A: Pause the stream for a couple of seconds, then click play. If that doesn't work. Close the stream entirely and re-open it. Q: GOM TV stream won't open for me. What do I do?
A: DL the latest version of GOM. Make sure you've enabled the Live stream feature GOM require you to. If nothing else. Click on the Link below the stream Link above the FAQs. Q: I'm watching the same stream as everybody else but it seems like I'm behind all the time. What'S up?
A: GOM streams tend to lag for some reason, therefore when the casters go on break and come back (cause u need to be able to hear to know if you're fast forwarding or not), hit "c" on your computer to fast forward. U should keep hitting "c" until you reach around 2.0x or 3.0x. When you hear the noises start to skip, then hit "z" to return back to 1.0x Speed. Do this every time because it never stops lagging Q: I bought the GSL ticket but I can't watch GSTL HQ?
A: GSTL is not included in the package. You have to buy the tickets separately
FXO fighting! I'm not so invested in this match, more so in the one tomorrow. I'm wondering who Startale will have to face next week. With that being said, SlayerS seems to be slipping lately in both their individual players and their team league performance. They seemed like such a solid team for so long, I wonder if the roster shuffles has anything to do with it?