To anyone who wasn't just following that ridiculously epic thread about voting for Glider, you missed an awesome community experience - but to those who were there, I was the dude posting the graphs. My original reason for keeping this data was to analyse WTF went wrong after the fact because things were looking qutie grim a few hours ago, but we won!! As long as YouTube don't pull a fast one on Glider on the 19th when they announce, we shouldn't need it at all. Nevertheless, I'm making it available just in case, and for those who would like a closer look to maybe understand or try to reverse engineer what exactly was going on with those votes from the opposition.
DOWNLOAD LINK: [url blocked]
UP TO 4PM @5min Sampling
4PM - 5PM @1min Sampling Note the gap represents only a little bit of data removed because it presented as an outlier on the ratio plot and skewed the axis ridiculously. It's available in the spreadsheet though.
10mins @15s Sampling
I hope it's okay for me to make this thread, I just figured it might be better to be easily available rather than having to search through all the hundreds of "FUCK YEH!!! WE RULE" posts towards the end of the main one, lol. I'd also suggest though that all theories and discussion of botting / data analysis be kept to this thread? And if there is any other data people have collected (I saw a few people putting good stuff out there but I was too busy with the graph sampling to do much else), I'll edit it into the OP
In the face of cheating or not though, we won! Congratulations to Glider and the Sc2 community abroad. I only came into this scene with the launch of Sc2 so I'm relatively new here but it's true what everyone says - this is the nicest community there is. Absolutely unbelievable effort guys. What a great day :D
I voted! Awesome guy, he really deserves the feature; also, how big of a deal is getting featured for a day on youtube anyway--i mean, I had never even heard of this before I saw glider's blog.
Ok, so for those who weren't following the thread, take a look at the "Growth Ratio by 5 Minute Interval" graphs (4-5 shows it the best). This shows that the votes for JenniferESL seem to mirror the votes for ThePortraitArt fairly closely. On top of that, people refreshing the page noticed that Jennifer's votes seemed to move up in groups of 50 votes at a time, where Glider's seemed o be moving up fairly normally by a couple votes at a time. This lead most people to believe that someone was botting votes for Jennifer.
On December 13 2011 10:28 CrazyF1r3f0x wrote: I voted! Awesome guy, he really deserves the feature; also, how big of a deal is getting featured for a day on youtube anyway--i mean, I had never even heard of this before I saw glider's blog.
He gets featured for a month. Think about the millions of people that go to youtube everyday and i'm sure you'll realise why its such a big deal.
Edit: Actually getting mixed answers for how long he gets featured >.<
After about 40k votes for the Jennifer ESL thing, I was getting really suspicious. Her subscriber base isn't particularly large and she kept somehow managing to keep up with our community's votes. Anyways, good work everyone and grats to Glider!
On December 13 2011 10:28 CrazyF1r3f0x wrote: I voted! Awesome guy, he really deserves the feature; also, how big of a deal is getting featured for a day on youtube anyway--i mean, I had never even heard of this before I saw glider's blog.
He gets featured for a month. Think about the millions of people that go to youtube everyday and i'm sure you'll realise why its such a big deal.
Edit: Actually getting mixed answers for how long he gets featured >.<