![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/disciple/MFK/article_banner2a.jpg)
Banner by disciple.
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/disciple/MFK/foreword_copy.jpg)
In the Korean scene, there are more high level players than the ones you see in GSL. However, we don't often hear about these players due to language barriers. GSL is the premier Starcraft 2 tournament, yet at the end of the day it is only but one tournament in Starcraft 2,
Korean players have been invited to participate in various tournaments with the prize pool ranging from hundreds to thousands. Yet these Koreans are the ones who have set a mark upon GSL and GSTL. We rarely see less prominent players getting featured in the foreigner scene. I aim to change that.
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/disciple/MFK/min.jpg)
![[image loading]](/staff/b_unnies/Photos/Min_1.jpg)

![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/disciple/MFK/interview_copy.jpg)
![[image loading]](/staff/b_unnies/Photos/Min_2.jpg)
Q. Tell us a bit about yourself and your gaming history in StarCraft 2 so far.
My name is Hwang Do Hyung and my ID is

Although I worked hard trying to get into SKT1, my family was economically challenged at the time. I got out of the team and worked hard to make some money; however along came SC2 Beta and eventually

Q. Why did you choose Zerg as your main race rather than Terran or Protoss?
I used to play Zerg in SC1 and I hated the overpowered Terran and Protoss. I started SC2 as a Terran. When I played T, my win/loss ratio was amazingly high and even made it to the Qualifier Finals twice. At the time, Zerg players were in a very difficult period and were struggling. I then came across this article on a SC2 forum talking about Zerg players on higher ranks. It described them as rising up from hell. I loved the expression "rising up from hell" and I also had affection for Zerg from SC1. Therefore I switched to Zerg, however after switching I lost 1000 points on ladder.
Q. You mentioned that

I was already pretty interested in Team SlayerS before I got in, however when the team was recruiting, my ladder rank went down from 50th to 2000th. At first I couldn't ask

Q. What do you think about life in Team SlayerS?
There are 3-4 former SC1 progamers in the house and they all agree that the team has the most ideal system and infrastructure for housing progamers. Life in the facilities and communication between players and coaches are both great. Besides these great qualities, the sense of unity shared among all members of the team is especially outstanding. I guess this sense of unity enabled us to win the GSTL after only 2 months after the team was formed.
In each of the bedrooms, there are three bunkbeds so 6 people live in the same room. The team staff change our beds around from time to time team to get all the players to know each other better. During the weekends, we have some free time. I use these times to see my friends and my family.
On weekdays, we often go to a nearby soccer field and play soccer together. When we first played soccer, most of us didn't have enough stamina to play a lot, but now we have gotten a lot better. Even though we are not that great, I think we can kick the ass of most of the other progaming teams.. Plus,

Q. What's the practice schedule like for you in Team SlayerS?
As I play Zerg, I don't spend time making special tactics, rather I practice heightening my senses to predict and read the opponent. Besides general practice, we play soccer during the morning or after dinner. We also spend a lot of time talking about SC2 with each other and I think this communication between the team helps make my skills a lot better. I can understand P's and T's strategies and use it against them to win games. However we don't really have a fixed amount of time that we talk with each other as the conversations are pretty sporadic occurring at all times of the day. As we are all dedicated to SC2, simply talking about it refreshes us from the pressure we get from the fierce competition.
Q. How do you feel about the GSTL win and how did your team work to win the GSTL?
I think that SlayerS is just like the basketball team Shohoku High School in the Slam Dunk manga. During the 2nd GSTL, we were widely accepted as the weakest team in the competition just like Shohoku team was perceived very lowly by the public. However we didn't really care about the public perceptions of team. We played amazing every game in the GSTL and most of the members of the team weren’t even Code A at the time. Yet at the GSTL, many of our team fought really well against Code S players on teams like for example oGs. Despite all the negative perceptions of our team, we still won the tournament.
Our team practices far longer than the other teams and we were very confident in our skills. Players were assigned a map and we would play 30-40 games a day on the maps. All members of the team also analyzed each of the opponent’s team members style and favorite strategies.
I want my foreign fans to watch my first game on GSTL vs

Q. Do you have any rivalries in the progaming scene or in your team?

Q. Recently you lost in the GSL Code A RO16 to

The series gave me a big confidence boost as it showed me that I was able to almost take the series from one of the best players in the world. I learnt a lot from the last game such as although it's OK to show off be careful not to mis-micro your army. I learnt my lesson that I'm going to play a lot more stable from now on. By stable I don't mean less aggressive but less mis-micro so I won't do that kind of mistake ever again. I view myself as a man of my words so I will never disappoint my fans like that ever again. I will show the result of this lesson via future GSL games.
Q. Recently in ZvP, Zergs have been using a 2 base 8 Roach and mass Zerglings build vs 3 gate Sentry expand, what do you think about this strategy?

Q. The tank with bio support push is a prevalent TvZ strategy, how do you try and deal with this strategy?
I'll tell you how I did it against

Q. A common complaint about mirror matchups is that it's too luck based. How do you feel about this in ZvZ?
I don't agree with them. I think ZvZ is more of a skill based matchup than ZvT or ZvP since both players have exactly same units and same starting point. I get more angry when I lose a ZvZ match. However I know a lot of people who think mirror matchups are luck-based, but I think a great player makes his own luck. I am very confident about my ZvZ skills and I am l looking forward to playing ZvZ on a televised match in the near future.
Q. This year GSL has been making more maps, what do you think about the GSL and ladder maps?
Generally speaking, small maps are for people who prefers BO and strategy-oriented games, whereas larger maps are for people who prefers macro games. That's why most Code S players like

Of course, smaller maps should also be represented in the map pool for the viewers that prefers shorter, micro-oriented games. However, at the end of the day, bigger maps are better for evaluating a player's skill level and I love bigger maps. My favorite map is Tal'Darim Altar. However my least favorite map is Delta Quadrant. I always feel so powerless on that map and I can't do really do anything on that map.
Q. How much do you know about Teamliquid.net and the foreigner scene?
Of course, I know about the team and the website, however I don't visit it often due to my lack of English and I'm sincerely sorry about that. I'm also very interested in the foreign scene as we have all seen from the last world championship hosted by GOMTV. There really isn't a skill-level difference between Koreans and Foreigners. The skills of foreign players have gotten a lot better compared to SC1. I've played against

Q. What do you think about SC2's growth in Korea?
I think it's doing pretty well. Since it's very interesting and fascinating, I think there is still huge potential yet to be developed. However, it's not getting enough media coverage yet and I don't think SC2 is maximizing his potential. I would be happier if there are as much media-coverage in SC2 as there is in SC1.
Q. Any last comment you want to say to TL?
In my life, I have always been dreaming of a chance to make somebody shed tears of intense emotions because of my work. I am a progamer. I will make my goal a success through constant practice and preparation. I don't want to be known as an average progamer. One day, I want to be somebody someday. Someone who isn't easily forgotten by people, but someone that people can remember for a long long time. I want my foreign fans to watch me craft beautiful games. I will not let you down.
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/disciple/MFK/replay.jpg)
![[image loading]](/staff/b_unnies/Photos/Min_3.jpg)
In GSL Code A, RO16 Game 2 vs IMMvp, Min lost to 2 barracks bunker rush. Min wants to prove to the world that he learns from his mistake by showing a win against this strategy versus Ensnare.
Credit goes to NosRainyDays (Nicholas Seo) for helping to translate for SlayerSMin