streaming. If you get an error wait a minute or two - it can take a bit of time for twitch to realize the stream crashed.
Q: The stream is not aligned properly.
A: 1 - Make sure that the streaming computer is using the afreeca standalone player, not the webplayer - then make sure the settings are correct for the following:
- On first person views everything should automatically align. Make sure the afreeca window hasn't been dragged out of position. It should be attached / aligned with the top left corner of the screen.
2 - If the stream still isn't aligned then someone has managed to resize afreeca. If perfect alignment is impossible with remote desktop, shutting the client down and restarting it should work. Shut down afreeca using task manager and proceed as if the stream has crashed.
Q: The stream is lagging.
A: Nothing can be done to fix it unless afreeca has frozen completely. If the lag goes on for a very long time, try to restart the afreeca client. Follow the same procedures as if it has crashed.
Q: People are talking chinese in chat.
A: Many viewers are chinese, it is just as viable as English.
Q: We are more than one moderator on who can't agree on what player that should be put on.
A: Player priority should be:
1. Evenly distributing of races that are shown. What races have been shown the past 12 hours? Go with the one that hasn't been on the stream today.
2. Afreeca viewer numbers. Priority should be on the 1v1 players who have the highest viewer numbers.
3. Afreeca stream start time. A player who has been on for 5 hours is much more likely to quit than one who got on 30 minutes ago. Look at the starting times before selecting a player.
4. If moderators still can't agree, ask real quick in chat and pick the one most people want to watch.
Q: There is no sound.
A: Make sure you are not delusional. Check in the chat with other viewers. If there are more people with the problem, make sure the sound on afreeca isn't muted.
Secondly check that the sound(not microphone please) is turned on in obsproject. Third, if there still is no sound(I have no idea why) just let it be and I'll check it when I wake up.
Q: I accidentally the computer/obsproject
A: Nothing to be done if you can't log in with log me in. If you can log in - try to shut down everything and start up: Obsproject, start streaming, then go to afreeca on google chrome and proceed as per usual. Worst case scenario if I'm not sleeping and nothing can be done, send an email to my phone: knuttiphone at gmail dot com
Q: I get an error when I try to load up a streamer
A: Click the stop button on the afreeca player and try again. If it still doesn't work, close down afreeca and load it up again through google chrome. Remember to load the standalone player!