I played a valiant PvP against another protoss. But this caught me offguard.
Stargate. I pushed into his base with a pretty strong chargelot/collossus army. I saw that he didnt have that much so I went for it. He held it off with the help of his void rays. I then proceeded to macro up and make some void rays myself. I went to go engage one of his expansions when his army came. At first I thought I would have the fight, but then...
Then mothership came.
It vortex'd my entire army. How can anyone stop this? Any tips on my macro or scouting? Not sure what I can do better here when the other guy can simply make a mothership and win no matter what.
Sorry, I'm not sure about this, but can't you Feedback a Mothership? Plus they're ridiculously slow. If it's a long macro game you should be able to just avoid attacking directly into it until you get one of your own, or can keep doing hit n' runs on his expos. Sorry I'm not home and can't watch the replay, but I have rarely had a game where a Mothership was the determining factor, they're just too slow and easily sniped IMO.
for a start motherships take forever to build and you should be able to scout it, particularly now that you're not gonna be caught off guard by it.. i'd have thought stalkers and voids work well, and you can always follow voids with a mothership of your own!
If it is very, very late game PvP, you need a Mothership too, you can spread your units but it makes engaging him very difficult, especially if he starts sniping your observers (suiciding blink stalkers for them). When he has a Mothership and you don't, it becomes like attacking into a siege line, the onus is on you to control your army correctly, if you screw up then you will lose. It becomes pretty interesting though when you both have a mothership
On February 24 2011 10:47 lolitsme wrote: tl;dr learn to scout and spread your units.
gold league scrub.
Stop being an asshole and explain it properly you fucktard.
Back to topic: If you see mothership, ONE high templar is enough to render it useless by simply feedback that huge airship. Get couple observers and research observer speed. And about spreading, 50% of Masters never spread, don't see it necessary if he is in below Masters... except against ghosts
300/200 for fleet beacon + 400/400 for moship is a ridiculous investment. You should punish him for using his resources like that, and abuse the relatively large timing window you have.
Generally chargelots and colossi have trouble hitting air units, and just like viking wars in tvt if you start voids after the other player you're going to be behind. Make stalkers for AA along with your VRays.
As for scouting, use observers (like 3 or 4, not just 1) and when you see the mothership check its energy.
if it has enough for vortex try to avoid said vortex or blink under it to his army so if he vortexes you, he gets vortexed as well. Another idea would be to throw your whole army in there instead of letting half of it fight and half sit in nowhere :s
Thanks for the advice guys. It's my first time seeing a mothership in a game so I was extremely caught off guard. I'll try my units around, but I don't really see how it's possible.
His army engaged first with the mothership coming in afterwards. So our armies were fighting and then in a split-second the mothership appeared from behind and vortex'd as soon as it got in range. How can I spread my units out here? If some get vortexed and a fraction of my army is left out, wouldn't his army just obliterate mine?
yeah I know it's a rare situation, but seems like if he has a mothership and even if i have a mothership. just who ever gets the vortex first wins. this seems pretty crazy to me.
Prepare for every scenario, no matter how unlikely. Momma ships are rare, but you need to be prepared mentally not to panic.
With Z, I immediatly spam corruptors, and bank larva like a boss. there is a high probability there's an Archon Toilet on teh way, and my army is about to get roflstomped. I, as Zerg, need to be ready A.S.A.P to remax and engage him at HIS BASE, not mine, not in the middle of the map, but HIS base.
This gives me BARELY enough time to remax and strike back at a zero energy momma ship.
If some get vortexed and a fraction of my army is left out, wouldn't his army just obliterate mine?
yes true, which is why you should move your whole army into the vortex so he cant fight half your army at a time. UNLESS he has archons OR 3+colossi. When a vortex pops effectively all of the units that were in the vortex are in the same location and slowly spread out, if there are units that do splash damage (archons/colossi) you are screwed because ALL the units in the vortex will take the damage. So be very careful when judging whether its worth jumping in the vortex.