Hello Fellow TL'ers, I'm posting this demonstration today of a micro tactic which I discovered in one of my games today. I searched all around TL.net and YouTube and found nothing like it, so I figured I'd make a video and share it with all of you.
Video Overview: By setting your stalkers in a concave formation, and using the minimap to blink them as opposed to the main screen, you can maintain a concave while blinking, instead of having the units ball up on you.
The video explains how to perform a concave blink, as well as showing a positive outcome against Siege Tanks as opposed to standard blinking.
Adding this post to the OP because I felt it was relevant.
On July 20 2011 21:59 SheffiTB wrote: Guys, the concave blinking doesn't work because you're using the minimap. There is a certain maximum range that the blink can move the stalkers. If you click somewhere closer than max range, the stalkers will clump up, but if you click further away (even on the main screen) they will retain their shape. It's the distance away from the stalkers that you click at that matters, and since he is using the minimap, the distance is obviously larger than the max blink distance. Try it; make a game vs AI on an open map, make some blink stalkers, arrange them in a concave, then use the mainscreen to blink the stalkers, while making sure you are telling them to blink as far away as possible. They will retain their concave. Using the minimap is just more convenient.
Edit 7/20/11: Wow guys... Page one reddit(Starcraft). Thanks! This community is truly amazing at getting the word out. ¤_¤ You all rock!
O_O this make me very sad as a TvP Mech player. Sick find. Heres a better application. Patrol your stalkers. This spreads them out. Then Concave Blink them into tanks.
I've been fairly impressed with the results. Though, to be honest, I don't think this will have practical use, except around the 9 minute mark if you went only stalker heavy (there's an awful lot of APM to spend during a fight, force fields, templars, watching your colossi...) Anyway, improving this timing window is still great!
4:50 :
...mainly Teamliquid.net. Great site, if you haven't heard of it, go check it out!
it feels like the 16 stalkers vs 8 siege tanks without conclave blinking would of done a lot better if you didn't just move command them at the end. It felt like during that they could of done 2 volleys of attacks.
Good finding.. but when you think about it it's pretty obvious, how i didn't think of it earlier? Obviously when you clip on the minimap, the stalkers blink to the farthest the can go.. and because of that they mantain their initial position, or that is what I think.
maybe it works because when you blink by clicking on a point on the map the stalkers all try to blink towards that specific location but when you click on the minimap they are blinking towards that general direction which keeps the concave.
On July 20 2011 10:45 Gattaca.usa wrote: maybe it works because when you blink by clicking on a point on the map the stalkers all try to blink towards that specific location but when you click on the minimap they are blinking towards that general direction which keeps the concave.
That is correct.
The thing that intrigues me is application toward whole army. What if you A-move at the other side of the minimap, your concave would be much better versus amoving on top of their army. Right?
On July 20 2011 10:16 GinDo wrote: O_O this make me very sad as a TvP Mech player. Sick find. Heres a better application. Patrol your stalkers. This spreads them out. Then Concave Blink them into tanks.
Wouldn't that just be "Spread Blink" or Patrol + "Edge-of-minimap blink" instead of concave blink? And in the end wouldn't the stalkers at the back just come closer to the tanks and end up hugging all the other stalkers again causing the annoying ball again?