Not just his micro, but Jaedong's tactics with his mutas were excellent. Fantasy at this time was more into the trend than most terrans of sending an early infantry group to intercept the mutas in their first flight to his main. Jaedong got a couple nice shots off but more important got a double stim out of Fanta, making that group vulnerable. Instead of capitalizing right away by trying to slaughter that group in the center, he takes advantage of the map with what might've been a pre-planned tactic by, having lured the marines as far from Fantasy's main by ground and as close by air as he could, ran straight past the turrets into his mineral line. Critically, Fantasy didn't stop to heal up when he turned that marine group around, and by the time they get home to defend, they're still double stimmed, which, already fighting in the awkward position of the middle of his mineral line, Jaedong was able to easily exploit. At the end, Jaedong actually takes out his first comsat just as Fanta is making a desperate push, causing him to suicide his marines into a usually unthreatening number of lurkers.