Poll: 1st VetoTal'Darim Altar (162) 70% Entombed Valley (23) 10% Cloud Kingdom LE (11) 5% Condemned Ridge (11) 5% Ohana LE (8) 3% Antiga Shipyard (7) 3% Daybreak LE (4) 2% Shakuras Plateau (4) 2% 230 total votes Your vote: 1st Veto (Vote): Cloud Kingdom LE (Vote): Daybreak LE (Vote): Ohana LE (Vote): Antiga Shipyard (Vote): Entombed Valley (Vote): Tal'Darim Altar (Vote): Shakuras Plateau (Vote): Condemned Ridge
Poll: 2nd VetoEntombed Valley (92) 52% Shakuras Plateau (26) 15% Antiga Shipyard (17) 10% Condemned Ridge (13) 7% Tal'Darim Altar (12) 7% Ohana LE (8) 5% Cloud Kingdom LE (7) 4% Daybreak LE (2) 1% 177 total votes Your vote: 2nd Veto (Vote): Cloud Kingdom LE (Vote): Daybreak LE (Vote): Ohana LE (Vote): Antiga Shipyard (Vote): Entombed Valley (Vote): Tal'Darim Altar (Vote): Shakuras Plateau (Vote): Condemned Ridge
Poll: 3rd VetoShakuras Plateau (40) 28% Antiga Shipyard (34) 23% Condemned Ridge (25) 17% Entombed Valley (15) 10% Tal'Darim Altar (13) 9% Ohana LE (8) 6% Cloud Kingdom LE (6) 4% Daybreak LE (4) 3% 145 total votes Your vote: 3rd Veto (Vote): Cloud Kingdom LE (Vote): Daybreak LE (Vote): Ohana LE (Vote): Antiga Shipyard (Vote): Entombed Valley (Vote): Tal'Darim Altar (Vote): Shakuras Plateau (Vote): Condemned Ridge
Here are my veto choices:
Tal'Darim Altar Rocked 3rd, easy for P/T to blind counter 2 base play or set up an all-in at a far away 3rd if you pick that. No ramp makes ZvZ all about early game cheese.
Shakuras Plateau Bad for ZvT and ZvP due to chokes, middle, base distances, late game, etc. Pretty decent for ZvZ though sometimes a 3rd can be hard to hold.
Antiga Shipyard Bad for ZvT mostly, due to the close spawns, middle, and the problem of taking a 4th base.
These were my vetoes last season as well, actually. I like Entombed Valley despite close spawns and easy 3rd base for P/T, as it's simply a fun map that encourages a variety of games even though 3 base play is extremely common. Ohana is pretty bad due to how spread out all the bases are and the small map size. It has some rough chokes that really hurt zerg too. I wish Korhal tournament edition was added, as I actually really enjoy the LE of it and the modifications seem to make it even better. I haven't made up my mind about the new map, but given that the rocks are no longer at the third I am willing to give it a try as it looks different.
Here is the map pool for anyone needing it: Condemned Ridge Antiga Shipyard Cloud Kingdom Daybreak LE Entombed Valley Metropolis Ohana LE Shakuras Plateau Tal'Darim Altar LE
I am vetoing Tal'darim, Entombed, and maybe the new map. With new updates, I will give it a chance though.
Why would Zerg ever veto TDA? Its freewin every time you draw a ZvP on that map.. Its Muta heaven and Protoss needs half their tech tree to wall off. TDA Zerg forever!
I was wondering, isn't there also another map that is going to be removed? In the map pool update here, they say that they only want 8 maps in the ladder map pool, and they want to remove older maps. For this to work, they need to remove one unannounced map, probably Tal Darim Altar or Shakuras Plateau. In this logic, my map vetoes will probably be Entombed Valley(close positions :S), Tal Darim or Shakuras (or both if I have to, since they are old and I dislike the gameplay on Shakuras), and then most probably Condemned ridge, but I do have to give it a chance. Well, can't wait for new season!
veto taldarim, entombed, shakuras for me
On June 12 2012 12:06 Masvidal wrote: Why would Zerg ever veto TDA? Its freewin every time you draw a ZvP on that map.. Its Muta heaven and Protoss needs half their tech tree to wall off. TDA Zerg forever! As I said it's easy for protoss to blind counter 2 base (muta or infestor) play. It's a horrible map for ZvP.
On June 12 2012 12:06 ZealotKiller wrote:I was wondering, isn't there also another map that is going to be removed? In the map pool update here, they say that they only want 8 maps in the ladder map pool, and they want to remove older maps. For this to work, they need to remove one unannounced map, probably Tal Darim Altar or Shakuras Plateau. In this logic, my map vetoes will probably be Entombed Valley(close positions :S), Tal Darim or Shakuras (or both if I have to, since they are old and I dislike the gameplay on Shakuras), and then most probably Condemned ridge, but I do have to give it a chance. Well, can't wait for new season! Ah, this is a great point. I am expecting Tal'Darim to be removed out of all the maps, as most people don't seem to like it unless they love to 4gate in PvP.
Antiga for sure
Tal'darim most likely 2nd.
The rest I can deal with. Condemned Ridge looks manageable. Might even be a decent map.
I don't really mind the map pool at this point, although it's probably because I'm one of the few Protosses who apparently doesn't mind 4gate 1gas PvP on Tal Darim and hasn't gotten tired of the old maps yet ^^
I don't really care for Ohana though (especially because of the extra opening at the natural), so that'll probably be my only downvote (as Metalopolis is gone). Condemned Ridge looks just fine at the moment, but I haven't played on it yet so I'm not sure if there'll be anything key that I dislike about it.
Since I have an extra downvote, I might just get rid of Antiga just for the hell of it... for some reason I tend to have more trouble on that map than others ::shrugs:: I'd make that decision later on though.
I like Entombed and Shakuras. I just... do. Even if they're not blatantly Protoss favored in both non-mirror match-ups. I just like the layout of the map. I feel comfortable on them, and that's what matters to me
Im only vetoing one map as I like to play as many maps as possible. But Tal Darim is just way too frustrating to play.
It's so interesting to see how the meta changes. Two or three seasons ago, Tal'Darim and Shakuras were among the best zerg maps. I always have vetoed Tal'Darim and I remember having friends laugh at me for it because it was a good zerg map, now it's going to be the most vetoed zerg map (at least, that's likely).
Condemned, TDA and Metropolis
On June 12 2012 12:29 Torte de Lini wrote: Condemned, TDA and Metropolis It doesn't look like they're adding Metropolis in just yet. That map pool update may not be completely finalized yet, though, as another poster pointed out.
I'm not a fan of Condemned at all so I'm taking Entombed Valley off the veto list in favor of that. WOOPS just found out they removed the rocks
Condemned Ridge Shakuras Plateau
I always leave my third veto free so I can squelch a map that is coming up time after time. I think that TDA seriously sucks with the third and all but it's not the end of the world. -Oh yeah, Shakuras Plateau has always been a stupid map for anything except ZvZ in my experience.
I don't particularly like Ohana or close position enabled Antiga but I simply do not like playing zerg on Shakazulu or Condemned Ridge.
On June 12 2012 12:30 oOOoOphidian wrote:It doesn't look like they're adding Metropolis in just yet. That map pool update may not be completely finalized yet, though, as another poster pointed out.
Oh Thank God! I hate Metropolis!
TDA, Shakuras, Condemned.
Do people really think Antiga is better than Shakuras for Zergs?
I generally have more fun on Antiga than I do on Shakuras. I don't know how you define better but since I"m not aspiring to be a triple crown grandmaster progamer; I say Antiga is better than Shakuras.