Poll: Which unit would you most like to see removed?
Colossus (1057)
Marauder (181)
Roach (92)
Other (70)
Infestor (69)
Corruptor (39)
Mothership (23)
Banshee (22)
Carrier (18)
Nydus Worm (10)
1581 total votes
Marauder (181)
Roach (92)
Other (70)
Infestor (69)
Corruptor (39)
Mothership (23)
Banshee (22)
Carrier (18)
Nydus Worm (10)
1581 total votes
Your vote: Which unit would you most like to see removed?
(Vote): Colossus
(Vote): Roach
(Vote): Marauder
(Vote): Corruptor
(Vote): Mothership
(Vote): Nydus Worm
(Vote): Carrier
(Vote): Infestor
(Vote): Banshee
(Vote): Other
Since the beta, I've seen a lot of complaints from players that just seem to fundamentally dislike a certain unit. This can be for a variety of reasons - they think the unit is too powerful, or not fun to play with, or just creates boring/linear games and battles.
We all have our own pet unit that we love to hate, that we wish would just go away and be replaced with something newer and cooler. For a lot of people, this would be the "a-move units" (roach, marauder, colossus, etc.) For myself, as a Zerg player, I can't stand the Infestor because I think its skills aren't interesting enough for the primary Zerg caster. It's less fun to use Fungal Growth than a skill like Psionic Storm, which places big micro demands on both players.
This isn't meant to be a suggestion to Blizzard specifically, but rather an examination of how people feel about the units in SC2. We're still early in the life cycle of SC2, so a lot of these changes could still come to pass, as Blizzard has stated they're willing to outright cut a unit from an expansion if it isn't playing well. However, please provide reasons for why you want this unit removed.
Also, please don't turn this into a balance whine thread! Disliking a unit because of game design is just as valid as because of reasons of balance.