MOD EDIT: Blue post on the matter: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2580698045#1
Due to an issue with the Grandmaster league we’ve temporarily locked league reassignments. This means that all ranked games are correctly awarding (and subtracting) points, all changes to player’s internal matchmaking rating continue to be made, but the ability to be promoted/demoted to a different league is temporarily on-hold. When this lock is released, the next win will process the correct standing and any league reassignments will be carried out as they would have.
We currently have a hotfix for the Grandmaster issue in testing, and expect it to be implemented very soon. Once the fix is in and verified the lock will be removed and league standings will continue as normal. We’ll make another announcement at that time.
It’s important to note, again, that your games played now continue to count toward your standing and a possible league reassignment.
^ This means don't stop playing games just because the leagues are locked you dumb faces! Your games are not getting lost!
All regions are unlocked (unlock occurred on May 25).
EDIT: Ladder is locked
David Kim (dayvie) has also said to some people that the ladder is indeed locked due to a bug.
Original post: Hello, i was wondering if anyone is experiencing what i am?
I'm high plat, playing vs high masters, no rank up. I know what you're thinking, just keep playing and you will rank up eventually.
Well me and my friend are smurfing on other accounts. In 2v2 we lost all 5 of our matches so we could be placed in bronze. We've been doing 3 roach rush w/ speedlings and we have won ALOT of games, like 95% win ratio
We are still in bronze and we are playing high diamond / master teams.
Also, i took some quotes from the battle.net forums.;;
+ Show Spoiler +As noted in the patch notes, some players were being disconnected when they tried to view certain leagues and ladders pages. As a temporary fix, Blizzard set those pages to display, "Not yet ranked", instead of the actual page. However, as a side effect of this temporary fix, players who were affected can no longer be promoted at least from platinum to diamond. As evidence, I am rank 1 in platinum by 200+ points for 2 weeks, have won 15 games in a row against diamond and master players, most of them high diamond. Blizzard has promised to fix the grandmaster viewing issue in the next patch, but I don't know if they are aware of the promotion bug.
+ Show Spoiler +This is definitly a bug, I know a few people stuck in plat and gold, playing all master league. There is no promotion, this is 100% glitch that NEEDS to be fixed.
+ Show Spoiler + I am also having the same problem with my 4's. we are in bronze. rank 1. we vs. Diamond/master teams. we win all the time. and no promotion.
Also ive been hearing stories of people in diamond or whatever trying to derank to bronze (portrait farmers, want to try new race etc) and losing 50+ games on purpose with no derank.
I didn't see a post of this, i searched and stuff. is this a known bug? or am i just dumb and missing something completely?
if u have a winning row u need to loose some games as well for promotion
Your MMA needs to settle before you get reranked
Because the system is not confident in your rating.
... I don't think it's a bug. Promotions and demotions take a long time to happen.
Russian Federation676 Posts
cant u just play not caring for your rating?? lol its not MMA its MMR, gm.toss. u get suitable opponents, what else wud u need
Ironically, the system works like this: If you win too much, you can't get promoted. You won't get promoted until your new MMR has been balanced out so that the game know where to re-place you. If you're on a 15 winstreak vs Master Players etc, just keep playing. You will get ranked against players with higher and higher MMR. Eventually, you'll start losing. After you've lost a few games, the system will now be able to see where your new MMR lies. Knowing that you've improved isn't enough for a promotion. It has to know HOW MUCH you've improved. For example: I was placed in Plat in my 2v2Random after 5-0. I then went on to get 18-1, and was still in Plat, even though I got matched with players who still are around top 300 in EU (1v1). Then, I lost two games in a row, so I had 18-3. Got into Diamond. Won 2 more, lost 2 more: Masters. Solution: Just keep playing until you get defeated a few times. If you still don't get promoted, THEN it might be some sort of glitch, but not before that.
Hope that helped.
It is definitely locked to the people replying, you should try looking into the situation instead of giving vague one liner advice about the ladder system that everyone is aware of. i have a smurf i got off a friend that i have now played close to 100 games mostly vs diamond players now. I would have been promoted at least up a league by now.
I did the same thing to another account and it promoted up multiple leagues as i went along the course of about 30 games, im easily over a 100+ on this account.
A lot of reports on bnet forums, also you cannot derank either based off the experiences of portrait farmers (lol)
same thing happening to me top diamond for like a month(1v1) playing against all middle to high masters win like 70% of the time still diamond ><
I'd quit if i lost to a gold or plat while in masters...
Yeah I've been sitting atop diamond for while going 50% vs mid masters and no promotion. Not sure if it a bug or just it's been purposefully difficult, but i've certainly taken notice
We're experiencing a similar thing over on SEA server as well. Our GM league isn't even filled up either, there's like 13 empty spots that aren't being re-allocated. I'm assuming it's a bug that will be fixed in the next patch update on tuesday (fingers crossed)
Having trouble going from Plat to diamond on SEA currently also and beiting lots of top 5 diamonds... Nothing concrete though
Same here. #1 platinum on EU, almost 100 points more then #2. Playing almost only (top) diamond and winning 50%-60% of that. Heck, I even was matched vs a Master League player the other day (lost though, but still).
There seems to be a problem with promotion.
I've been seeing a similar thing also on EU.
It's probably easier to disprove than it is to prove - is there anyone here who actually has been promoted in the last few days?
On May 20 2011 17:46 Morphs wrote: Same here. #1 platinum on EU, almost 100 points more then #2. Playing almost only (top) diamond and winning 50%-60% of that. Heck, I even was matched vs a Master League player the other day (lost though, but still).
There seems to be a problem with promotion.
your case is a good example that the system is working: 1. points dont matter in regards to promotion 2. you play top diamond with 50-60% = you are where you belong too 3. you got matched once vs. master so you had a win streak maybe (or the master a losing) and lost -> the systems now knows your not ready for master as you still lose vs. lower end master player
just keep cool and play because its fun not for beein promoted ...
Yea I met a Master level zerg trying to derank himself on the ladder (3 games in a row, apparently we were the only ones on at 5 am ) He lost like 60 games and was playing against silver/bronze players but he still days later is only in diamond.
Dunno whats up with rank/derank.
Hmm, was placed into Diamond from last season and then won my placements and 5 straight games and got placed into Masters, not so sure about the requirement that you have to lose..., perhaps in some cases its true?
I don't think everyone is bugged, but something has happened lately where some people and teams are playing way out of their leagues (bronze playing against diamond...etc) and not being demoted or promoted. Wonder if that hotfix actually is the problem.
I've been trying to farm up my 2v2, currently in silver league playing platinum and diamonds with 75% win rate but no promotion.